I'm a white 20 year old university dropout who works at a record / movie / book store and a warehouse...

I'm a white 20 year old university dropout who works at a record / movie / book store and a warehouse. I have browsed Jow Forums consistently since age 13.
Ask me anything.
>inb4 AMA is for Reddit!!!!11!!1!!!!1
I'm just bored and refuse to use Reddit, fuck you.

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Are you gay? LOLE

Bisexual, yeah.

Are you a chick or a dude?

A dude, my guy.

Are you sure you aren't just gay? What makes you bi?

do you feel bad about dropping out?

I would assume that he finds females sexually attractive, but that's just a guess.

I had secks with two females and a guy. All of them I was intoxicated, and when I lost my virginity I was blacked out so I don't even remember it.

Kind of. It's an odd feeling, but I don't think university would have made me happy. I'll probably go to trade school once I'm over the novelty of youth. So in several years.

So did you choose to be bi or were you born that way? I heard for men their sexuality is a little more rigid and that they truly prefer just one sex.

I don't know and I don't really care. I had a brief relationship and fling with a dude cause I thought he looked cute, but whether or not I chose to think that or not is a mystery I never solved.
Any more questions about gay shit?

Do you mean you work two jobs? Are your co-workers at the record / movie / bookstore or your co-workers at the warehouse more sufferable? What books and movies and music does your store provide?

Yes. I usually work around 25 at the store and 20 at the warehouse.
I hate to pull the basedboi meme, but sometimes it fits too perfectly, and some of my co-workers at the store are the epitome of basedboi. They're obnoxious, gossipy, and arrogant. They think they know everything when it comes to pop culture and media, then lord it over you even if their knowledge is surface level. A few of them have some truly annoying characteristics. At the warehouse, everyone just leaves each other alone and I actually have made two friends there so in terms of workplace politics and environment, it's much better.
We have practically everything. People can bring in their used media and we get new prints too so the store has a giant collection from being in years of operation. Jazz to blues to hip hop to classical to electronic to every genre of rock. Hidden gems in the huge ass DVD section. Non-fiction and biography all the way to manga in the books.

25 and 20 are in reference to hours per week, forgot to add hours.

I would like to come to your store and screech and roll on the floor and then buy a bunch of used history books and then ask the people behind the counter about the contents of the used history books and then screech some more.

Do you all get a lot of used history books?

Yes. There are two entire shelves dedicated to historical non-fiction (the shelves are huge, length and height of an SUV).
I would welcome the opportunity for you to annoy my co-workers and then show how retarded they are. One claims to be a history encyclopedia. I don't know much about history, but I guarantee she's not so please come in and one up her.

Ask her about the schism in the Church of the East, and if she starts talking about the East-West Schism of 1054, say, "No, you fucking dumbass, I am not talking about the fucking schism between the Roman Catholic Church and the Eastern Orthodox Church, I am talking about the goddamn Schism of 1552 in the emphatically dyophysite Church of the East."

Will do user. I'll show that bitch.

If you ever want to one up someone, get your ecclesiastical history down. People don't know the difference between the Eastern Orthodox Church, Oriental Orthodox Church, Eastern Catholic Church, and the Church of the East (and I am just beginning to learn the differences after a year or two of intermittent study).

Also where is this place located OP? I might live too far away to roll around and shriek and talk about history.

Upstate New York. Specific location is classified.

Well, that is way too far for me I'm afraid.