Post a reply

>post a reply
>thread instantly dies
what did i do to deserve this deathtouch curse

Attached: kkkkkk.gif (300x169, 372K)

>instantly dies
Stop saging threads on page 11 then

i post in threads on the front page
what do you want from me

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Your butthole.

don't reply to this and your mother will die in her sleep, OP

reply to this, and the thread will die

just take a look at these digits, if you need any proof

if thats what it takes..
so be it..

Attached: ohno.gif (350x464, 300K)

we want you to use the cataIog

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i do use it dummy, but that doesnt change the fact that the threads are organized onto pages! do you never look at the bottom right numbers! you dummy idiot!

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d-don't call me a dummy, dumb asukaposter

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dont tell me to do stuff i already do, dumb akkoposter

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c-come back, i miss you

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did you think i w-would let your thread die after you replied? well i will! starting right now! the prophecy will fulfill itself!

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You anime posters are too cute.

no!! dont leave me and my thread to die!!
if the thread dies i die in real life...

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embrace the sweet release of death, mortal!

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if im going down youre going down with me!

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If it makes you feel better OP, I also tend to have the death touch, but only in real life with dates and cell phone numbers and practically anything involving society.

you just triggered my ultimate weapon! human immunodeficiency virus

Attached: akkosmug.jpg (285x283, 14K)

so this is what its like to die with someone you love..

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l'm confused, user

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y-you too
i-i mean nothing!

Attached: oof.gif (500x281, 737K)

goodnight anime fren

Attached: uwu.gif (500x281, 660K)

your thread is dying now and you're the last one to reply. my curses work really well, as you can tell

Attached: akkosmug2.jpg (718x661, 35K)

>what did i do to deserve this deathtouch curse
I have this issue also. I use it to my advantage though, in threads I don't like I post in and they instantly die, even if they've been going strong for hours/days.

Fuck you all im the real thread killer just fucking watch my shameless bump followed by nobody giving a shit

Just keeping the thread alive for a bit longer.

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You being a thread killer is all in your head.

Don't give up!

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Same here OP so I'll bump yer thread

I hate it when I write some long ass greentext and then go to sleep, but then when I check the thread the next day the entire thread was archived and my reply was the last one.
>nobody saw my funny story
>mfw my funny story was so bad it killed the whole thread

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but i don't want to bump a thread by adding my low quality post

ugh it'd be so good if you didn't post so

was the last post.