I don't want to go to school

I don't want to go to school,
I don't want to go to work,
I don't want to do anything,
I don't want to talk to anybody.

I'm 18yo and in the US but I have $20k cashed out from the Bitcoin bubble. How can I use this money to subsist for as long as possible? The bare minimum, cheapest way of living? I don't need anything except food, a roof, and power for my computer. I need to stretch out my money for as long as possible.

I'm not going to live with my parents because I hate my parents, so I need to find someplace else to go. I'm perfectly willing to fly to some foreign country if it's cheaper to live there. Or live in my car.

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into the trash it goes

move to bumfuck nowhere. only problem is you may not be able to get wifi.

Move to some 2nd world country, the ones who were behind the iron curtain. Its cheap as fuck and living standards are excellent for the price you pay. I suggest Czech Republic, Poland, Lithuania, Belarus even.

oh great, my mother is polish so do you think I could get a polish citizenship?

as in, somewhere like Missouri or Arkansas or Montana, or another country?

Shit you could actually. Good Luck user. Btw prices for apartments at this time of year are cheap as fuck here.

both. I don't know much about other countries though, so i dunno where would have low living expenses without being a shithole.

Ask your mother if she has one. If she does you will automatically get one, only need to apply for it.

20k is not even close to enough to subsist for any length of time without working. But if you wanted to attempt it, here would be my plan. I've been looking at this type of thing for years now.

First I'd take a look at Cleveland or Baltimore. Get one or two low-cost rental properties there (it can be done) and you'd probably be able to get over 500 a month from that cash. For details on this strategy, google "Lisa Phillips" or "Joe Lieber"

Then, look at a small town somewhere in the Balkans. Very low cost living there, but stay away from the urban centers as they'll be pricier. Or, if you want to go even lower cost and save on some airfare, look at Mexico/Central America.

Finally, investigate the visa situation from the US to your chosen destination. You don't want to get caught on technicalities.

There's some serious work and study to be done before you'll be ready to get the property/properties, but it's well worth the trouble.

AMA, I guess

In eastern europe you could live with that kind of cash for 15 years easy

I'm pretty sure she does, I'll look into this, thanks

well, since you said to ask, I need more info on the rental properties... I searched for Lisa Phillips and Joe Lieber but nothing related to what you are talking about came up... can I really maintain a rental property while living in a different country? I have no experience with owning property at all.

Shit, I have to go. But I will post back a bit later or create a new thread if this one dies. Short answer, look on youtube for these names, you should be able to find something.

found Lisa and Joe on Youtube, I'll watch the videos, thanks

Buy an apartment complex and rent it out.
Become a slumlord.

You literally get paid to do nothing while a realty company does all the work and sends you a check every month.

join the military faggot.....ok fine i guess thats not original enough here we go again...JOIN IT

buy a cheap acre of land with utilities for a camper and then buy a cheap camper.

Go to live in eastern Europe like Bulgaria, cheap but has utilities

Excellent. The videos should actually do a lot to start you off. And, yes, you'll likely want to put all of the properties under management so that it will be reasonably passive on your end.

Imagine being so cucked that you willingly join the military.

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As a hungarian i could live without working for 3 years decently with that money. You could manage more here if you rent far away from cities although as a foreigner thats asking for problems

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Spic here. $20k is roughly 400,000 pesos. Depending on state and area rents can go for as low as 3,000 in the worst places to 10,000 (up to 20,000 in the worst cases) for small apartments in relatively middle class safe zones. If you add food expenses and utility bills he's looking to spend at least 3,500 on top of rent monthly. In average he's looking to spend 10,000 monthly plus any unexpected expenses over the years. With 20k usd you can live decently for three years. Any spic reading this would say hey there are families living with 6,000 monthly well yes they do but they pay no rent because they live with their extended families and are eternally in debt in precarious conditions.

Property prices have skyrocketed in the last years, a 60m2 apartment in a middle class area goes for at least 1,000,000 and up to 1,800,000 (50k and 90k usd) plus property registry expenses, usually 15%.

Not worth it and we're about to get Venezuela'ed. Chile is a better option.