Read hundreds of books on philosophy

>read hundreds of books on philosophy
>interested in it since I was a child
>spend my freetime on philosophy all the time and come to a conclusion
>realize it's useless at the end
Fugg, anons. All philosophy that isn't religious or spiritual is just plain useless. Don't waste your time on that.

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absolute bullshit. The categorical imperative as a basis for deontological morality, and utilitarianism as a moral system for acting as a moral agent, are some of the most groundbreaking achievements of human thought, even though they're kind of opposite of each other.

What have I been doing? There is no answer. There is no truth. It was all a meaningless search for nothing.

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age , Opie?

You need some based Nietzsche and Stoics

And philosophy was never meant to give you answers. It's main goal is to ask questions.

>utilitarianism as a moral system for acting as a moral agent
>most groundbreaking achievement

Stoicism in of itself is a better and more groundbreaking achivement than utilitarianism.
>not mentioning Nietzsche

They are achievements, sure, but they're NOT useful. They won't help you in life.

Besides, congrats on knowing the absolute most beginner-tier idea of Ethics, retard.

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>brainlet Kierkegaard is insulting others for not having studied useless information again

>Stoicism in of itself is a better and more groundbreaking achivement than utilitarianism.
stoicism is trash, and what of the categorical imperative?
of course they are useful. how else do you organize behavior? Virgin "durr the strongest win!" doesnt apply lmao. also
>beginner tier
that's not how it works, retard. There are no "tiers" to this shit.


Beginner-tier meme philosopher

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Philosophy IS useless information, user.

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probably shouldn't have been reading continental shit then

That was my point, half-wit.

How's high school treating you retard

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sorry I've been mean for no reason

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>tfw fell deep into tue advaita vedanta meme
>literally "when you see it, you can't unsee it": the philosophy
>identity is slowly eroding, dissociating more and more from my body, literally being subsumed by Brahma

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Tell me more, user.

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Genuine passion for something is never useless.

However, what makes you think religious or spiritual philosophy isn't equally useless?

>However, what makes you think religious or spiritual philosophy isn't equally useless?
Gives Life meaning.

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What do you think about Heraclitus?

Fair enough. But how do you however reconcile your quest for truth and your spiritual beliefs? I was raised Christian and while I have observed tremendous positive impact that religion can have on a person, it always bothered me that the basis for it all could essentially be boiled down to self deception.

>What do you think about Heraclitus?
Chad and based.

I've given up on the "quest for truth".

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Well, Vedanta is just refers to the justification of the advaita, the Vedanta are the scriptures from which advaita (monism) is justified. Advaita is hard to describe, but the QRD is that everything comes from, and is, Brahman, the world and our sense of self is an illusion, and we can achieve liberation in the body (jivanmukti) by shedding our attachments to the world and ego, and identifying instead with Brahman. Except, as you study this more and more, the latter starts happening automatically. It has definitely improved my life, but it simultaneously makes me feel insane

lol user, if it makes you feel "insane" then probably you are not ready for this knowledge or it's just not right for you.

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If you study philosophy to in search of some 'truth' you are obviously going to be disappointed. Most of philosophy always seemed a bit too soulless for me too, but to each his own. For those passionate about it, philosophy can add meaning to your life, it just didn't for me.

As for the religious and spiritual, how do you feel about Daoism?

I don't think I get to decide whether i'm ready or if it's time, user

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>As for the religious and spiritual, how do you feel about Daoism?
Favorably. It's much better than Confucianism too, that's for sure.

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i dont understand anything youre saying

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Should I read philsophers to reaffirm my worldview, or to challenge it?

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>i dont understand anything youre saying
It's ok user. You'll understand it eventually.

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>Should I read philsophers to reaffirm my worldview, or to challenge it?
The latter one, but if you're gonna have a particular position or worldview obviously the more you know about it the better because then the better you'll defend it.

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You be studied philosophy and yet you're bad at deciding where to post you cunt

Nietzsche is, confusingly, both pleb and God tier. Brainlets and philosophy 101 faggots get their first taste of Nietzsche and take it all at face value or with some preconception as background to fill in the blanks of their woefully incomplete understandings.

The few that make it to the other side come back to Nietzsche with the appreciation only a philosopher can have.

You don't read philosophy to fill your head with other people's opinions. You're supposed to supply the "soul", be the foil, and use the thoughts of those that came before to galvanize the boundaries of your own.

And that fucker Aristotle destroyed most of Heraclitus' work.

Just made this purchase. Good or not?

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