Can we report Twitch streamers for tax evasion?

Tons of these sloots are making 1000's of dollars in "tips"
Can we IRS the fuck out of them?

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Is she in the right?

No. Ethots are full on damage control. The based chink found a loophole to end them.

are you going to report male streamers too?

pretty sure twitch have tax form and information set up for them so they can file their taxes easier. you might as well report everyone you see in the streets.

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I think not for donations, since they might count as "gifts", and thus be tax exempt. There is no actual transaction going on. You might have to read whatever platform they use's terms and shit.

if you genuinely think some emotionally-stunted retard on Jow Forums understands taxes then you're too pure for this place

not really, in the US you can receive up to like 14k a year in gifts/donations before you have to report any of it

>The based chink
it was a jap according to the tweet, and he only reported actual genuine sex workers. You have to understand that there is a genuine difference here:
- "Premium Snapchat" women are running an actual transaction. They provide nudes or whatever erotic images in exchange for money. That is a sale.
- Twitch Streamers do NOT sell anything. They merely share videos of themselves playing whatever completely for free. A private individual can choose to donate money, but that is up to him, he gets the same product either way.

Couldn't something as simple as a shoutout on stream be counted as a product being purchased? I've heard of quite a few people who donate to streamers just to hear them say their name on stream.

Correct me if I am wrong. I have seen some twitch streamers say something along the lines of "please donate so I can keep streaming for you

Lol it means please donate so they get motivated to keep doing shit for free..

wrong. all gifts are taxed. game show contestants have to pay taxes and if you gift a car to someone the receiver has to pay taxes.

charity is taxable.

lmao get fucked thots

>Couldn't something as simple as a shoutout on stream be counted as a product being purchased?
No, unless they explicitly offer it. Shoutouts are as a "thank you", as in something they don't have to do, but chose to. The buyer's intention doesn't mean anything.
Possibly. The IRS is rather fickle at times.
>all gifts are taxed
Wrong. Gifts, even personal gifts to private individuals instead of charitable organizations, are tax free under a threshold. For example, say you gift your nephew 1k for his birthday or something. You still have to pay taxes on that money, but he doesn't. He's clear.
>game show contestants have to pay taxes
On PRIZES, things you gain for participating. You're giving something, your participation, and that's why you get charged for the prizes you win. You're still paying, just with your time and entertainment value instead of money. Also, a lot of TV shows very well could gift people things, but since then they have to shoulder the taxes, the Producers will give them as prizes instead of gifts. Oprah was infamous for doing that, where she would "gift" cars but list them as "prizes" despite the guests not competing or anything, just so Oprah could get away with not paying taxes.

Male streamers dont make even close to what these no-skill thots make. It's incredible how thirsty the betas are on twitch. Show a pretty face and maybe a little cleavage, act a little flirty with chat and the dollars come rolling in.

I am 100% sure it is taxable income. I have been taxed from twitch revenues because I reported it.

That's the sad irony about this whole movement. Like maybe ten high-income escorts will end up having to pony up real money but for most of these girls the IRS will not care and will take no action. You may as well be reporting lemonade stands - they can still choose to make the ten threads here and ten threads on braincels look like howling morons by deciding there isn't enough money to warrant an audit.

That's on betas. The world is full of nipples. Why are they punished because thirsty soiboys waste their money?

Except it is not really free is it? Sounds like a service you pay for.

As I understand it, if you tell them its taxable income, they'll believe you. It's on you to declare that income as domations or gifts. Or do what most non-autistic people do and don't report it unless it's likely to be over the threshold.

From donations or from ad revenue? If it's the latter than that's obvious because you're technically working (making content for them) and getting a cut.

Both. Maybe I was just a retard, but I earned something like 2 grand in a year from donations when I was a pro gamer. I didn't want to go to jail.

Fuck the thots, report them anyways.

Thot audit is the single most hilarious thing I've seen on Jow Forums this year lmao


It's that simple

damn..the wall is closing in on amouranth!

>Fuck the thots, report them anyways.

Oh boy, another chance for incels to thump their chests and declare e-war on women! I'm sure this won't have any horrible consequences like Gamergate.

>Both. Maybe I was just a retard,
Possibly. It depends on how you file it, and then they evaluate your claim and approve it or not. AS easy as it is to file your taxes, there is still a reason why things like H&R Block and Jackson and Hewitt became big ass firms, because there are all sorts of ways to present your tax claim and pay less taxes, you just gotta know what you're doing.

Wow, this might be the greatest sheep thread I have ever seen on here.

My hatred for everyone means everyone gets equally reported

Pay your fucking taxes like the rest of us you dumb whore.

that d0esn't answer my question

I'll pay my taxes when you stop attacking people who make your pee-pee sad. If these threads were full of leaked financial documents proving thots weren't paying their taxes, it might be more than you guys just jerking each other off again.

Oh yeah, and make sure to say "Ethics in Games Journalism" when you cum so you can make "Tax Evasion" jealous with your dread game.

Me personally?

Absolutely not because I hate women

You can bitch about the underlying motivation, but the cause itself is just. Nobody gets to escape taxes.
Also fun fact, since some of these women on twitter are saying we should report drug dealers as well, drug dealers can and have reported their drugs, fuel for deliveries and pickups, and other such things as business expenses.

And? Again, you're not pressing a button that deports these women to Sibera. You're filling an already overstuffed queue that some goverment slob has to sort through and decide if it's worth investigating. Then, the IRS would have to actually audit them, and even then they'd likely pay up and not go to jail.

It's hard to fight a war on women with bullets that have a 1% chance of slapping them with a fine months if not years later.

Heck, I'm pretty sure the only reason you guys think this will work at all is because you have a poor grasp of how the tax code is enforced, and because e-thots are not accountants they freak because they think you're actually doing something instead of the incel equivalent of pressing "dislike" on their posts.

and? what do I care about that? I just think taxes should be paid. Those Arleigh Burkes and F-35s don't pay for themselves you know.

You could literally save Uncle Sam more money by advocating for closing loopholes that affect people with real money, not trying to go after the cum-stained $200 some thot seduced out of some thirst cuck. Sitting there reporting women all night is basically just masturbating your hate instead of your dick. If you really cared about taxes there are countless better ways you could do something about it.

Also, I hate to keep saying it, but "Ethics in Games Journalism" keeps coming up in my head for some reason. It's almost like I've heard all these exact same arguments before.

I don't care. The men donating to them deserve to lose all of their money

I know for a fact she's paying her tax on her revenue. Most Twitch streamers do

Evasion is evasion. You don't get to steal 100 dollars and then claim "but what about that other guy that's stealing more?". You're both thieves, you both get fucked.

So you actually know these people actually tax evade or what or are we just going on the "I don't like these people are doing so they must be guilty" basis because I don't think the IRS would appreciate a bunch of unsubstantiated claims flooding their inbox

1. Any gift over a certain amount (I think $400, but I'm not sure) is taxable.
2. If you're getting it consistently, it's income.

Ok, egirl.

If they're making money on this and they ain't putting in their 1040-ES forms, plus paying quarterly based on their income estimates, it's tax evasion.

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it's gonna cause an uproar and way too much news coverage. which of course equals more newfags. but hey. it's hilarious in the meanwhile.

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Yes amd you should.
Um no because male streamers dont get their dicks out in order to attract 14yo viewers for money.

Wu is a Chinese name, I believe you're mistaken it with the thot account that was being reported, which had a name written in Japanese Katakana.

>You may as well be reporting lemonade stands
Running a lemonade stand requires actual work and effort.

what if the cashier was naked tho?

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If you don't have evidence they're evading taxes, you're wasting your time.

then you report them for indecent exposure.

No, males actually have to be good at something to make money and have it a lot harder than these whores. Kill yourself, beta faggot.

Which is why every camwhore is a millionaire. Oh wait...

The main problem here is the males. Yes, us males! Why on Earth are you even donating to those worthless subhuman sex objects? It's time to shame thirsty beta orbiters when you see them. This would make woman's life difficult and put them on suicide watch once they come to the realization of their self worth. Spread the word.

Camwhore defense squad in full force today, I see. Pay your taxes, cunt.

I honestly don't believe this. Anyway I've heard of plenty of pay whores making 40k a month, they're probably higher end they definitely were not at the top. So it still doesn't matter.

>us males
Speak for yourself, faggot. I've never given a cent to a hole in my life. Betas who donate to cunts should be skinned alive.

Best part is these fucks are usually full blown socialists, especially the snapchat ones. The blatant hypocrisy is fucking brilliant

It pretty sad to see betas defend giving money away for literally nothing. at least with the other thots they get nude photos.
Cam-whores are bad but those who orbit them are a genetic dead-end of society

Thoroughly torn right now between "Taxation is theft" and "If I pay my taxes, they should too."

it's called "making your enemies fight each other for your amusement"

>I've never given a cent to a hole in my life.
Great, thank you for not being a brainlet retard. Hope this goes beyond the internet into real life. As I've seen too many orbiters befriend or orbit women just because they have a vagina. Women NEVER orbit any random male (unless you're Chad) because there is nothing to gain. The fact that they treat men like trash shows you how self centered and vapid woman are.

Flag "please be in London" post. That shit is fucking pathetic. Time to man up you fucking faggots.

Yeah but the question was is if anyone here has any actual proof, or reasonable suspicion to be reporting these people otherwise you might as well just report every single semi-popular streamer on twitch

You are 100% that the pathetic beta orbiters are the ones at fault in this scenario

They should not give money to these twitch thots in the first place

Does that mean the twitch thots are innocent? Absolutely not

>Does that mean the twitch thots are innocent? Absolutely not

Hell no, they are not innocent. What the Twitch thots are doing is taking advantage of these thirsty idiots males I believe this thot-audit is a great start to put an end to freeloading online prostitutes. There is enough porn online get a grip of yourself pathetic betas.

Pointing out the reality of things to a mentally retarded incel is defending camwhores? You are even dumber than those camwhores you hate so much.

I also agree with you that men who give money to women online should be shamed, but the issue is its almost always anonymous

Thot audit is a good start

>the issue is its almost always anonymous

It's because men are at fault here and we don't want to admit it. Instead we blame women for everything. Yes, women are fucking useless cunts but we enable them to be cunts by donating and orbiting. Maybe we should start making daily threads on this subject.

Truth is, everyone's a cunt and there's no way to win. So you just fuck them all over and call it a day.

I think you gotta stop saying "we" user

EVERY woman aspires to be an e-whore like this

Less than 0.05% of men are retarded enough to donate money to e-whores online

It's just like mobile gaming

The top 1% of mobile gamers spend 80% of the money in the industry, the "whales"

Does this mean everyone with a mobile game on their phone is at fault for this shit industry's existence and diablo immortal? Of course not.

No, I'm just gonna report women because I fucking hate them and want them all to suffer

Hey now, just because there are greater evils in the world doesnt make this serious issue of tax evasion less valid. Thats called whatabouttism.

>not really, in the US you can receive up to like 14k a year in gifts/donations before you have to report any of it

The IRS will consider any transaction that involves any reciprocal exchange of value whatsoever, including entertainment, to not be a gift.

They have to, or it would be trivially easy to restructure vast numbers of transactions as non-taxable gifts.

>They merely share videos of themselves playing whatever completely for free. A private individual can choose to donate money, but that is up to him, he gets the same product either way.

The IRS would look at multiple factors - including the fact that the streamers market themselves to gain viewers, that they perform on a schedule, that they get money this way regularly and habitually, that they aren't engaged in any charitable undertaking, etc.

If "hurr durr nobody *has* to give money" could actually avoid the requirement to pay income tax, the whole economy would have been warped to this model over the course of the last century.

>OK I'm not going to pay your reporters a salary, but if people click on the ads in your articles I'll give you X% of the money, up to a particular dollar limit. Nobody *has* to click on the ads, so these payments are non-taxable gifts!

Always remember: the IRS *wants* your transaction to be taxable. And they run their own courts.

The money from whales goes to the developers who actually put in work and effort into making the game. Thanks to whales there is a lot of f2p games available.

E-whores just get naked or turn on their webcam and get money from losers. See the difference?

>Like maybe ten high-income escorts will end up having to pony up real money

If *any of them* end up audited and have to pay fines and penalties, it spreads terror and it makes the streamer / Instagram whore lifestyle less secure. That's a huge boon.

And if a modest number of them are successfully audited, then you begin a campaign against the social media sites *themselves* and accuse them of enabling tax fraud. Given the hapless cowardice before the state that these sites and apps have shown in literally every other case, it shouldn't be too hard to frighten them into a panic where they start shutting these accounts.

>If these threads were full of leaked financial documents proving thots weren't paying their taxes

If they're paying their taxes, they have nothing to worry about and the entire matter is a non-issue.

>You could literally save Uncle Sam more money by advocating for closing loopholes that affect people with real money

Any existing "loopholes" are the current law of the land, either by statute or by lawfully promulgated regulation.

There is literally no comparison between people lawfully minimizing their tax burden by following the law and mass tax evasion by women who don't want to work.

Especially when it's incredibly likely that many of these women are engaged in massive public benefits fraud as well, precisely on the basis of their tax evasion.

good lord I hate women, but I hate roastie apologists more. they're fucking blind. What else can we do except claw their eyes out

how does he know which streamers are not paying their taxes? I stream on Twitch and my manager has me pay my taxes. I'm pretty big on Youtube too. What happens when he squeals on me, but it turns out I do include my donations on my taxes?

> #respect the hustle
>snitches get no respect
Nigger culture did this

>how does he know which streamers are not paying their taxes? I stream on Twitch and my manager has me pay my taxes. I'm pretty big on Youtube too. What happens when he squeals on me, but it turns out I do include my donations on my taxes?

Then you're proven to be legit and you go on about your business.

If the hit rate on these tips is even 30%, that would be hugely successful compared to other enforcement and detection methods.

Snitches never got any respect. At any point in history. It's not behavior worthy of respect.

>Snitches never got any respect. At any point in history. It's not behavior worthy of respect.

This is even cooler than snitching. Since there's a bounty involved, the people doing this are *informers*.

It's like getting to be in an East Germany simulation. SO COOL.

>Look, brah, I'm an *informer*!
>Sweet, dude!

Too much fun.

Wow guys, if you're a snitch larping as a mercenary you're so much cooler xdxd

I can't believe people moralfag about snitching.

Pay your taxes, niggers

If the donations are done directly through twitch by bits or subscriptions then no, you can't. You have to fill out a tax form before you can set any of that up in the first place. I'm fairly certain paypal donation links aren't taxed either but that would be the only direction you could head in to pursue this.
t. twitch partner

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Don't worried. They will all get audited along with all the cryptofags who don't pay debts.

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F2p game is a good thing? It's one of the reasons why games are designed around a mtx model and it is CANCER
Neck yourself

anyone else hate blacks?

not as much as I hate whites

you don't pay taxes on a loss for crypto you dumb fuck