Would you date a fatty like pic related if she had a good personality and was nice to you?

Would you date a fatty like pic related if she had a good personality and was nice to you?

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My gf is about there. She is by far the best lay I have ever had, not even ashamed to be out in public with her because the pussy game is so fucking ridiculous I can accept the judgement. She also is super fucking cool. Fuck I think I love my gf.

No, unless she is willing to get thin and stop using gross lipstick

>Would you date a fatty like pic related

I've got a thing for chubby chicks so it's a win win for me

Fat women often have low impulse control which is correlated with sluttiness
I would only date a fat woman if she was socially inept and would stop eating.

I am pretty shredded myself so I am no hypocrite
do you happen to be black?

oh my god are you kidding me? getting a belly gf who also is nice and loves me? where can i sign up?

Do you happen to be a tard?
Or just some fat ass incel

Yes. I'm actually into thigg women

One the one condition that she starts going to the gym with me and let's me write her a diet

Then you arent dating a thicc girl
You're slimming one down

My friends have good personalities and are nice to me. I'd rather be alone than settle for some gross fat bitch.

I exclusively date big women so yeah I would. I'd prefer if her boobs were bigger tho.

Your loss tard boy

I am very shredded and am able to stay that way year round due to fasting and caloric restriction

bodyfat is gross if you dont have striations you are gross
being thick comes from squatting and excellent physical fitness not obesity
when will normalniggers learn this?

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No, never. Being this fat and not doing anything about it shows some very serious issues, I'd much rather die alone.

I would date her for how long it took for her to get thin as long as she was actually trying

>had a good personality and was nice to you
There are no girls with good personalities

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You probs get a 2 pack for a week during the summer. So what

Whatever, chubby chaser. Enjoy your fat worship.

Lmfao at least I get puss
Cute and chubby is just my type

How is it pathetic?

You're an incel manlet with no one but your hand to jerk you off into a month old cumsock

No, I am an anonymous person. That is just your perception of what an average user of this board would be like.

Yeah exactly, I have low standards and I like girls that don't fall into the conventional "pretty" category. But I hate fat girls because it shows that they don't care about themselves let alone her potential children

Reading comprehension dingus I said thigg

>1776+242 years
>wanting children

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Yes, I like fatties. But she needs to put out a lot and be willing to do degrading stuff.

>not wanting children and making your son the man you were supposed to be
Just cut off your dick, you won't be needing it

I'll never undestand breeders.

tfw no rotund gf

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>implying that I'm not just looking completely for the latter
Yes uwu

Tiana's tummy makes my pee pee the big pee pee

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i already am, she's a little less fat than OP. my ex who was my first gf was fat too though she was really big, 275lbs though she held it really well

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do you lay your head on her plush belly?

yes, it's also really good for cuddling while spooning, very squishy and soft

Yes. Obviously I would.

All she needs is a pulse. She got way more than that.

Yes, I would like her to improve a bit though.Being that fat can't be healthy.

no, shes has to be fatter, especially around the hips like pic related

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she got fat again, you know

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yeah, and then deleted everything after somebody impersonated her on twitter and exposed her feedee fetish to people she knows IRL

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no thats about 30 pounds to heavy for me. bit of chubs is fine but thats too much

This is peak female form. You may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like.

I absolutely would date.

>WTB big, round, fluffy big spoon gentle Dom gf.

>be fat weeaboo neckbeard
>have delicious fat gf
>hang around naked and play vidya/MTG, watch animu, smoke weed and fuck constantly
>cook delicious meals together
>we both find each other beautiful and are crazy in love

It's the best

No. Fatties are disgusting

>good personality
lol what

>dat ass tho

I would fuck around with her, but never have anything serious with someone unable to control their most basic urges, no.

>would I date a fatty
>would I date someone who has other people take photos of them in their underwear outside to post on the internet

yes I like fatties. maybe not date tbqh but I'd definitely fuck one

No. It's not that I can do better, I just hate fat people.

yes, and I am willing to fatten her up some more

I love it when fatties walk like this

Yes I would, but the question is "would she date me?", as I am way worse looking than her.

>I just hate fat people.
But why, user?

Bonus points if she was actually wanted to lose the weight and genuinely looking for to me as a source of motivation, support, advice and help to do it. Proof she was wife material if that was the case and it worked out.

I did because we got to know each other for a long time over the internet but if I know what the woman looks like before getting to know them I write them off immediately.

Pic related is about as thin as I'll go. They need to be fat, skinny women don't even get me hard anymore unless she has a dick

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Why do you make these threads? Is it to prove that, even when getting a fat chick, I need to compete with hundreds of other guys just to get her attention?

Yep, knew a BPD chick with bad impulse control was a massive slut and she said how much she loved me, she's getting fat too. Honestly I wouldn't have cared if she was a virgin but of course she wasn't.

I hate her for making me sexualise my own virginity

That's my preferred body type. Looks absolutely gorgeous to me. I care more about personality though

No. She fat.

I don't think you understood what the point of that movie was