Italian man with Norwegian girl

since both are european this is not racemixing

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Other urls found in this thread:

>europeans are a race

Nice divide and conquer tactic lad

That man is clearly indian.

actual italians just look like bug eyed white people

Why are her eyebrows so dark? Is that dyed hair?

Mama mia that is 100% italian male

Attached: M2Tskao.jpg (311x624, 27K)

He seems to be mixing up Italians with Indians, don't know how,

stupid nordcuck. Almost every italian immigrant has at least a pHd. Be happy if your shitty country race mix with the best mediterranian race instead with africans of """""100% white Sweden citizens"""""""""

Have North Europeans done anything of note every?

>Have North Europeans done anything of note ever

Attached: med.png (2352x808, 1.9M)

Mediterranean are master race
Snow niggers BTFO


>Norwegian + Italian
I don't see anything wrong with it. You mad Somali nigger?

That thing is not european

Attached: 2967140.jpg (200x157, 18K)

man i hate niggers as much as the next guy but this is seriously some Jow Forums shit i dont wanna read this i wanna read about feels and nogf

That guy isn't italian.
Even if he is you don't get it, he has a J haplogroup most likely.
he is sicilian - they are the black italians.
Or he is sardinian
he could also be from malta, cyprus etc
He does have white haplogroups (along with others and a lot of west asian admixture) , he IS a european phenotype, but that doesn't mean you CAN group him into the white race.
the white race for people is a broad term, it means to unite all europeans and white americans, but they are not really white.
Americans and southeastern europeans or regular eastern and southern europeans are NOT white and they can't be put into that group.
Bosnian, serbs, croats are dinaric, not slavic OR white OR european.
Italians, spanish people, greek people etc... Even though they are the best of europe. Sadly they are not white.
The tallest people in the world, best ''white'' people at sport - the dinaric race from bosnia, serbia, montenegro, macedonia, slovenia etc is not white.
Even others who appear white such as romanians, bulgarians (unless they descended from dacians) are not white
greeks and italians (excluding the north of italy) are not white
American whites today are not white
The only slavs who are ''white'' are probably the ones with most R1A maybe polish, czech, slovakian people etc. Scandinavians, anglos etc are all white but they haven't contributed shit to the world.
I used to be like that but then I realized it's just a fucking meme. There is no white race. Unless that's what you wanna call a very small group of people in the west of europe. Worst of all, they haven't contributed shit to society in the end. They were pagans forced into christianity and since then they have not invented shit for the world. I think sweden stole the idea for the zipper? Maybe...

Imagine unironically caring about the relationship of random strangers that much holy shit

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>cherry picking
also, scandinavians now are smarter, taller, stronger and wealthier than all you cucks
enjoy your debt

Attached: 53547239_2b6c1f6d42_z-640x480.jpg (640x480, 113K)

If you actually read what I said you'd realize I'm talking about the bigger picture.
Most european phenotypes aren't actually white, they are of course european
Idgaf if some italian dalmatian or slav is fucking all the women in scandinavia. It's a good thing imo. I hate swedes and norwegians, they are cancer and pretty beta

>cherry picking
You wish

Attached: f6f122190612a78eb097f0b373b8fb4dd719c2635bf0f9f46df2448a8518897f.jpg (938x844, 175K)

Italians are litteral gypsies

Thats no italian. Thats s mudslime

And what is this? Genghis khans bequeath? Unironically looks like something mongols or some asians built when they conquered you.
You can't imply someone is smarter when they have made 0 contributions to medicine and science... Ever.
Dinaric alps holds record with tallest men. Not to mention scandinavians never do any sports, when was there ever a scandinavian basketball team and when did you win anything in basketball if you're so tall? You're also shit at hockey, if I may point out.
The average in scandinavia are all around 180cm while down in southeast europe 185cm and this can be a bad measurement because when walking around in the cities and seeing the basketball teams and shit, everyone is 200cm. Hell, even the president of montenegro and serbia go over 200cm.
you can definitely see that on any scandinavian ever
they have trouble putting on any muscle. You're MADE to put on fat lmao.
Even people in iceland are stronger :(
The people who make the most money in your new arab world (trademark) are actually immigrants, no matter where they are from. Even other people from europe who come there perform much better in schools than native scandinavians.

Stop embarrassing yourself and deluding everyone else please, it's pathetic and cringey, and stop posting genghis khans cenotaphs some crazy fins built.

Attached: height.png (649x225, 55K)

So much autism in one post when the man is clearly an arab.

It's not though. Take his beard and her blached hair away. Let her spend some time in a place with actual sun. Then they're not that different.

That's not an Italian you fucking moron that's a middle eastern guy, you can tell from his lower lip and long nose.

Let the man smash in peace

btw saved your post. I unironically think its a good post

thats becasue white people are bleached arabs

To be fair, the classical Greeks were much "whiter" than modern Greeks, who are half Turk. Classical Romans were also much whiter than modern Italians from anywhere south of Rome, who are half Berber.

We have sculptures and coins of major Greek, Macedonian, and Roman figures that were modeled from life and are reasonable (if idealized) likenesses, and they are definitely physically distinct from the modern specimens.

Which one are you talking about? I'd rather you save this in which I btfo a fucking swede I'm not arabic, I don't know what I am. I'm completely lost to be honest with you, but I'm obsessed with genetics sometimes. I wish my father was purely one thing at all.
You know how they say genghis khan's genes are carried by every 1 in 200 men? I might be that 1 in 200 desu. Or I could descend from a janissary or akinji warrior. I'm definitely some type of rape baby. Or maybe Temujin had fun raping some of my retarded ancestors.
I definitely don't like the fact that I'm here though. Oh, and I'm from india

is this the fabled nu-italian? similar to the nu-greek?

discovered america and fucked up englel preddy gud. also took a part of france as their own kek.

kek good cope

Norway, Denmark, Sweden and Iceland are all in the top ten of Nobel prizes per capita (

Norway and Denmark are only beaten by the Netherlands (also Germanic) and Montenegro (idk how)

don't really know. at least we aren't really fat and icelanders (i.e. purebred norwegians) are stereotypically strong

yeah, world's highest hdi, gdp per capita for non-microstate etc. dont mean we're wealthy

Italy is the only white country with an IQ that competes with Asians.

As long as its not a nigger or muslim im fine with this

He is italian. Italians have a lot of J admixture. Stop coping

So Armenians are white?

Attached: World_Map_of_Y-DNA_Haplogroups.png (3000x1900, 1.46M)

>To be fair, the classical Greeks were much "whiter" than modern Greeks, who are half Turk.
Wrong. In fact most turks that look white or have caucasian features are islamised greeks from Anatolia. The original turks were mongoloids, who were a very small group. The modern day greeks were the same as the ones from 2000 years ago.

Eurofag here, sadly our women LOVE Muslim men as long as they are well integrated and can speak the language well.

You don't know what you are talking about. "Turks" are Turkified and Islamized Anatolian Greeks. They have only 10% Central Asian DNA, genetically they are almost identical to Greeks and Armenians

this unironically makes me angry
i want to protect the aryan beauty

what is wrong with me?

She's wasting her blonde hair on this guinea nigger.

Should I move to Norway? I'm 100% italian but i look like a fucking Syrian

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>100% Italian
Ok Giuseppe. We'll make believe your great great grandmother wasn't a member of some sand nigger's harem.

t. Delusional Jow Forumsnigger. Italians have a lot of J admixture which is Middle Eastern, and dates back to before tthe ethnic groups of today existed

Greek here.

Heres my parents + my DNA results.

Attached: DNA.png (2432x1418, 150K)

Again Jow Forums delusions. The greeks of today have dna that is 90% identical to the dna of the old greeks. SeeYou have to accept that not every great thing in the world is caused by "white people". Infact, most of the great things in the world are the products of either Indian, Middle Eastern, Mediterranean and Jewish knowledge. The only white people added to the world is degeneracy and colonialism (aka theft), and not much else.

lmao this is what retards like richard spencer think "europens" are, the muslims ruled spain for 7 centuries, are they europen? the moors took over sically, what about them?

They are basically referring to the dark blue group inThe funny thing is this group of people has achieved pretty much nothing except colonialism. All scientific achievement until vert recently was done by Meds, Indians, Middle Easterners and Jews.

>he still believes he can save the White Race
Give it bucko. The battle is lost, it's every man for himself now.

Attached: devil_may_cry_5_e3_2018-6.jpg (1280x720, 69K)

marry your"""""aryan""""sister and fuck off to pol faggot

No we have never done anything of note.

Please stay away from Northern Europe. The is nothing here to see or do. Please do not come to Northern Europe. Only a fool would want to set foot in Northern Europe. If you come here you will be raped by roaming gangs of up to 200 Muhammads.

MFW people think Northern Europe is a nice place

Attached: laffyfaff.jpg (640x460, 68K)

There is no white race to save lads. The only thing white people hate more than others is themselves and eachother. Your leaders have sold themselves to the devil , and now all the evil your race has done to others is coming to collect the toll. Karma is real

Nice try Sven.

You are probably a mongolian anyways.

The oldest structures on earth are in the British Isles and France.

Attached: newgrange.jpg (922x692, 74K)

This is the oldest building on earth according to Wikipedia.It's in Brittany, France.

Attached: 800px-Barnenez_front2.jpg (800x600, 139K)

*oldest standing

most places in Europe looked like that in 1000 AD, you heard of the dark ages user?

Attached: acb25d1cc255eaa3e4ad0ebda01bb573.jpg (439x566, 61K)

Yeah, funny you should say that since Scandinavians made everything out of wood.

Attached: staveChurch.jpg (474x355, 46K)

You were born and raised in Greece? Or you are larping American?

I think I recognise this church

Attached: BURN.jpg (480x360, 12K)

>tfw 100% italian
>pale as a ghost (paler than most nordic people I know)
>green eyes
>dark as fuck hair
>half of the people in my family are blonde

Life is depressing.

Longhouses were magnificent, just like Viking ships.
> muh stone columns

Attached: longhouse.jpg (2126x1414, 1.98M)

Refer to or

being blonde isn't all its cracked up to be anymore. you get targeted.

What they looked like on the inside.

Attached: longhouseInterior.jpg (236x314, 21K)

That's very obviously a Pajeet

> discovered the Americas
> overthrew the Roman Empire
> came up with magna carta and representation for the common people (Rome and Greece were elitist "democracies" and "republics")

Refer to my Germanic dick.

Attached: angloSaxonHelmet.jpg (226x282, 24K)

>dark as fuck hair
Is that supposed to be bad?
Blond hair looks feminine.

This bullshit again.

Attached: vikingFortress.jpg (450x253, 42K)

being pastoral =/= being unadvanced

Attached: vikingShip.jpg (490x346, 66K)

Greeks did it first

Greeks took from the Trojans and Phoenicians. Phoenicians had ancient contact with Northern Europe.

Attached: phoenicianShip.jpg (703x424, 85K)

We just created modern architecture, and transportation through steelworking we perfected in the middle ages.

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I doubt that. Phoenicians, Trojans and Greeks share a Hellenic culture. The Phoenicians are known to have established colonies as far as western Africa. I don't know of any colonies in Northern Europe.

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Read Waddell

There is a tradition that Odin and the Aesir were "Asiamen" from Troy. There is a lot of overlap between names of Phoenician deities and names of Nordic deities.

Germanics are the world's best engineers.

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