No one has it harder than me

>be me asian femanon
>was unfortunate enough to be born with an incredibly low IQ
>as a result of this I never fit in with the other asians
>had trouble staying on top of my grades, especially in math
>the highest math class ive ever taken in hs was algebra 2 my junior year
>kept getting low Cs for 3 years straight so I decided not to take another math course my senior year to save me from the stress
>never took the SAT or ACT considering how poorly I performed on the PSAT
>literally scored an 840/1600
>still cant write an essay to this day without sounding like an incoherent mess
>cant communicate very well
>slow learner overall
>not even intelligent enough for CC
>family is disappointed but not surprised
>scared what other Asians near my area are going to think of me when they find out im not a real asian
>also have that immense pressure put on me when I try and look for a minimum wage job
>the people there are going to think im only working to pay off college tuition instead of having to work there as my lifelong career
>when anyone looks at me, people are always going to assume im going to be successful and strive for the best just because of the basis of my race
>mfw they dont know im not your average smart asian
>mfw my future looks bleak for me

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Haha that sucks bro rip

I feel your pain. I'm a white man on Jow Forums and I don't have howling void for a soul, so nobody likes me.

>tfw no average white intelligence qt Asian gf

This is tragic.

Surely though, you can show us your pussy at least.

Become a realtor you really dont need a lot.

Why don't you just jerk guys off in a message parlor?

This post didn't deserve to get destroyed.

u may as well be a cosplay girl now desu its ur only option

Any time anyone says fembots dont exist. This is it. This is the thread im always going to link back to.
You dont know true suffering like OP.

at least losers fetishise you just for being Asian

These so-called losers fetishize asian women because theyre smart and successful and are loaded with money.

ah yes very sad indeed, though the vaginal exposure is needed


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This actually has me cackling a bit

Ok well you could always get good at games, and try to become a streamer desu

They fetishize them because asian women have the incorrect stereotype of being submissive and hardworking wives.
Also that they don't get as fat and age slower than the other races, which does have some truth to it.

OP is living life on slightly less easy easy mode. She can easily get some average looking white beta pulling 6 figures as a software engineer or something. If she's Japanese she can get any rich weeb she wants.

Most white American guys are aware of the fact that the overwhelming majority of asian-American women are in college pulling off advanced STEM degrees. The only ones dumb enough to fall for the asian women are submissive housewives meme are the ones youd find in the UK who has never met an asian in his life.

there are like 2 or 3 self-described 'low iq' asian girls that post here. The one who was desperate enough to post pics of her body on /b/ to hopefully get money for her eyelid surgery was kinda sad but also hot. The desperation I mean, not her pathetic flat body

femdom? dress as french maid???

pics of her flat body?

Sorry to hear this user, you're not the worst off but definitely a difficult situation. You speak and write well enough in your posts so clearly you're not retarded, you still have a chance.

Mostly because the appear sweet, low-maintenence, accepting, and come off as having a lower body count. There are plenty of people who would have no issue marrying some poor Phillipino woman whose dad raises chickens or some shit.

Uh, no. It's literally just because Asian girls look attractive physically.

t. yellow fever

This. Straight black hair best hair. Epicanthic folds are cute. Short girls are great. Fat seems to go into all the right places for asians. Better teeth would be nice though.

But many of the hideous ones still have bfs of other races. And when you look at videos of Asian girls doing Stacey shit and mistreating their bfs there's always someone saying "I guess there must be no good women left." In their mind, Asians are the last "good" women so if even they can be evil then that must mean all women are evil.

Yes, because we think even the ugly ones are kinda cute. At least I do. It's still just physical, not any bullshit "submissive personality"

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She has the face of my older brother lmao

Become my incompetent asian NEET gf!

>es, because we think even the ugly ones are kinda cute.


An asian chick has be pretty much deformed for me to not think she is cute.

Shes not deformed, is she cute in your eyes?

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She's old and a jungle asian, that doesn't count. Pic related is extremely fuckable

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It's an unfair comparison. The girl on the top is doing a funny face the one on the bottom is smiling.

I think the top one might also be a 40yo man.


The Jow Forums brah says: Thats so sad, let's bang

there are plenty of non smart asians, and you're an asian femanon, which means as long as you don't let yourself get fat you can easily score some dude to take care of you for life. Plus, even though you may not be smart, you're still asian so people will just assume and you can just take that and run with it.

yeah but you can just marry someone and they'll be rich for you

Yeah, im here
White priviledged man with a good income job

>tfw people actually believe the asians are smart-myth

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You're actually a pretty typical asian girl then. Asians are the same tier as whites intellectually. At least in my experience when I went to china and met real asians.

just better yourself physically like losing weight if fat, wearing makeup if acne, and getting bangs if big forehead. Then get a nerd/loser bf who is smart and will get a good job in future and piggy back off of his wealth. Easy mode