Someone please convince me that women are no more than a waste of money, time and effort...

Someone please convince me that women are no more than a waste of money, time and effort. I don't understand why you anons still complain about not having a gf. Just face the fact that relationships are no more than a normalfag meme that only is used as a status symbol and nothing else. Why bother living up to society's standards? Who cares what they think of you? Be glad you were smart enough to not fall for the shitty bait that is a relationship.

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ill explain it to you in one word: MGTOW

Relationships ARE a waste of time, money, and effort. That's why any man with sexual worth only uses women for easy lays and nothing more.

and biologically speaking, it would make more sense to abuse sexual worth to spread your sperm

Yep, start looking into the War on Men, it'll turn you off from ever getting involved with women. They're inherently predatory and economically rent-seeking, but it's called "maternal instinct" so as not to offend.

I'm convinced that any man who can find satisfaction in life without needing a woman's "companionship" (regardless of his sexual orientation) is a man that inarguably has defeated one of the most difficult hurdles to long-term happiness.

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Well if you like spending time with them it's not a waste. Most women also have their own jobs so by dating you combine your income.

You ever read The Manipulated Man? This shit really explains how women use their holes for absolute power.

The modern cuck man relies on women for approval, no man or few men approve themselves with hard work and reflection

The modern system is completely jewed against the man in every aspect while rewarding the average woman.

>combined income
Why would I want to share my income unless it benefits me somehow? What, a bigger house? To fill with more expensive stuff? That's a woman's goal.

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Evolutionarily, you can see why though. From a biological perspective, it's all about continuation of the species. Men are worthless from an evolutionary perspective.

This is why I'm very much in favor of men dropping out of society. It's the only reasonable response to a fucked situation.

Not that OP commentator, but good point, ngl I would much rather prefer a comfy and compact house than one of those big ass houses. Consumerism is poison

It's nice to have money for retirement, user and it's nice to have money in case of a rainy day.

>Men are worthless from an evolutionary perspective.
nigga tf????????????

Men built society, men have a stronger will for survival. Having technology and tools made by men would increase survival chances.

Well, maybe "worthless" was the wrong word. "Disposable" is probably better. Biologically, our only function is to fertilize, work, and die like drones in a hive. And even though they really don't admit it and sometimes don't even think about it, that's what women think about men deep down, especially if they have children. Having a family and being the only breadwinner is an inescapable nightmare from the men's point of view. Their lives are over and they might as well commit sudoku.

Surely you can't be this stupid.

yeah good point, i literally cant fathom why men go through marriage when it will murder every aspect of a man.

Divorce ratings in America LUL

>implying you can't have both as a single male
I would argue it's much easier to have both as a single male. Women (and kids) are really expensive. I can live much cheaper because I don't care about social status like a woman does.

Actually it's rather hilarious that someone would use acquiring wealth as a reason to have a relationship. In most cases (i know its possible but it's rare), it's the complete opposite.

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Nobody cares if you make it or not

So, apologists will argue that married men tend to earn more and men with children earn even more than that. But that's not a good argument.

It's like saying putting a gun to someones head will make them work harder. Yes, it's true, but it's not the right way to go about things.

I'm not implying it's impossible but if you don't have kids with two people bringing in income there's more money left over/ You also get tax breaks and can share company health insurance policies and if something happens to you you'll still be able to have some money coming in.

I can't believe you people justify being human trash.

well im in a relationship because it gives my life real meaning, fulfils me immensely when i hold her in my arms and makes me happy in even the most mundane of situations

It's ok to be single user, it's just not ok to make bullshit excuses for why you are physically AND psychologically repulsive

>losing money to the weaker gender makes you less of a trash being
Pleb logic.

>Not dominating her
Limp dicked trash.

What's the matter? Worried you made the wrong choices? Lol, the cope is real.

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>dominating her by giving her money

>having the need to overwhelm something/someone that is already weaker through nature

>Needing someone else to feel fulfilled
Sad, desu.

my gf gives me money though?

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i'm glad that you're happy and fulfilled by yourself desu, it's quite the achievement.

your mom is not your gf

Should be required reading for all Jow Forums regulars. Would solve a lot of angst and depression. Everybody feels bad because they don't have what society and their hormones say they should have, but it's all a cosmic joke. Look past the biology and you can't ignore the hopeless retardation of it all.

no, my gf gets $70 a week from cleaning and she gives it to me

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I honestly feel sad for people that think like this. The problem with many relationships is that both tend to be either too shallow or too excited that somebody else is finally paying attention to them, and they stick to whatever they have available instead of actually taking the time to meet someone and making sure you too actually get along and care for each other. Relationships where both you and your partner help, laugh, and respect each other are truly fulfilling. Going through hardships and having someone willing to be with you through it all, emotionally and physically, as well as you willing to be there for them is an amazing feeling and much deeper than most shitty superficial relationships, which unfortunately seems to be what most of you want. Not to mention the cuddles, hanging out, maybe simply staying at home and having someone to do nothing with, it's all worth it if you find someone that truly cares for you. If you end up in a relationship that only makes you unhappy then it's your own fault for settling. You know, "rather be alone than unhappy", just wait, take the time to get to know the other person, build a bond based on friendship first, love and lust will follow.

>not to mention the cuddles, hanging out, maybe simply staying at home and having someone to do nothing with, it's all worth it
this man speaks the truth

You guys keep talking 'be a man' and 'put her in her place' but then you talk about loving cuddle time and it's just retarded. Cuddling? Seriously? The fuck outta here.

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You are rigth on every aspectos, excepto their hips, asses, tits, facess, lips and pussy are one of the gifts God send to us foto our deligth and pleasure.
So kind of a paradox.

this is an english speaking board nmbongo

take the black pill user. look into MGTOW channels, they will change the way you view those creatures called women once and for all. once you overtake the need for women, you would truly win.

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>You are human trash for wanting to stay single


I can't convince you of anything but I know how I feel when I connect with a girl (once every 2 years) compared to when I have no one (most of the time). It's uplifting to have a female presence in your life and I'd gladly waste time and effort on them.
>if I wasn't such a fucking autist ofc

attention from another human fills that deep void in your heart

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Pic related. Sad.

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I can care less Jhonny, i could give you a fuck but it's in spanish

>Jow Forums is one person
Not originally

How can you deny something that in your nature? Do you not feel the need to have someone closer by you? Are you going to live in loneliness after your parents die? It really seems like you're trying to act all cool and edge.

>what is a red pill
It's something that's true and yet is contradictory to everything you know. Derp.

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unironically based lad

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Good thing men can grow boobs now right?

Do you mean a "joder"?

>Why bother living up to society's standards
who the fuck said anything about society, who gives a fuck about society, I want a gf because partnership feels good, not for some fucking societal standard.