Share your current mood in an image or gif

Share your current mood in an image or gif.

Still Depressed Edition.

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how can I get by

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the closer christmas comes the lonelier i feel

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is me every night

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I've been on stims and awake for the past day and a half, my dad's drinking himself to death, I want to die. I don't have an image because I'm just that disorganized.

You get penalised for trying to help someone in this world. I say it how it is. No sugarcoating or anything and it makes people angry because they'd rather live in their self delusion than hear the truth.

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I'm so god damn stupid it's not like you to be happy and I will be there at the same time and place. We are in a room with spikes and traps.

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I have had a few days to contemplate over things in my head. I have been working incredibly hard to make my life better, and yet I felt empty. Something lit a spark in my life though this weekend. Made me think about what I can do to make things better.

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currently enjoying a few post 3rd shift beers at 7am.

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Tired from working so much and annoyed at all the holiday stuff already.

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used to have it as a screensaver but it made me too depressed

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history repeats itself when we look at Europe today

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What is making you depressed OP?

A lot of us feel that way user. Trust me when I say you aren't alone in that feeling. Keep your chin up.

love me a chonky buds

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shit's surreal yo

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Uh yeah uh yo uh

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haven't hit the wall yet today

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>be me
>become normie
>experience it all
>threesomes, lsd, incessant parties
>feel nothing
>not a single thing
>beat girlfriend to feel something
>still nothing
>rub accomplishments in virgin's face
>become a condescending asshole to cope with my emptiness
>nothing at all
>most days I feel more alive laying in bed than i do hanging out with others
>cuts ties with my family and friends
>gf is afraid I'm going to strangle her i can see it in her eyes
>probably will then kill myself
>this might be my last post

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Sometimes in sit or lay down and think about all the fuck ups I've ever had

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all the original time

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somethink like tis

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idk why the fuck but i'm fucking miserable all the time

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Being stuck in a rut

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>too depressed to do work
what a weak excuse

I'll never try to go to a party or socialize ever again

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