Thoughts on man made climate change?

Thoughts on man made climate change?

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The world will burn, and it is our fault.

its going to be fantastic, think mad max

It's a really terrible thing.

doesn't exist. fuck off shill.

The end resukt of a zero sum game known as capitalism.
It was fun Jow Forums
We'll meet again!

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don't care if it's real or not.

Communism is just as dangerous to the environment. Both of those systems are anti-life.

You mean the jews right. After all they own everything and are at the head of all companies surly capitalism wasn't taken over by Zionists.

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It has the potential to be very beneficial if we mastered it.

literally just plant more trees until the world turns into a dense rainforest and all these problems would go away

Look at the man made forest saihanba planted 1n 1962 for example

While fucked up, I think that we are on the way to finding a solution.Unironically the eaisest solution would be to jack up gas and gas-powered car prices whe decreasing the electric car's and putting up more charging stations

who are the jews?

>Unironically the eaisest solution would be to jack up gas and gas-powered car prices
why do environmentalists want to ruin our lives so much?

because you are a worthless troglodyte, the value of your pales in comparison to the value of the enviroment.

This. If it were real they wouldn't have to keep telling us to "just believe it, goy."

yu are a retarded

why haven't you originally killed yourself then?

l'm not you.

who are you then, big boy redditor?

The point is that you're subhuman and your life is worthless.

that's a cool and edgy thought. i love it

you are so hurt by my words, betraying your own frailty.

It's an undeniable fact that will decimate our biosphere, cause the worst mass extinction in the history of the planet, even surpassing that of the Permian-Triassic Mass Extinction - also known as The Great Dying, poses an existential threat to the Human race and will undeniably end our civilization in the very near term - in a matter of decades. 2030 at the earliest, 2060 at the latest.

The IPCC downplays the severity and the gravity of anthropogenic climate change by avoiding to take into accounts climatic feedback loops, such as the loss of albedo resulting from sea ice melting, the further release of CO2 from the soil and plants and the massive release of methane from the melting permafrost and the firing of the methane clathrates sitting on the ocean floors.

All-in-all, we are heading for an 8*C to 12*C increase in global average temperatures compared to pre-industrial levels, bringing the global average temperatures from 14*C to 22*C - 26*C.

Global warming will get exponentially worse and will cause a worsening of the global refugee crisis. There is no end in sight. Collapse is awaiting and if no contingency plan is put into place, Humanity will go extinct within the next thousand years.

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no one cares and anyone who claims they do is lying.

We just have to ensure our own survival, saving already rare animal is pure bs we should free ourselves from the ecosystem and be autonomous

so simply by responding i'm confirming your points? mate, people aren't going to take you seriously if your argument is nothing but a catch 22

it's how you respond.

Communism is just Christianity for atheists

The jews are a made up boogeyman to use in memes. The financial elite is a very real thing that anyone can see.

Ok so there was a study done and it suggests climate change denial is strongly linked with right wing nationalism but help me understand this - I have spoken with a lot of right wing nationalists (namely American, European, Japanese, Indian) and it seems like only the American ones so against the notion of climate change. How did it become so big in burgerland?

Seems pretty egotistical to think that we control the climate

It's gonna be fun. I can't wait.

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Because they're trying to tax US businesses and subsidize third world shitholes with it, in essence transferring wealth from USA to brown people. Fuck that and fuck you.

i'll be dead before it starts affecting me

Climate change is a left wing issue so I have to deny it because I need to be to the right on everything.

It's real and we've dug ourselves such a deep hole that it's almost impossible that we'll find a way out of it. We really fucked oursleves over.

> carbon emissions weather? Which causes wildfires?

Fucking retarded.

We don't control it. We have an effect on it however. A negative effect to be precise. Negative from our point of view anyway, the planet will be fine with or without us. It's just in our own best interest to not upset the balance too much. But we do upset the balance and I don't think we can do much about it. The world and it's economy would need massive restructuring to reduce our carbon emissions to the point where we would stop tipping the scales over to the negative. Anyway, not really a problem for us. Perhaps our grandchildren.

>14*C to 22*C - 26*C
Thats low as fuck lol

>man made
But were part of nature and climate change is distinctive part of our planets history

An inevitable consequence of our industrialization and technological progress. There is no stopping this train, the vast majority of the world economy and industry is dependent on fossil fuels with no real viable alternative. At least not an alternative that would come anywhere near to maintaining the rapid pace that we produce and consume at. Nothing is as dynamic as fossil fuel, nothing even comes close.

Hard to implement globally. One nation doing this doesn't achieve much.

So, I believe that humans have had a large effect on climate. But because it seems like such a huge problem and it would take massive earth-wide changes to even start correcting it, people have adopted a "wait and see" type attitude and do nothing to help correct it.

So the only real solutions will only come from either nuclear fusion if we develop it in time or the "reflective cloud" measures some people talk about, where we scatter reflective dust via jenliner exhaust to reflect some of the sun's rays.

What we have right here is an example of poor education and brainwashing going on in America.
A lot of people here are subservient to their corporate overlords and their party. Take for instance Oklahoma: their state is a good place for wind energy, they've actually had increasing wind buisiness, but you'll find some of the worst deniers like pruitt coming from there. The majority of Americans are backwards people who don't care about science.

If we massacred half of the first world's population everything would be fine, actually.

Well, that would sort of defeat the purpose.

These retards are why we can't have an honest conversation. The only thing we know is that CO2 retains heat and will make the earth warmer. What effects this will have are guesses and anybody who tells you they are fact are not scientists

I think it's a thing, but that our impact on the environment is likely over exaggerated compared to what occurs naturally. I'm not going to pretend I know loads about it or that my opinion is one that really matters, it's not something I've researched much myself but any time I have seen evidence it's always been pretty weak or has had what I think were stronger rebuttals. Always open to someone showing me better research though, it's not something I'd argue against if put on the spot. Guess I'm more apathetic to it than anything.

3 degrees difference is the difference between a tropical storm and a hurricane, or one hurricane or two.

Might actually see hurricanes hit the British isles

Communism is like, the ultimate zero sum game. ????

your right. pretty big ego of us to have a massively industrial global society based off of non renewable resources and spewing chemical waste/excess into the atmosphere and oceans and thinking we could control the climate and keep it habitable. retards we are.

hahaha the world couldn't get rid of the virus that is humanity with extreme cold (the ice age) now let's see how they deal with extreme heat.

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Mostly correct, but
gets it completely. Whatever impact we are having on climate: we are only fucking it up for ourselves, and for lifeforms close to us on hte evolutionary scale. Life, at large, will survive, evolve and grow to fill the spaces we emptied, like it always has. On a grand scale, who gives a fuck if we are the only intelligent lifeform in the universe and we fuck it up so bad that we kill ourselves off.
Too much resistance for that. (((They))) want us to spend money on every last cubic metre of oil they have to sell us before they even consider switching to a more sustainable energy grid. The technology is all here already; we could cover the Equator in solar panels and batteries if we wanted to.