I am a lolicon. You may not be a lolicon, and I respect that and accept your existence...

I am a lolicon. You may not be a lolicon, and I respect that and accept your existence. Can you offer me the same respect I offer you?

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no, because you are mentally ill and need to seek help

I don't really give a shjt in the general sense, but if I found out someone I knew was a lolicon I would definitely think less of him.

>i am a pedophile and i deserve my right to be one
This is how normalfags see it. Give up.

Dont get anywhere near me or my family

You're fine as long as no witnesses are around

that's pedophobes for you

Yeah. Lolicons are nice as fuck. I miss you guys from like 10 years ago.

I respect your opinion. I disagree and have no desire to initiate force against you.
Perfectly valid opinion to hold.
>i am a pedophile and i deserve my right to be one
I see nothing wrong with this statement.
I respect your wish and hope we can be good neighbors in our segregation.

You are not a good neighbor even in ethipoia. Most people would rather live near a troupe of baboons.

No user, you are a pedophile. Using memewords won't change that.

the girl in OP is not a loli though.

As long as you don't do anything to a loli, then it's all good :)

>"seek help!"
People always parrot this around. What help? There is no cure for pedophilia. The only "help" you can have is to teach you to not rape kids, which you don't need if you're already not raping kids.

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Don't care for lolicons but pedophiles harm real kids and that's not something I would turn a blind eye to.

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No, I don't prey on children.

Pedophilia is a state of mind not action. You sjw prosecute thought crime?

Child molesters harm real kids, not pedophiles.
1. A lot of pedophiles never harm any children.
2. A lot of child molesters aren't pedophiles.

Nobody cares or would even know what you think unless you're expressing yourself in some way. I'm obiously talking about the actions of pedophiles which includes actively or passively supporting child abusers and watching porn with children.

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ngl pedos are pretty fucking gross to me but I can emphasize I'm primarily attracted to 14-16 and normalfags feel the same level of disgust towards people like me

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Normalfags will never understand that it's not like we have a choice to have these thoughts or fantasies. It's a choice to go out and harm children, yes, but hopefully many of us will never act on our urges. Theres no help to get, the second you walk into a therapist office and tell them about your attraction to the younger generation, they have no choice but to report you. I'm also very frustrated now as lolicon is now illegal in my country. I am but left with my own thoughts and that's what's scary and dangerous.

I have a very live and let live mentality. Even if someone were to confide in me that they're a murderer or a rapist, I wouldn't think any less of them. And as long as they don't impede on my way of life, I won't impede on theirs.

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There is nothing wrong with being a non-offending pedophile. Normies just rage over anything outside normalcy.

as long as you dont abuse children idc

He cant report you unless he isnt bound by the hyppocratic oath. Go to a real doctor and he will help you.

I don't care so long as you stick to cartoons.

Never talk to a therapist about your problems if you are a man

I hate normies and families but I still think they are less cancerous moral lepers than trannies and pedos.

Nope. That's literally not how it works. It's the law in most places but good try. I've looked into this multiple times.

>expecting normies to be logical

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I'd further expand that to
>expecting anyone to be logical

i want this little miss to punish me with that crop

As long as you dont go fucking kids,im aight

No. It's your moral responsibility to kill yourself before you irreparably harm an innocent child.

Just post more cute girls

literally this, no one cares if you want to fuck a loli, but don't translate that feeling to real life action, then we have a problem.

"Help" is assisted suicide.