What do you think of this whole 4channel split board shit?

What do you think of this whole 4channel split board shit?

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I dont see any difference. Then again im a mobilefag. Also sauce?

very slightly annoying since I can't get back to red boards from 4channel with a single click

otherwise it's exactly the same, people kept freaking out about nothing

it's just the hip reddit now

I think white women are MADE for black men.

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Is there a reason for it? Will blue boards stay on Jow Forums?

i cant even post lewds on the other side. Fuck gook moot
it goes deeper than that. Modship got worse on blue boards like /a/

Link to this I Remember user linked it in another thread

Sure, user.




>Is there a reason for it

It's advertising. Having a domain just for SFW content means they can attract better advertising for it rather than niche hentai shit.

Avira says I shouldn't browse
>tfw you can't shitpost on /co/ anymore without installing keyloggers and botnets

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gook moot wasn't satisfied with ad revenue so he made the split to attract more

Do you mean worse as in the mods are slow? Because i love that

Jesus Christ if i was a cute girl or a well passing trap at least i would do that to every hung black guy out there. Also rim their assholes all day.

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Some guys like to be bred too you know...

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Please somebody send out the nukes. We don't deserve to exist as a species anymore.

>it's exactly the same
It won't be for long.

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It really has nil effect to me whatsoever.

Is it just me or i literally noticed no difference whatsoever other than the webpage name being different?

What would they do? Ban more often?

It's buggy. I have two thread watches now.

To be honest Jow Forums has been nothing but a detriment to the minds of young people for far too long now. It's time it got purged.

If you are a: lolicon, homosexual, gore or bestiality loving fag or a fetishist, sicko of any kind then just move on. You always were and will be a minority in the real world, but the site you founded and helped start off (Jow Forums) has become far too popular and it's just helping create more sickos. As someone's who realizes the darkness that Jow Forums has shown me over the years and realizes the damage, I think it's better to let the younger generations live in ignorance. Think of the children.

>we should censor the internet
>THInk Of ThE ChIlDrEn!!!!1!1

We should censor you. WIth my penis.

No one is censoring the internet. Just the mainstream places. Just go somewhere more underground. Jow Forums is Facebook now. Move on.

>think of the children
you're literally a waste of air

Unless the moderation on 4channel gets worse then literally nothing changes other than the domain. But since hiro seems hellbent on making 4channel a "safe" place for advertisers I could see it happening.

no worse as mods and jannies are working overtime to delete any offensive thread

you're literally a degenerate. sorry you had a bad upbringing.

Only made people post more porn on /v/.

>think of the children
>just stop doing what you do and do what we do instead
It's pretty scary since I am convinced that there are people thinking like that and the worst part is

they miss out on all the fun degeneracy

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Animal species are gayer

I'm a filthy phone poster because I don't get to use a computer on weekdays but it depresses me somehow.