Would you ever love another boy?

Would you ever love another boy?

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If they were cute

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I'm not a boy anymore. I'm a grown ass man. I never got to experience young love, and now at 30 years old, that ship has sailed.

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Lol no, that would be gay.

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i don't think i could love another person, let alone a man

I'm not a boy, I'm fucking 20 years old you cunt and you are too so stop larping you gay ass niggerfaggot

if "boy" doesn't imply age range then yes

i accidentally fell for one recently
he doesnt like me tho
but the answer is yes

it's okay, I love you :3

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Stop dodging filters, flaming homo.

No, what the fuck? What do you think I am?

Get the hell off my board, faggit.

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Maybe my son if I ever will have one.

stop this gay shit

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Yeah, but it is hard for me to distinguish friendship for another man with romantic love. I end up accidentally friend zoning them and only realize what we had was something more after the friendship ends.

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I did before but he left me. It was already scary to look for a partner back then, but now that I know what getting left feels like I am just far too afraid to try again.

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>I am just far too afraid to try again.
Sorry to hear that user. I hope one day you don't have to try at all, and that you just find yourself again in the presence of love

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that would be gay

But I'm already in love with a guy and I'm super happy

we're just as lonely as you are
we care as much about women as you do
Yet you hate us

maybe I already do

Yes if he's very cute and preferably feminine.

i want to but would they love me back?

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