When its my boyfriend its okay but if its a stranger I'm fucking traumatized and I need to pretend I have a mild case...

>when its my boyfriend its okay but if its a stranger I'm fucking traumatized and I need to pretend I have a mild case of PTSD
What's the roastie-logic behind this?

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unless he would ofc

Because not every girl is interested in casual sex with borderline strangers and takes pair bonding shit seriously.

>spray the sheets flip the mattress
Women are literally insane I swear to god

I wouldn't, but we're talking about a finger here. Granted I wouldn't want my arsehole being fingered either, however she obviously gets fingered often by her boyfriend anyway.

At least most people wouldn't.
Finger or not, point is that someone who you don't feel any attraction for sneaked into your bed and was using your body for their own sexual pleasure while you were passed out, it's natural to dislike it a lot.

Because doing anything sexual that you agreed on, with someone you trust, is one thing.
The same thing happening non-consensually, with a stranger, is pretty traumatising. Especially if you're in your own house, and it's done by someone twice as big as you.

>implying I wouldn't change sheets and use the other mattress side when some faggot sleeps in my bed too

Yeah just saw that thread earlier

First of all she's a roastie so drama is a given

>changing the sheets
>flipping the mattress
>spraying the bed
>crying on the fucking floor for hours

You could think she was raped and murdered

Just clean up and move on with your roastie life

I honestly would not be surprised if that bitch ends up sleeping with that friend.

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This "friend" must have been very ugly.

I think it really is just a girl thing. Maybe if you were full on ass raped with a big dick. But a finger.. I would be pissed off near the shit out of the dude kick him out and then go on with my life. This girls reaction is like she just witnessed her family being murdered.

I think for women, getting raped has much higher stakes than for men, but that sort of reaction really is just over the top.

This is actually pretty suspicious given she makes no mention of calling the police, which the first thing you should do. Because this guys still running around free to molest women. Maybe she was more complicit than her story would suggest and desperately doesn't want to appear like it.

probably under 6 ft tall

>I don't feel like me anymore

I try not to get into women hate but Jesus fucking Christ

>I hate women because they're disloyal whores
>I also hate this woman because she didn't want to fuck her boyfriend's friend
Look, I enjoy a good woman hate thread as much as the next guy but you're really upset at a woman for not allowing a strange man to fuck her?

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You all are insane.

This guy gets it.

What sort of bf lets that 'friend' leave the house on his own two feet after pulling that shit?
Smells like some cuck set-up to me.

A friend of mines wife was 'raped' and they didn't report it because they didn't want to add to criminal statistics to illegals, add fuel to Trumps racist fire as they put it. Turns out it was a consensual affair and she only cried rape cause she got caught.

>white incel rapes sleeping friends girl
>white incel reads story: yeah but what about nigger rapists

The poltard is OBSESSED with black penis

>not green txt

Try again fucktard

Came here to post this
It's all about the roastie-bashing with this board, doens't matter what they actually did or didn't, they are guilty enough of being women (and never giving any of us some poon)

>>I also hate this woman because she didn't want to fuck her boyfriend's friend
That's not what I'm saying at all, I'm just bewildered by her overreaction.

>Turns out it was a consensual affair and she only cried rape cause she got caught.
How did you figure that out?

If she was tied up and ass fucked by a random man, it wouldn't make it any better because she lets her boyfriend do that to her

She deserved it for cohabitating like a slut. If she was married and they lived alone this wouldn't have happened

>tied up and ass fucked
That's not something you let anyone do out of the blue, not even your boyfriend... The point here is the spontaneity.

I've never woken up to a strange man in bed with me, sticking his finger in my ass or giving me a handjob. It very well may be a traumatic experience. I don't know if I would feel comfortable in my own bed if a man with no pants just got done fingering me in it either.

Brown baby born 13 months later and her admitting it.

>he raped me but don't do anything about it because he's illegal
your friend must be a leftie if that worked

Imagine reporting people for using the word "nigger"

>13 months later
...You mean 9 months?

This, are you out of your mind OP? Would you not be phased if a bigger stronger man was feeling up your ass, and jacking off on your back and possibly going to fuck you any second if he pleased? You would be ok with that and not freak out and be traumatized?

He was probably saying that she kept fucking the illegal guy after the "rape"

These are the only two that get it. The whole "literally shaking" thing is retarded but it's right that she was pissed off at least. I expected something dumb like "my boyfriend raped me even though I consented" but this story, while overreacting, makes sense.

Nope, she tried to pass it off as a result from that incident at first. Admitted that it was an affair and it kept going after people kept asking her why dates didn't match up.

If that happened to me, I'd be shaking too out of fear and anger and disgust.

If some random idiot grabbed my dick or even put a finger in my ass I really would just be pissed off. Women are so fragile.

Maybe you haven't been so angry that you start shaking. Anyway, yeah. Women are more fragile and emotional, this is known. They're even more fragile when they're being sexually assaulted by someone bigger and stronger than them. She obviously had a hard time getting him out of her room, so he probably overpowered her. She was probably scared to death and thought she was going to get raped.

Imagine how scary that is. Somebody twice your size and strength is naked in your bed, holding you down, possibly trying to rape you and you're screaming for your boyfriend to come save you but he's not coming.

Doesn't give this supposed rapist the power to lunge out of the bed like Radical Larry. Why else would you flip the mattress.
Admit the reaction is stupid and suspicious.

Imagine you have a girlfriend. occasionally, she wakes you up by sucking your dick. you'd like this. No doubt about it.

Now imagine you wake up in a daze. Your girlfriend is gargling your balls. I mean, really gargling them. She never gargles them this intensely. As you begin to focus, you feel hair against your legs. its a little bit more course than you remember. You open your eyes a bit and you're greeted with the sight of a red headed fat man.

Is this what you want?

What are you even talking about? Nothing about her reaction was suspicious.

>he's just sucking my balls it's not a big deal user

Are you serious? Is this fucking bait or do you actually believe this? Do you actually believe it should be acceptable for just anyone to rape this girl just because she's comfortable with being touched by her boyfriend while she's asleep?

This is why you spineless "men" are incels. You will all remain this way and it's for the good of society that you don't reproduce and propagate your inferior ugly manlet genes.
>telling a perma-incel to imagine having a girlfriend
top kek

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As long as he said "no homo" as soon as we made eye contact I think it would be fine

Are you shitting me. guys

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It's not bait. These are my genuine thoughts.

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Are you actually this fucking retarded? What the fuck did she even do in your mind that's bad? No shit she doesn't like that she was raped, she never consented to anything with that guy and probably isn't even attracted to him.

I thought these whores believed that sex is purely physical. What is their reasoning behind this ?
Its purely physical :^)
I find it pretty infuriating that womeme issues are so fucking overblown and its basically a fucking comepetition. Since the dawn of the fucking time.
Man: Oh god my stomach hurts

And then after all is said and done, a small minority of """smart""" womeme will end it by saying "men need to express themselves more. Feminism is about helping both men and women. Men show your feminine side"
NO FUCK OFF. You cannot do that. It'd be like me coming in your house, killing your dog and then ranting about animal rights, which makes me a good person, on your side. No you dumb whore, it doesn't work that way.
Same with rape. Fuck you bitch, its not a death penalty. It's not worse than murder. But yet, they act like it is a fucking deadly sin nobody can understand and must be punishable by death. I mean I agree, it is a shitty and fucked up thing, but it is no fucking worse than any other crimes. But no. Always attention hungry.
Here's a fun fact, childbirth is not even the most painful thing in the world, its kidney stones. Getting kicked in the balls is much painful than childbrth, however women, like always have exaggerated the pain because they are women, they are bad at measuring things and they have low pain tolerance. Its like when you take a kid to McDs and he thinks its quite far so he says "it was a 100 mile from our house". No you little shit, it wasn't. You're just a dumbfuck

>red headed
Whats that supposed to mean?

ITT: We rage because someone didn't act rational in response to an irrational situation

> woman for not allowing a strange man to fuck her?
Look at this cuck, you really believe she didn't feel him inside of her? She did and she enjoyed it and she knew who it was and once it dawned on her her boyfriend might be a better prospect after all, she caused a scene. Whore I bet she was flirting with the guy the whole night only to make her boyfriend jealous.

You have some serious problems

The only thing suspicious about this story is the fact that her bf just let his friend leave like it was no big deal.

Well look right.
If a fucking big spider crawls across my sheets while I'm in bed, ill freak out, I'll hunt the thing down and contain it, or kill it if it refuses to get in the cup.
But then I'll get back in the bed and sleep, because the offending article has been removed.

If I'm to believe this is a rational response, then I have to believe that women are paranoid children who think that threats persist after they're removed.
I don't believe that women are that stupid.
I think they're smart. So I think she deliberately overreacted. The only reason to do so would be to garner sympathy from the boyfriend. And why would that be necessary??

So ALL women are stupid, or this one particular woman is a whore.
Checkmate idiot.

The whole point of feminism is to get the good sides of being a male without the work. If it actually was about equality feminists wouldn't breed with men superior to them in every possible way. But we know they're hypocrites. A redpill for ya all. Women want a man capable of beating them, that doesn't

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>compares being violated in your bed by the friend of someone you trust to a spider on your bed

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>can't sleep on an overpriced mattress because she had the only thing she's good for fingered
Fucking lol

If all you've got is yellowtext and manga faces then I win.
I need you to post
>I concede
in triplicate, for my sponsor, the leaderboard, and my personal records.

Also as an addendum, spiders are drawn to humid, warm places with high rate of airflow.
Do you know why a spider might be crawling over your bed with you in it? Can you think of something you have that fits these three conditions?

There's a fun statistic that says you swallow about seven spiders in your lifetime. You probably weren't conscious for any of them though.

A spider on your sheets isn't comparable to a half naked stranger getting in bed with you and attempting to sexually assault you, you mongoloid idiot

Let's be honest here fellas. She liked it. She just wanted victim points so she could right this and be comforted over the internet.
Women are subhuman and fall for subhuman desires.

This is another thing I don't believe at all. muh sexual assault.
If women were this frightened of male sexual misconduct then why even live on planet earth.
50% of the population has a penis. Billions of angry men with penises. Any of them could overpower and rape a woman at any time. Why leave the house.

Cmon buddy there's a point where you have to give up and we've clearly passed it. She's a hoe and its all front. Or this is reasonable and the standards we hold women to as a society for their capacity to rationally suppress fear are pathetic.
Choose one.

>If women were this frightened of male sexual misconduct then why even live on planet earth. 50% of the population has a penis.
Because they don't think that 50% of the population is going to sexually assault them. This was a retarded post and I'm sure you're baiting. This is like saying what's the point of living on earth if people murder each other sometimes

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This is a low iq post

It's a shitty argument made in bad faith yes, because this is getting tiresome.

How large does the spider violating your cake hole need to be before it's an analogous threat to having some guy diddle your girl flaps. It needs to be the size of a dog doesn't it.
It's definitely not going to fit in the cup.

women are so fucking narcissistic and melodramatic, it's insane

It needs to be the size of a human, have the intelligence of a human and have some kind of relationship with a human that you trust.

Are you fucking serious.
Intelligence of a human male or a human female?
Can I just fiddle with it's reproductive organs and it'l be afraid of humans for the rest of it's life?

Trauma is encapsulated in an act, not in who commits it. Anything else is mental illness.

$1000 says her dad warned her about pre-marital living arrangements.

>"Oh dad, it's 2018! All my friends do this!"

See kids, this is why you don't live with your boyfriend, unless you're married.

This same shit happened before when all of my friends slept in the same hotel room. Some guy ended up groping a girl while she was sleeping. She moved on from it and didn't scream rape, and the guy apologized.

Keep the genders separate. Woman should have their own place. Men shouldn't sleep in the same room as a woman. This has been a rule for thousands of years. We're not somehow magically more advanced today, men are still men, and women are still whores and sluts.

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>men are still men, and women are still whores and sluts.
loool it's just funny cause you pointed out it was men that were initiating these unwanted advances and blame the women for being sluts. Men are so thirsty it's disgusting.

Women are probably just as thristy, they just have an easier time.

Because women are never responsible for anything that happens to them right. They're not allowed to be careful.

This is true, what's your point? I still see thirsty guys orbiting women, being paypigs, "donating" themselves into poverty, being male feminists, not abiding by the bro-code, flooding communities that have any decent ratio of women in it to the point it's destroyed and so so much more. I don't see women doing almost any of these things. Men are fucking pathetic and it needs to be recognized so control can be regained.

I agree some what with you but you're taking it too far, unless you're a fucking muzzy.

why is it suddenly a fat man? Is the disparity of atrractiveness between a woman and a fat man the typical differnce that a women perceives between her boyfriend and any other male?

haha faggot, schizophrenia is not even a serious problem, imagine being wanted by the mexican drug cartel, thats a serious problem, you pathetic weak little shit

im going to be honest with you when i read this i felt like i just came out of a trance realizing that she didnt like fucking his friend while the OP claims she shouldnt have freaked out like WTF is this double standard
>wants loyal not roastie GF
>why tf is the girl freaking out when she got touched up by her BF's friend

i honestly think that she screamed for her boyfriends sake not herself shes pretty pure imo

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You're retarded lol please kill yourself

You're actually correct, op
Having aggressive sex with someone you're safe with, love, and are attracted to is very nice
Having your significant other take you and make you feel wanted is great
A stranger having his way with you is not

Is this really so hard to understand?

lmao and you wouldn't feel the same if your long time friend slept over your house and you woke up with his finger up your ass?

>roastie logic
It's not "roastie logic" it's "what do you mean criminals are people" logic.

It's real easy to hear about a pedophile on the news and go, "I think all pedophiles should be hung by the neck over a fire". But when your troubled nephew gets caught looking at kiddy porn, it's real easy to go start saying, "it's just a mistake, he's going through a hard time, he's not a bad person".

This woman knows this guy, knows he was drunk, and is still showing him compassion despite what he did to her. She's making excuses for him because he's not how she imagined a rapist - some creepy hooded nigger in the dark - he's a real person she spent time with. Maybe someone her boyfriend spent his childhood with.

Going through the process of charging someone with rape is insanely difficult. You have to really fucking hate someone to go to the hospital, get a rape kit done (or in this case, call the polite and document what happened), go to court, talk about it ad nauseum, etc. For a lot of people, some dude who's otherwise a nice person doing something really fucking stupid while drunk doesn't inspire enough hate to generate the momentum necessary for such an arduous process.

I mean, one of my best high school friends became a junkie and has robbed my mother twice. My mom used to drive us to baseball games. I can't hate this guy. Neither can she. when I told another buddy, and we saw my ex friend in the street, he suggested chasing him with the car as a joke and I said no. I'm a man. Am I exhibiting "roastie logic" or am I just being a person with a modicum of compassion? Or, at least, a sense of exhaustion that cannot sustain hateful, angry action like attacking someone with my car or going to the cops and ruining their life?

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All the more reason why men should sleep in a separate room and use separate bathrooms etc.

The worst part of the story is how much they spent on the fucking bed

All the redditors are telling her to call the police.

What if he says it was consensual? How the fuck can he be arrested? Her word over his?

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A lot of the criticisms in this thread seem to be based on how she "overreacted".

Which is fucking retarded because it's very easy to talk about "overreaction" when you sit in front of a computer screen every single day and never experienced anything that would induce real human emotions.

If any of you guys had actually been in a relationship with a woman and then broken up with, you'd know people do symbolic things to help them psychologically process what occured. This is the basis of Jordan Peterson's "clean up your room" shtick. The point isn't just that cleaning is good, but that it demonstrates the ability to take what is inside of you and affect changes that manifest your consciousness on the environment.

So that's why, when my ass got dumped, I smashed all my ex-girlfriend's dinner plates, burned all her photographs and gave away all the paintings she bought me.

Likewise, when your friend fingers you, you change the "dirty" sheets he may have rubbed his wet dick all over, flip the mattress, and go about the process of "cleaning" that which has been sullied by a personal betrayal.

This isn't "roastie logic" this is normal human behavior for anyone who has anything worth responding to.

Yeah, this honestly sounds like an impossible case. Probably part of the reason why she doesn't want to go to the cops.

>I cheated on my boyfriend with my rapist
My dick. I wish that was me (rapist).

>I sobbed and hugged my teddy on the floor
Pathetic. What an insecure bitch.

Yikes senpai maybe don't hold yourself up as an example of someone who reacts reasonably.

One thing I noticed is that nerd males are the only ones who believe in bro code. Normies just do whatever.