It's nearly december

It's nearly december.
How much did you achive this year user?

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Well, I got a couple of girlfriends, pissed off alot of robots, and my weight fluctuated by hundreds of pounds

Nothing at all. Looking back, the days all blend together, until I feel like eveyday has been the same. This next year is likely to also be nothing more than a blurry haze of forgetten tedium punctuated by dismay

I escaped my shithole country and finally learned how a woman's mind works. I guess that's pretty good progress.

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Get a new job, got a raise.

Got my company apprised

Went to a cornfeild got lost in the maze

Lost many days, but never lost my ways

literally nothing really, everyday is the same routine. Also lost a parent to illness

I said I'd write and finish 200 music tracks this year and I did that so that's nice. It's my birthday today.

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Happy birthday user
I'm sorry to hear that

Is this really one artist in one year?
When I see these kind of pics it lists years instead of months

Got back to uni and started to be an adult

that's rough user, rip.
in the same boat as you lifestyle wise

I got a job.
I was also kicked out and found an apartment. Wasn't by choice, but I still moved out.

That's a big step, I also started living on my own for the first time after 25 years and even though it's tough and money lacks sometimes it also feels good to have freedom and start growing.

i modded my skyrim to perfection
that's about it

were you able to remove the shitty combat?

>Returned to university, dropped out a year ago
>Learning nothing
>Regret getting in a 2 year lease
>Want to drop out and become a railroad conductor but parentals won't let me
life is bretty shidd, when do I get my free gf pass?

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Last month has been better than the last 3 years, started studying on my own and getting ready for interviews.

still as bored of life like past years

it is NOT nearly december. It's nowhere close to december

t. nofap

Well, managed to maintain my job despite it being a pretty toxic place to work in, so I suppose that's a plus. If they didn't pay me so well I'd have long quit.

Other than that, didn't do shit. Met some cool new people though and attended some parties so that was nice I guess.

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>got through some more college
>made shitty nightcore
>watched some anine, played some vidya
>on the last legs of no nut november, planning to quit porn entirely by the end of the month
nice quads
double dubs, and a happy birthday to you
iktf. I'm not even sure I want to keep studying at university, but I'm such a useless shit stain and would hate any other thing even more. I honestly just want to get on neetbux and kill myself in 5 years or so.
nice trips

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Had sex twice, found I got incurable depression due to a genetic condition, forcing me to spend money on special meds every month as long as I live so that I keep it down, had under 200 panic attacks...

meds are a meme senpai.

For a retard, maybe.
I have to take 43 times the normal human daily dose of l-methyl-folate as my folic cycle is broken due to lack of an enzyme (MTHFR A1298C Mutation). This in turn makes my body barely capable of delivering neutotransmitter chemicals. Got to pair it with a special action antidepressant in order to then keep the chemicals working for long enough.
How do I fix this without meds, then?

Railroad conductor is a soon to be obsolete job user. Trains will be completely automated and run by computers and a small team of "conductors" within the next 10 yrs.
As a career move, that's a very bad idea.

how do u managed to know that lack of this was your problem? i struggle with chronic fatigue and no one can help me, i don't know why my body is so weak.

>made more money
>lost relationship with qt big butt dominant brown trap bf
No reason to not kill myself tbqh. Best time in life is over. Woke up from a long dream

I had to take a non-meme genetic test, Genecept Assay (unlike meme ones like 23andme). It targets known mutations and specific medication interactions. I struggled with a decade-long depression and total resistance to antidepressants.
Turned out I have mutation on primary serotonin transporter (so SSRI and SNRI don't work, only atypicals), and A1298C, which causes VitB9 to be severely underproduced in my body, being essential to the nervous system.

they said that fifteen years ago

Forgot to mention, then this was read by geneticists and my physicians, not by me personally. Pharmacogenetics is a thing.

A lot, actually. Started with $300 and a dream and now my business is doing well. In the process, I learned several trades and computer programming. Haven't felt this close to almost optimistic in years.

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I take it you have some Finnish blood in your history? My whole family has a bizarre array of mutations similar to this because we are reindeer fuckers.

Not much actually done this year, but I've been working on a solo VN for the past month. Demo should be out in a week.

No they originally didn't.

And even if that was the case, technology has exponentially progressed in the last 15 years. We have computers smart enough to make phone calls, recognize various accents, and give actual non-scripted answers.

Railroad systems may be vast and intricate, but they are far more easier to automate than cars. They don't have as many variables such as traffic, pedestrians, etc to take into acount when the time comes.

No. These are typical mutations, many people inherit them, but most get heterozygous (from one parent only), so the body can compensate by the other chromosome side. I got a monozygous MTHFR, so from both mommy and daddy. Serotonin transporter is heterozygous, but this still affects antidepressants a lot.

started art and improved a fair bit

this is interesing user, i gonna do it too cause i struggle with different things but chronic fatigue is the biggest problem.
how you feel now when you found out what's problem and taking meds?

Got a job and still want to die.

Way better. Folic acid did wonders on my memory and depression.

i still havent fapped once this year, so thats an achievement.

that's good to hear user, wishing you the best.
also thanks, i gonna try these genetic tests, it may be answer i'm searching for, thanks.

Made a bunch of new friends
Got a job in my dream feild
smoked a LOT of weed

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Ask your doc, the non-meme tests are very specific, and are not one size fits all. You need the right one for you.

Whats your dream field user?

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I fell in love for the first time, got rejected, got offered the friendzoned but rejected her, as I lost my decade old internet friend over nothing I understood that online friendships are a meme, I put a noose around my neck but pussied out, I started taking SSRIs, I got back in college, I got way better at cooking, I put on a lot of weight, I bought my first car, never talk to anyone but my family now.

2018 has been a crazy year.