What are your greatest achievements in 2018?

What are your greatest achievements in 2018?

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i got my first real girlfreind

Got my own apartment, got a car, got a gf. Gf left me. Now im an alcoholic.

Good grades. If my GPA wasn't nearly 4.0 I'd have killed myself. I'm dead inside but the future looks good for me.

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Haven't drank alcohol or smoked weed at all this year. Also, spirituality is making a big comeback in my life.

Did no fap September.
Had no noticeable results, tried again in November. Got 6 days in and then fapped to some painal webms on /gif/
Does that count?

I've made two acquaintances IRL.

Saved a lot of cash, got a job, almost finished my studies, planned a trip, went to one (1) party, started learning how to draw.

I lost 25 kg in about 4 months

Got my first job. Feels good.

I finally hit the 1/2/3/4 in 2018.

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All cool until the last one
What are you a 12 year old girl?
Or do you draw hentai and fap to it?

I got a job and moved out at 22, but I'm still not Chaotic's bf.

got a gf, became a gf

I mean drawing for real, to make a comic. I still suck at it but im vastly improving.

Care to explain what that is?

First 1cc in a 2hu game (EoSD), then with all other characters

on normal because I'm a fucking scrub

>1 plate(135 lbs) Overhead Press
>2 plates(225 lbs) Bench Press
>3 plates(315 lbs) Squats
>4 plates(405 lbs) Deadlift

I must be turning gay. That is not attractive.

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Got a better job, piled up a bunch of cash, buying a house soon.

Still no gf.

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might finish my degree next month at the age of 26
had sex for the first time in like 6 years
best physical shape of my life; achieved 5x10 chinups, got rid of back pain, feeling fast and nimble

Congrats user. This is my goal we are all gonna make it brah

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Thanks, user. I hope you achieve your goal too.

interviewed at Google for software engineer. also my biggest fail because didnt get offer

Right? Where is the penis?

Through the crucible of alchemy made my soul (earthly personality) immortal and able to ascend in the highest realms of learned free from all external mortal limitations, fulfilling one of the prime spiritual directives on this planet and becoming a beacon of light for all to follow.

>tries dmt *once*

Drugs are not the same as growing a new spirit body you inept moron. Although if you want to be a real cosmonaut and not some poser stoner then I suggest a dark room experience to dive into the ocean without shores.

>bought brand new mountain bike last week
>started doing push-ups and pull-up before sleep and got Jow Forums a bit eventually

Nothing much if nothing, actually