Any1 eslse schizo here?

Any1 eslse schizo here?

Attached: diagnoza.jpg (1017x669, 52K)

i might be schizo but at least i'm not polish phew

Fucc u too

okay i apologize for what i said user. i realize i was wrong. please forgive me i love pierogi

Ohh its fine

diagnosed schizo here. how are you doing fellow schizanon

According to my medical papes i have schizoid personality disorder/undifferentiable schizophrenia

Hi, im doing okay-sh I guess, sometimes voices and paranoia. Wish u all good

likewise user. hope you're having a wonderful immigrant-free day

I wish you the best as well. I sometimes wonder tho if i really have it, since i don't hallucinate/have paranoia (okay, maybe a bit of paranoia, but not tinfoil hat level)

Schizo affective user reporting in.
I may be going back to the loony bin later

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I wish i were a schizo so I would have at least a justification for being a loser

Stuck with the winner/loser dichotomy heh? How can you be a loser when you got nothing to lose?

no, thank g0d

>Stuck with the winner/loser dichotomy heh?
It's natural in the human mind to classify people with loser/winner

> How can you be a loser when you got nothing to lose?
I'm a loser becasue i'm not a winner, aka I didn't achieve anything in life unlike everyone around me

Ive been hospitalized 5 times, wish u all good user

Yeah if you dont register competition its because you are too scared to care about something.

What were the first symptoms of schizophrenia that you noticed? Just beginning to find out that seeing and feeling bugs everywhere, hearing voices and sounds in the silence and having trouble thinking is a bad sign.

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Here's a question I've always wondered that schizos may answer. When the voices started did you know you were schizo? If so did that help?

Like usually it always seems like diagnosed schizos don't seem to realise they're schizo.

I've been diagnosed early and I don't hear voices yet. Schizo ppl usually deny their illness at some point.

>Schizo ppl usually deny their illness at some point
i wonder if it's because of actually being schizo or because schizophrenia is always misconstrued as just hearing voices

The document in the background has a weird glow to it, suggesting that it may have be taken from a monitor.
The lack of a shadow from your phone further suggests that notion, but even if the light source is at an angle where your phone doesn't produce a shadow, that explanation is in doubt since those two black smudges on the edge of your timestamp could possibly be shadows from your fingers.

How does being a schizo work? just curious, fairly certain I'm not schizo. According to wikipedia it's very trippy.

I'd definitely say the second. It's often shown in media as the first symptom as well.

The paranoia, also delusional ideas like Messiah complex and such.

I have severe schizophrenia, PTSD and autism

Where tf is my schizophrenia?
I've been waiting like an edgy kid for years.

>tfw no polish schizo bf

why do i have this darn slav fetish
and why do i have this darn mental illness fetish

Jak to jest?

The 25-10 years decrease in life expectancy is fucking ridiculous. All the other mental illnesses just seem like a meme in comparison.

Powodzenia z siecia szpitali psychiatrycznych dzialajacych jak wiezienia

Mordo powies sie, wyjdzie ci na lepsze

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>25-10 years decrease in life expectancy
really? is it because of suicide

this, stress, less chance of getting a sustainable job. Basically full "f u" package

Partly suicide but apparently mostly poor physical health.

I can promise you I'd be dead if guns were easily accessible in this country.

>doesn't know that since serbia n' shit there are shitload of kalashnikovs on polish black market

15my of abilify is quite a lot, I hope it helps.

Just don't google tardive dyskinesia.

Mother is Polish but inherited schizo genes from German father.
Schizotypal personality disorder

>hearing voices and sounds in the silence and having trouble thinking is a bad sign.
I have these and I am schizotypal

I'm schizophrenic too and I take 15mg abilify and it makes it so all my symptoms go away. My disease has been in recession for two years. I had one flair up and my family noticed it before it got too bad and I told my doctor and he gave me another medicine to take as needed.

So yeah, the reason so many schizos kill themselves is they don't comply with their treatment program/don't have access to healthcare. Nobody IRL even knows I'm schizo besides my family.

I never had audible voices but yes I did assume I was schizo. In fact I was 16 years old, had read about schizophrenia and assumed I was becoming schizophrenic. I contacted the psychiatric ward myself.

If you know your experiences are not real it's called pseudohallucinations and quasi-psychosis.

No. I was forced to take medicine. Only then did I look back on my delusions and think.. "wait a second.. that didn't make sense". It's tough to deal with.

Fellow schizos, are you friendless and virgins?
I am both.

I have friends online and I'm not a virgin

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My best friend is skitzo but I've learned to cope with his paranoia and delusional shit hes pretty fucked in the head but iam too so we get along well

how the fuck did you lose your virginity as a schizo?

How did they diagnose you and do you get any money? NOW.

I take my medicine and it works. Nobody can tell I'm schizo by being around me.

Same here, hows life?

Czy z szpitalami psychiatrycznymi w polsce jest aztak zle?

What are some examples of delusions youve experienced?

Obviously if the delusions are true and persistent they can't tell you.
But you can always go ahead and read the literature, takes maybe 30 minutes.

Delusions are generally of grandeur or paranoid, like feeling you are being stalked or monitored or people know what you are thinking or feeling etc.

Eh, it's alright. I just sometimes feel empty.

>mom is schizo affective
>im the only robot among 5 siblings

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Tak, niezaleznie od zchorzenia ladujesz z osobami nie majacymi resztki swiadomosci.
Wiekszym problemem jest to ze moga cie tam zamknac po tym jak zapostujesz na fb 'iwanttokms'.

Another question: Was it rapid or did it slowly get worse over time to the point you had to realise or someone realised you're schizo?

Did you find out or did someone else?

Always was like that but rapidly got worse when I became a teenager and then it stopped getting worse