I need some advice from fembots regarding dating your kind

I need some advice from fembots regarding dating your kind.
I can't seem to hold a relationship for more than a couple of months. I don't really have a problem getting dates or sex. I simply get bored of them, is there anything interesting about you other than being a sexual object? Why should I try hard to keep you?

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If you look long enough you might find a fuck hole that you can almost be friends with. Do you want a companion?

Sure, I want a companion that is interesting and likes sex. Why is this combo literally unattainable?
>be me
>give a full presentation on interests and hobbies
>be her
>"i like sleeping lulz"

This thread belongs on desu

It's addressed to fembots in particular. I gave up on Stacy, according to the memes Becky should have something interesting to her. But what?

maybe try to get her to engage in said interest with her rather than talk about it.

My best relationships have been the result of really good friendships that developed into something more.

Mutual attraction just isn't enough. You have to like the person, share interests, be able to make each other laugh, be comfortable getting vulnerable, and be supportive of one another's goals in life. If you're with a girl who isn't interesting, doesn't have her shit together, is emotionally immature, and doesn't have any plans or goals that she's working toward, of course you're going to get bored.

Why, she's obviously less versed in the interest than I am. I'll just end up as the teacher, stuffing knowledge in an uninspired student as a means to create some sort of bond.
You're essentially luggage, just slowing me down.
Don't you have any original interests?

If you posted it on Jow Forums I could help you in good conscience, but since you posted it here I have to inform you that you can't and shouldn't ever make it.

She could have interests, but they're all vanilla, book-learned things. If I want to bond on her interests, I'll ask an out of the box question or topic. In which case she'll just display a 404.
The most interesting Becky I knew was a mentally broken one, because I wanted to explore what makes her tick.

Just smoke cock OP. It's just easier and you won't be wasting Becky's time and patience with your stupid fag shit.

If you have a set of expectations that you've already deemed unattainable, then you're not going to be happy. You're going to assume that every girl you meet is intellectually inferior, regardless of whether or not that's the case.

Also, you're not necessarily going to meet someone who shares every single one of your interests, point for point. But willingness to learn about them and about you goes a long way.

nope, because like you she doesn't even try.

Also, what do you characterize as a vanilla interest compared to your interests?

Non-cuck/femdom or bbc porn and anime without lolis

In my earlier post, I meant general interests, like hobbies and stuff to talk about. You're be hard pressed to find a girl who's into the same hentai as you. Or any hentai.

The fact that OP has yet to share any of his pretentious interests means he is either looking for the /tv/ foreign films pasta or he just fucked off to some other thread of delusional homos.

Hold your fucking horses. Food doesn't cook itself.
>experimenting with recipes
>learning about human psyche

>dr. Who

OP what are your interests? Fact of the matter is if you expect every girl to have the same autistic interests as you, you will be sorely disappointed. Either suck it up and accept a girl with normie interests or try to find an autistic gf (this board is a good place to start).

See here, I don't even want them to have the same interests, more like being as interested in hers as I am in mine, so we could share them.

I don't know, I personally have plenty of interests and I believe I am a good partner.
Probably you're finding girls in the wrong way.

List your interests

>cooking and baking
>gardening (both flower plants and edible vegetables that I cook with)
>interior design

I also listen to a lot of different music.
I speak 3 languages fluently, but don't try and learn anymore because I don't have time to study them seriously. I still practice and read in all 3 of them.
I don't watch sports as much anymore, but still follow main events of the sports I'm into and read the news.

Okay, let me just run you through something.
The other day I bought some offbrand mayo/tartar sauce and upon tasting it reminded me of the big mac sauce, altho when combining it with other foods mad the sauce lose the similarity. What do you think I should add to it as a natural taste strenghtener?

I honestly do not know what the big mac sauce tastes like, I never had a big mac. So I don't know what I'm starting with, or what kind of flavour to do you want to enhance.
I normally mix my mayo with Dijon or honey mustard, or some garlic/onion powder if I want to make it a little bit richer. I don't know if it'd taste well with your off brand mayo.

I read "experimenting with horses", fuck

I'm satisfied with your answer, you at least gave a suggestion, unlike my ex, just used the first 5 words you used. If we were together would you consider it fun to experiment with food like this?

op sounds like really toxic, egoistic, narcissistic. please, avoid girls, we don't need you in our life. thank you.

What the fuck user, that's not even similar to what it said, where did you get horses from lmao?

I actually really love trying out new recipes and adjusting taste with spices and stuff.
I try to do at least one new one every week. Even if I'm being a little lazy lately because I'm very busy, so it's more one every other weekend.

I won't say this isn't true to some extent, I'm working on fixing it. I need you to have deep interests to distract myself from wanting sex all the time. Share your interests with me REEEEE

>Hold your fucking horses
>experimenting with recipes
My eyes just merged those two, I don't know

Okay, one more question, how would you feel about having an encyclopedia bf? Not the bookish type, just knowing how things work.
I forgot to list it earlier as an interest.

Fair point, you're forgiven.

I love guys like that, most of the people I had fun dating are like that. I'm a very curious girl and if you can answer random questions about greek philosophy, rockets, australian voting system and french literature you're my guy.

> to distract myself from wanting sex all the time
jesus... avoid avoid, you are such a big walking red flag man. you need to work on your personality first.

So not only you consider women as a mere object to get pleasure from, you also want them to entertain you, like some kind of exotic pet? You want them to be amusing for your own sake? God, you're pathetic, no wonder you ended up in this board. Honestly, even if you were to find a girl with your same "knowledge" I'm positive she wouldn't even be interested in you due to how narcissistic and up your ass you are. Girls with actual hobbies and interesting lives know better than to end up with a loser like you.

I'm sorry I get bored easily, I want a partner that's active, I want to do things. I'll never understand how people can just be in their own company, for hours on end, not doing anything new. Explain it to me please.

I'd love to share what I know.
You sound like a lot of fun, where do I find a robot like you?

that's how love works my dear....

I met my boyfriend on here to be honest, has been almost 3 years now. We moved in together a year and half ago.
I don't have many social outlets. I work freelance, I spend most of my free time either hanging out with my boyfriend or doing stuff. Most of my hobbies are solitary tho, I hate 95% of people.

Why is me trying to be less of a dick seen as being more of a dick? I'm not gonna castrate myself because of my libido. I just want us to do things together instead of me being a sex maniac. Why is this so wrong?

Sounds like torture, can't we go bake something?

I see, thanks for your answers, you have been very helpful.

you can hug all day with a girl or spend time baking, it's up to you and your gf what you want to do

>tfw have tons of hobbies in common with my boyfriend and tons of hobbies on my own
>nothing is better than spending sunday morning in bed, eating breakfast, chatting, cuddling and fucking

I'd prefer baking to be honest. Cuddling will make me want to have sex and I assume women aren't willing 24/7 like men are so...you get the point.