Tfw no matter what you do or how hard you try to change your robot ways

>tfw no matter what you do or how hard you try to change your robot ways
>ywn get a gf like this
Why even bother...

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Yeah and I accept I will never get Chad. Stop whining hypocrite.

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Such a bad b8 holy shit

I would pay $500 just to sit next to her

like unironically I have the cash, some1 help me out

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IDK dude. Lets post all the girls we'll never have

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kys Iarper

Why lowball yourself?
She'd probably let you lick her butthole for $500 desu, or at least cop some feels of her T&A

>>ywn get a gf like this
Her face leaves a lot to be desired, though based on what she's wearing she has a nice body.
But yeah, I am upset about never being able to get what I truly want out of life

>ywn get a gf like this
Great. She looks bitchy, and massively self-absorbed.

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I just wanna pet her like a cat. No horseplay

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>some dude is blatantly taking creepshots of her
>She looks bitchy
Hmm, I wonder why...

>sour grapes
at its finest

You know what, good point.
But still. The smartphone, the sunglasses. Like she just got off the belt at Thots Inc.

All Stacies are.

I would like to punch every beautiful man and women so they can feel my wrath of the injustice of the genetic lottery they won.

Fuck you normalfags

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>The smartphone
Literally everyone has one now...
>the sunglasses.
It's bright outside?

Smartphones are rotting the human mind, man, turning everyone even more into ego seeking robots.
And was there no sunlight in the Middle Ages, Nancy?

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Well we aren't in the middle ages anymore user and we never will be again.
If we were I wouldn't be a virgin atm

more girls we'll never have

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what is apu petting there? what kind of animal?

fucking hell user tell me you have a collection to post. quality taste m8.

in french those are called pink radish

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She looks like, 12, man.

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no thank you

no collection, just random girls

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keep posting pls. you have good taste

not having much luck finding that animal on google.. just comes up with the food.

Aww man, im almost out

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I think you have to search for it on french google my man

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hmmm. i can smell the AM/WF spammer coming.

I can help a bit with some thinspo girls.

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now we're talking

talking is what we're doing now

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Damn how did she get that pale? You think that's a filter? I mean I barely go outside anymore and not anywhere near that.

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Thassit for me boys, all i got

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Use that money to get some good clothes and go to the gym, you can do it user, trust yourself.

this is probably the best thing to do but as a wizard I can attest that doesn't get you laid.

My favrite

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Last one
Prolly shitton of makeup

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so no one else really likes grills like this?

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Just buy a daughter from some poor eastern europoor country.

ever since my new job, i've loved these types

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I want a goth ballerina. Likr her patrnts enrolled her in ballet when she was little and she stuck with it but she listens to kvb

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photoshop dumbass

Stop posting my girlfriend in this board you double nigger faggot incel scum. She will never care about you pathetic loser. Neck yourself
Sincerely daiqqqq

What is your new job?

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Alright this one is really the last one

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This girl has mild scoliosis

Nice taste my dudes

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It looks like a mole

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I wouldn't kick her out of bed for it

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Never never never never never qertyeas

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>Those huge thighs with that tiny waist and flat tits
>Also a really cute face
The goth make up is the only part I don't like here.

I'd pay for a chance to bury my face in those cheeks and tongue her shithole
Too bad she's married

Not my kind of girl tbqh

Irrelevant, but theres a cute goth there so, predictably, any girl that shows kindness i fall for.

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What have you done to try and change this?

>tfw no slightly retarded milk mommy

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>ywn have a piggy faced white bitch gf
Thank the Lord.

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she looks really cute, with that cute face and fluffy hair

There's nothing that can be done.
Most of us lost at birth.

There are plenty of people who've gotten out of worse situations.

>bottle blonde
Wouldn't fuck her with your dick.

Well true, I'm not a muslim...

>Why even bother...
But...I can change, I just need to try harder.

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I have nutted buckets to this gif alone

>>tfw no matter what you do or how hard you try to change your robot ways
>>ywn get a gf like this
>Why even bother...
Why not? Women date down all the time, as long as you have money.

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That's not dating down

>changing the filename to be from some Evangelion wiki
Why did you do this, OP? I want to more images of your cute girl.

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I envy you my dude. I haven't been able to nut to light vanilla stuff for years
Oh and here's also a grill. It's not all about the grill itself but the whole picture just resonates with me

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Looks aside, all girls feel pretty much the same, there's no need to get crazy.

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Yes it is, since it's always been the expectation in nature the man provides. There's nothing unusual about this, what's strange is the modern dynamic where women fuck men for nothing simply because they're attractive.

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>what is forced perspective
You realize the placement of her lower body closer to the camera and her face away from it exaggerates the difference in size, right? That girl is a slut, you should aspire for better in your fictional relationships.

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>Why did you do this, OP? I want to more images of your cute girl.
>expecting more from a random creepshot

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i like the skinny ones too

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those zoomer glasses really do it for me

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You don't deserve one in the first place. Women don't have feelings the same way that men do and you'll never understand real feels.

>ywn have a piggy faced white bitch gf
>Thank the Lord.
This. Finally a man of taste.

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Our tastes have kinda gotten lost in the thicc-wave.

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The true patrician choice is giantess.

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picture related, she defines my type. ;_;

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>Nicole Dollanganger
Breddy qt man. Too bad she's probably a whore

same, how do we unfuck ourselves?

my favorite picture of her. she's had a lot of boyfriends ;__;

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Fap less often, I cut down to once or twice a week and the moderation helps.

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I can barely manage to limit myself to once a day, let alone once a week

Avoiding any sort of stimulants for one thing. Fapped 4 times in an hour last night after getting spun. And what said
I think I'm gonna seriously commit to cutting down on fapping and avoiding porn from now on. This has to stop

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I try to not get attached to any particular qt online for that reason. But you've got good taste. And her music is also kinda cool

I'm a wageslave so it is easier for me I guess. Even on vacations I don't fap every day though, I'm a 33 year old wizard so probably losing test too although my blood came back normal for that.

Yeah, I try to avoid qts social media text or any interviews if they are celebs. I just fantasize what they could be through pics.

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>tfw no breeding sow gf
I just want to pop out 56% monsters to ruin the world and have fun with fat titties doing it.

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OP's pic looked at most 16 so it's not surprising

Duh, that goes with any person, but when they're hot it's just mentally way hotter

gib salsa?
who is she?

That's why I don't bother, senpai. I realized a long time ago I was never going to have that life. And it's not even about my physical looks. Psychologically I'm much too far gone.

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I actually hadn't thought about Nicole in a long ass time. Aside from her looks I also really like that's she's a musician. Damn, I feel the feels calling

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I think we can. The only problem is time is running out.

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If only you knew how different it could be.

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I'm fine with staying within my league for potential partners and just paying for/ONSing 8/10+ whores that I don't have to worry about.

>actually mourning over lost opportunities to satisfy your lust
>the same lust that would vanish once satisfied
Only a slave regrets something so cheap.

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I'm almost out

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>nicole will never write a song about you
>you will never hold her

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