Apparently there are some sick f*cks reporting streamers to the IRS...

Apparently there are some sick f*cks reporting streamers to the IRS. It's not that they care that they don't pay taxes but it's purely to mess with them. Mostly incels partake in this stuff cause they are mad that they can't have a women.

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I do hope you guys warn your favorite streamers about this shit. There might even be a little reward in it for you if you help her out. Right?

Yep. So why did you come here to tell us? We know, we started it. sort of

Someone posted in another thread that you can't collect money on Twitch without giving them your tax info so they can send you a 1099. Is that true? I never use it, because watching other people play video games is fucking stupid.

don't report them, give a list of them to someone normal so they can take advantage of the tax benefits since half of you fags will off yourselves

pretty sure i've seen this on reddit yesterday

I dont think you need to pay taxes over gifts and donations, unless its like thousands of dollars

To the hell that is Twitter, came a stranger one fine day
Hardly spoke to folks around him, didn't have too much to say,
No one dared to ask his business, no one dared to make a slip
The stranger there among them had an anonymous IRS tip,
Anonymous IRS tip

It was early in the morning when he came upon her feed
He came running from Jow Forums, slowly fulfilling the deed
"She's a thoty loose and runnin'", came a whisper from each lip
"And he's here to do some business with an anonymous IRS tip,
Anonymous IRS tip"

In this feed there be a whore that gave bad head
Many men had bought her Snapchat and that many men were dead
She was vicious and a killer, though a youth of twenty four
And the notches on her dildo numbered one and thirteen more,
One and thirteen more

Now the stranger started talkin' made it plain to folks around
Was an autistic Jow Forumslack, wouldn't be too long in town
He was here to take the thot's income, according to the tax codes he had read
And he said it didn't matter that she gave pretty bad head,
Gave pretty bad head

Wasn't long before this story was relayed to said thot
But the whore didn't worry, she kept doing her squats
Twenty men had tried to take her, twenty men had made a slip,
Twenty one would be the retard with the anonymous IRS tip,
Anonymous IRS tip

Now the morning passed so quickly and it was time for them to meet
It was twenty past eleven when she offered to suck his meat
Folks were watchin' from their Twitters,
Every body held their breath,
They knew this fucking retard was about to meet his death,
About to meet his death

There was twenty tweets between them
When they stopped to make their play
And the swiftness of that faggot is still talked about today
The thot had called him an incel when an audit fairly ripped
And the retard's aim was deadly, with the anonymous IRS tip,
Anonymous IRS tip

It was over in a moment and the crowd all gathered 'round
There before them lay the income of the thot on the ground
Oh, she might have went on livin' but she made one fatal slip
When she tried to match the retard with the anonymous IRS tip,
Anonymous IRS tip

Dumb whore, dumb whore,
Oh she tried to match the retard with the anonymous IRS tip,
Anonymous IRS tip

you mean reporting their donations? they use streamlabs, im pretty sure it gets documented.

>Roasties and Broasties literally can PLAY video games and act slutty and GET PAY for it
They get the amount of money that i made on a month in just one day

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what a fucking meme lads. i'm strapped in for this ride all the way to the end of the line

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Except that you never see male streamers slut it up for the camera. They just play vidya.

The IRS would not recognize these as gifts.

this is actual art
thank you martyrobbinsposter

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theyre gifts though, completely voluntary donatioms

With Twitch there are several ways to give a streamer money.
One is to subscribe via Twitch, streamer gets 50% (or more depending on amount / popularity). These are paid by Amazon and you register as independent and you pay taxes as it counts as a paycheck or something from Amazon.
You can receive bits on Twitch, which is basically amazon-cents (1 bit=1 cent) and is paid through Amazon, so they are taxed.
Then the streamer can receive donations, which are through paypal and they take a fee of 1-3% I don't know. These are the shady ones. And there's no difference in reality between paying $25 to a streamer as a donation, and paying $25 and "receive snapchat" - which is selling a service. But it's hard to show that you are explicitly paid for providing that service, or just receive a donation.
The streamer can also promote video games or other stuff with high payment, but I'm guessing those are taxed since it would be a salary from publishers and a like.

The donations are a gray area, and I guess that if you get "donated" enough money, you will tax on it, and that is partially what #thotax #thotaudit #taxmetoo is about. That they sell a service in payment of a donation. Like saying you can fix my door for free if I donate what someone would pay for as a gift.

not from me tho, i got it from a #thotaudit thread on Jow Forums

I think this is hilarious and I support their actions, who gives a shit if a bunch of whores and betas are shitcanned.

>She was vicious and a killer, though a youth of twenty four
>And the notches on her dildo numbered one and thirteen more,
>One and thirteen more
Holy kek. I sang that in my head with Marty Robbins voice.

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>It was twenty past eleven when she offered to suck his meat

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>Mostly incels partake in this stuff cause they are mad that they can't have a women.

>posts on Jow Forums

nigga where do you think u at

>theyre gifts though, completely voluntary donatioms
they're fucking not tho like how selling shit on ebay isn't donating

Excuse me whose white knight are you?

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So much this

My nigga