Why do people like black coffee so much. It tastes like crap without a fuck ton of sugar...

Why do people like black coffee so much. It tastes like crap without a fuck ton of sugar. Once you put that in it's basically warm sugar water.

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Because I like the nuance and taste. I've got some great stuff from Ethiopia that I can't wait to dig back into

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because caffeine and subtle nice, I drink mine over ice, also no calories nice for a recovering fat

gives you a kick, i worked at a hotel this summer and the breakfast served free black coffee and im a cheap jew so ofc i drank only that, you get used to it after a while

Not having cream and sugar in a drink you have every morning helps with weight control.

I didn't like it either at first, its something you gotta get used to. To me its an aroma like chocolate or caramel now.

Rate my coffee
>regular size mug
>1.5 tbsp of nescafe instant
>splash of milk

That's it, a bit watery but I like it like that, perfect for sipping while getting my day together.

It's the same people that pretend to enjoy whiskey and cigars for their taste

>tfw coffee on a cold winter morning overlooking the sea

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>putting sugar in coffee
I'm 100% certain, that you're an Amerifat, who only drinks soda and hates tap water.

This is literally all it has going for it, it's pretty much what got me to try it. Tastes so bad, how do y'all enjoy this

You're the type of people who order chicken fingers at restaurants

Never tried whiskey but there's no way it's as bad as this

I'm too lazy to spend time with sugar packets and cream, so I just got used to drinking it black. Honestly it tastes better to me now. The sugary shit is too sweet, and it doesn't taste like coffee to me at that point.

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user the rest of the world likes stuff that isn't piss bitter as well

You hate it because
1. Your beans are probably shot
2. Your method is probably shot
3. Your palette isn't adjusted to the flavors

Get an aeropress and a hand crank burr grinder, do some research, then come back and apologize you fucking faggot

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>the rest of the world besides America likes coffee full of sugar

How do you drink it? I put 2 grams in with almost half a cup of water.


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>t. folgers/starbucks-drinking pleb among plebs

Literally pouring a 2 cent worth instant coffee into half a cup boiling water. Anything more is far too much effort for pretentiousness

I like the aromatic bitter taste.

>tfw Ethiopian
>tfw hate coffee

No lie I used to do this in uni. I would wake up at the ass crack of dawn to watch the sunrise. Pic related.

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I'm pretty light skin, I have italian ancestry.

Coffee producing countries really don't drink much of it because you're taking money out of your pocket with each cup
Yee nigga we drinkin' that yirg up in here

>t. zoomer or Yurocuck
Stay poor

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It has pretty much zero Calories and I like the taste of black coffee. I don't know why people ruin coffee by adding extra shit to it.

I'm really sensitive to bitter tastes so coffee tastes like disgusting dirt water to me. My father in law made me a cappuccino with his new machine in his restaurant and I couldn't stand it but the smell is great though. To me the only thing worse than the taste of coffee is people's disgusting coffee breath at 11am.

Brazil drinks coffee like crack

I don't like the way it tastes either, but I drink it to avoid calories since I need the caffeine. I guess "don't like" is an exaggeration, it's just neutral to me.

Same with unsweetened iced tea. But it's still about all I drink because I want to watch my weight and most sugary drinks are too intense anyway.

bitter is a flavor

youve just fucked your tastebuds with excessive sugar senpai lmaooo
black coffee is good
espresso and water best though

Because coke is outlawed

I'd say it tastes worse with sugar. I seriously like the taste when its done right.Though usually i put some milk in.

Yeah It tastes Awefull, who disagrees has been fucked in the brain since childhood dont bother.
All losers i know in my mife like black coffee, The only person in my life who is a true man a true winner is my grandpa and he is the only person I know of that never drank black coffee.
Yep, black coffee (black water) is for retards.