Is there anything worse than trying to mentor a beta?

Met this dude at work, he's fairly good-looking and fit, but he's so fucking beta it hurts. He's always getting excited about feminist TV shows (stranger things, Sherlock) and letting his GF tell him what to do. I figured I could help bring out his alpha side but he's been fighting me tooth and nail the whole goddamned way.
>I don't wanna wear those clothes!
>I don't wanna shave my head!
>I don't wanna eat nothing but meat and whiskey
>I don't really have time to read those books/watch those movies
>I don't wanna go to the gym
>I don't wanna break up with my GF
He's constantly hamstering, like this dude seriously believes his GF isn't cheating on him or that cavemanning is some type of sexual assault even though I have tons of statistics to back up my claims.
It all came to a head this morning when I stopped by his house to get him to come to church with me (tons of traditionalist pussy + opportunity to increase sexual value by virtue signalling) and the dude actually sent his GF to answer the fucking door. She started squawking in my face like my mom used to do (obviously indicating sexual interest) so I tried to pull her out to my car to show my friend just how much of a slut she was. I guess I shouldn't have been surprised when he came white-knighting out the door with a baseball bat.

Is there anyway this dude can be saved?

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Kill him, he deserves a slow and painful death

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>feminist TV shows (stranger things, Sherlock)

He stopped wearing earrings, at least we now he cured his homosexuality plus he looks more masculine on the right.

masculinity isnt about your haircut or the clothes that you wear. stop trying to be a mentor when youre clueless yourself.

They don't want to act like men and want to stay pathetic. They don't want to be better people. You can thank the "just bee urself" culture for that. Nobody wants to change because they're too weak to try.

Let him experience a painful and grueling break up. Something that will crush him, rendering him apathetic for a few years and then he will lift himself up eventually.
No need to intervene.

you sound like some sort of metro, bearded fag on a bro-split with mediocre gains and like, 3 matches on tinder who stumbled into a Jow Forums self improvement and came out of the other end some self-proclaimed guru; you can't change the base constitution of who somebody is until they allow it, and the fact you don't know that and are essentially asking "why doesn't this meet the goals i don't meet myself" proves you to be the retarded no-fap viking larping mutt i postulate you to be

in short, you're both betas, he just accepts it

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There's some truth to this. I think people don't want to change because things, as miserable as they may seem, are stable to him and he's afraid of what may happen if he were to change. Try to encourage him without badgering him and if he wants to change, he'll listen. Let him know you can help out if needs something explained about the lifestyle you want him to adopt.

Left picture looks like he's out-of-control horny, and wants to nut more than anything in the world.

Right picture looks like has no sexual frustration and is in total control.

If I hadn't nutted in 90 days, I would look a lot more like the left pic.

Seconding. Just having a female lead doesn't make it feminist. Replacing classically male characters with female ones probably is, though.

>I don't wanna shave my head!
>I don't wanna eat nothing but meat and whiskey
All of this shit is retarded unless he's balding.

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Try harder reddit. Low quality bait.

>got a gf
>"hurr totally need to fix that poor beta"

the rest of your made up story is kind of dumb, but when i hear rednecks talk about "statistics" i actually get upset. there are people who believe divorce is common and DNA determines general behavior.

>believe divorce is common
Both sides believe that and think it supports their argument

both sides of what? divorce is common [for old folks who never went to school]. not that it should make any difference to any individual. if a lot of people were trash at math that doesn't mean i can't learn algebra.

What the fuck is cavemanning

>DNA determines general behavior.
it affects base emotional states such as aggression / anger.

That depends entirely on how you perceive aggression / anger. There's no 1 to 1 relationship. The genetics argument supports flexibility and adjustment more than specific behavior.

woah haha epic bait Xd trololol

Fake and Reddit but if real you're a fucking tool, OP

>feminist TV shows (stranger things, Sherlock)
>He's constantly hamstering, like this dude seriously believes his GF isn't cheating on him
>She started squawking in my face like my mom used to do (obviously indicating sexual interest) so I tried to pull her out to my car to show my friend just how much of a slut she was.
Bad bait

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I've mentored betas since I was 14 and they will not go willing theyll he kicking and screaming the whole way and eventually when they get the things they claimed they wanted so bad they'll blame you

It's a thankless job, Good luck