
Post choons edition


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Still sat in bed in the dark, cold.

lad it's not dark at all, open your curtains

I remember when my mum found one of my half sisters pair of underwear under my bed with cum on.
She thought I was cross dressing.
Told my sister and her dad whilst we were all there.
Poley's tale just reminded me of it. Repressed memories aha

you know what to do

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you should come down to family dinner with your make up on as an ice breaker

I didn't ask for more details but you don't see other LGBT people around here

Assuming she thinks I'll be assaulted or worse

Only one month to go until Christmas!

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>came a big load into a pair of my mums knickers
>dump them back in the washing pile
dunno if she ever saw them or not.

she probably just doesnt want her son to be a tranny tbf

>tfw unironically think blacked is great
best produced porn of all time desu, no shame in liking that shit

Okay lad, you're a cuck I reckon

Reckon she just doesn't want you to end up married to a man like your dad

it does work on 4channel.org


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watch tushy instead you faggot

too old for Christmas now I just drink and eat but I do that every weekend so it's not special

yeah I watch tushy if the scene has a decent girl in it and occasionally vixen as well, but I can watch pretty much any blacked/blackedraw scene straight up

She needs to understand my greatest fear is becoming a man like my dad

Yeah, there was a look of genuine concern on her face but she seemed honest when she said that this was something I couldn't do "here"

Not a porn fan but it does look like it had high production values, possibly because of all the contrast on screen, everything really pops

Whoopdie doo

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Not him but I once edge to tushy/teensloveanal for hours until I felt sick and now anal makes me want to puke

yeah thanks man
i got it sorted
you /britfeel/ lads are alright

What do I cook tonight lads
Pizza, pasta or stir fry?

unless you're black you're a faggot

the backwards mindset of the Pakistani community is destroying personal liberty it's such a shame

Get some real food down yer boy nonna that ethni shite

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not him but how can you be sick of anal in porn? honestly find any scene that doesn't have anal to be very boring at this point
like really, what's the point of just watching vanilla sex?
and I find it hilarious to see so-called "pornstars" who don't do anal, like come on your job is to be a whore and you won't even do the most basic level of stuff beyond vanilla? seems so pointless imo

The guy who makes it is Jewish, it's all about white genocide

But I'm half wop
What do you suggest?

Your dad should have raped and killed your mum so you'd never be born

Not...tooth, but I've tried anal in real life and it's nothing like porn so it killed the appeal for me. My wanking habits are weird though

Jap cutie hugging you

thats that shit that'll never happen :(

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Ffs lads should I get some cans in?

I suggest you go back

got a 3k word essay for tomorrow at lunchtime

i fuckin hate my mum for making me go to uni, she said it would be good and fuckin took me off my autismbux

Sunday senor
the bellend is in yer
ye cry fer yer mommy
20 inches forced inter ye
anal ravaging
ye see stars
10 liters of manfat
squirts in yer anus
the minimexicans set up stalls
they sell cheap streetfood
they have no licence
they have no hygiene
the food is made with shit
the sauce is made from fetid manfat
yer anus is a health hazard
the council closes yer anus
ye are still
a bender

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3 pm just got up
i hope the end is soon

I see
Thank you for the support Tommy

disagree desu, do it plenty in real life and it just makes it hotter for me
fair enough though if you don't like it you don't like it

she probably thinks you're getting tarty and suckin dick for crack mate
try and calmly explain that no, you do indeed want to be a woman

did pakipoo ever get charged for filming that lassie shitting

I suggest you go black

fuck off uni twat

I think it's because she'd never done it before so it was all very awkward. Need a lass who knows what she's doing I reckon

how much does a decent internet connection go for nowadays? Planning to move out

What uni do you go to and what are you studying?

yeah, he has to tell his neighbours about it now lmao

absolutely would not mind giving a cute blonde twink a rogering up the arse hole n ill tell anyone who does care to listen so i will

I just really do not agree with race mixing tbqh lads. Don't know why. Might be something to do with my dad being racist.

>He's attracted to black women


really weird when chavs make posts like this
what do you look like?

30 quid or so depending on who your with

more jap cuties for me i guess

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>he's not attracted to black women

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has anyone ever shat out a perfectly cubic spam-like turd?

Just been to the gym lads, had a KFC right after

i dont see why someone hasnt fuckin battered the cunt, if i remember right he was doxxed eons ago

>more jap cuties for me l guess

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They're barely even a different race lad, only difference is the eyes

His victim was a Pole and in case you didn't notice, Pavel, this is /BRITFEEL/ not /POLISHFILTHFEEL/

st andrews

international relations

im not a chav, just degenerate. are chavs still a thing?
why what do you look like?

>pig noses
>piss skin
>moon faces

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>st andrews
t. tarquin

>facial features
>muscle mass
yeah barely any difference

lol that sounds like a gay degree

Traitor to the white race

international penis relations lmao

you talk like a chav pleb, I imagine you're fat and gremlin looking

I'm a cute blonde twink funnily enough, but I only let handsome Jow Forums bois fuck me

30 quid a month? good lord

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jesus briteel this place needs an enema.what happened to the great ebin? even the senor goes missing for days at a time.this place is a big yawn

>He thinks he has an opinion on superior races

Okay pakipoo

hahaha nice one ekcsdee

wouldnt mind a nice baltic gf myself though

That shower looks awful. Bet you dont get a decent jet from that

it is :(

pls explain

just a lil treat bro, you're entitled

No offence but really, what does that even mean? Where will you be able to go after this?

>this place is a big yawn
Yea and you made a great contribution with this post. Dickhead

burger meal? yay or nay?

im handsome and Jow Forums
dont be so classist

just watching a playthrough of resident evil 2 for the nostalgias

phwoar, look at those big hairy legs

hopefully back on autismbux

i dont have the senors poetry writing skills im afraid

yay throw some bacon and cheese into that bad boy


thinking of doing some shit posting

Well you managed to emulate one part of being a woman successfully: Utter contempt for women cuter than yourself.

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want a cgf, lads

Unironically how would you feel if one of the uni lads here went on a rampage and shot/stabbed a bunch of classmates?

why don't you like bacon, it's the best cheep meat

Post body and I'll give you free reign over my cute bum

Paki poo at it again, he can try all he wants to be white but there's some stains you can't wash away I guess

>her mouth is crooked
fucking bitter white women

exactly, it's paki meat

I recently bought a German army shirt, so I'm starting to look the part

typical fucking paki tbqh

i couldnt give a shit even if i eat a whole bunch of kfc and laxatives

makes me laugh when you see women calling spakkers "beautiful girl xx" or some shit like that kek

what level are you on lads?

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