25+ general

Slowly losing all motivation edition. Should be working but now I'm 6 beers deep at 2pm. How are you all holding up?

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I'll be 28 in exactly a week. Sill living with my mother. Still sharing a bed with my 25 year old gay brother.

One of these things honestly sounds much worse than the other, user.

Why do anything in this society... seriously what the fuck should we do?? I can't accept normal bullshit family life and hive mentality

i'm 25 and it's getting better.
I mean i know we are suppose to be depressed every day & night on r9k, but it's actually better for me.. so.. yeah

I am so isolated and bitter. My entire personality is shaped by it.

On paper my life is better. Much more $$$ than in the past, living on my own in the big city, etc. I just lost that youthful optimism and energy I used to have. I really can't get myself to give a fuck about anything anymore.

Good on you you've managed the transition to 25+. I'm proud and jealous

Why do anything in any society? It all just seems so pointless. itsAllSoTiresome.jpg

28, life just keeps getting worse and worse. every year shittier then the last, it never gets better. barely have the energy to get out of bed in the morning, sometimes just stay there for hours, probably going to lose my job

>isolated and bitter

yup. Its annoying how we're expected to produce for society endlessly but we are given no rewards in return. I honestly have nothing to look forward to in my life, bar drugs and alcohol. Everything else is a chore

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Yeah, my mother is kind of annoying.

i'm living on my own in a big city too.
I still have energy because i might have a great carer in front of me. But i don't have any degree, i need to prove myself to everyone.. it's hard but the paycheck is finally getting nice

get it, senpai

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I'm 21 was suppose to be finishing off my junior year, instead withdrew from all my classes this semester. I'm grateful to be at a high ranking university and majoring in something lucrative but I have extremely bad depression and anxiety that makes me not wanna go outside. I know people have it worst than me I grew up in the fucking hood and still managed to get here, everyone in my family congratulates me when they see me and the subject matter isn't hard I just can't bring myself to care.

I'm trying to graduate by 2020, so I have to load up on classes each semester from now on, also I'm not ashamed of graduating late since most of my family are brainlets who still haven't graduated after being in college for 6+ years.

I can't let my family find out about this, so I pretend to go to class..I really hate myself right now, how do I make sure this never happens again? How do I stop allowing others to make my anxiety act up and just focus on school. I don't want to lose this opportunity.

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I have a considerable amount of university work to turn in on wednesday but I don't feel like doing anything other than smoking weed and shitposting.

been drinking alcohol or coffee much recently? Those really ramp up my anxiety. I mean, aside from general base level of ennui we all seem to experience here.

Beyond that, idk. Try to get laid or jerk off more often or something.

Fellow former hoodrat rooting for you here

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>be 31
>finally decide to hire an escort who says she gives a sensual full body massage
>she literally just rubs my shoulders and tell me to turn around
>she gives me a bj and I come in 2 mins
>she comes closer and tries to kiss me
>can't do it because afraid of STDs
>I get hard again and she puts a condom on my peepee
>I try to put it in but it's too dark so I can't find the hole
>she laughs and asks "have you ever done this before?"
>she tries to ride me but I'm a skelly and she's a bit overweight
>she fucking crushes me every time she moves up and down
>too afraid to speak up so I fake orgasm
>Not even 20 mins and say I gotta go
>mfw I paid $200 for 1hr
Never again. I have never felt so pathetic in my life before, plus her place was a mess. I would rather go to an Asian Massage parlor, at least they know how to give a decent massage.

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Soon going to spend what little I have left of my money on hookers and booze and then end it all lads.
Hitler should have won.

>she comes closer and tries to kiss me
What kind of escort does that what the fuck? Also shes got a mouth full of your jizz, what did she expect just then?
>she laughs
Again, no good slut should do that. I mean its all fake and shit but you shouldnt make your client feel bad on purpose.

I turned 25 the other week. What happens now?

Im 40. Kind of having a midlife crisis. Wish I had a different job. My wife is fat. On the surface I look like shit is good, but Im sick of it all. I wish I could go back to my 20s. Id make some different decisions

She didn't even swallow. When I was about to cum, I said so and she started jerking me off until I came.
She tried to kiss me because she offered girl friend experience, which means that I can deep kiss her. But I felt grossed out because she was in her early forties.
I hired a really hot escort many years ago and I felt so intimidated that I couldn't even penetrate her. I thought I would be more comfortable with an older woman, but I felt grossed out.
Turns out 2D really is the best.

26 eurofag reporting in

Friday was my last day in my last job, I got a little emotional. I will miss some of the people I worked with, they were pretty much my only friends and it was my social life simulator. They gave me presents and we had some fun.
In 3 weeks I'm starting my new job, doing pretty much the same office kind of job but the pay will be 50% higher.
I guess I'm in an upwards spiral, I lift, swim, play guitar and piano, read a lot and now I will make solid money. Sometimes I wonder if life would be better if I had a girlfriend. Can't complain really.

AAAah I said yes, with reservations a few months back to a cruise with my sister and "friend" who is a girl. And a part of me want to go just to experience something else then my screen. But I honestly don't wanna go, I don't think I will have fun or entertain myself. But at the same itme, cheap booze and no need to coock or worry for a few days.
29 btw, so I fall well within the group of worry. I wish I was younger though, so it would be OK to be a lossy loser..

You start noticing your mortality.

Turned 26 a few months ago. I've been in and out of school for 6 years now. I'm failing all my classes and I don't even care. I feel like I'm just not smart enough for school. I might take a year off or maybe just take one class next semester...idk. I've been working at the same job for 10 years now. I started off as a dishwasher and now I am a bartender. So I guess I've "moved up the ranks", but I'm still making shit pay. I'm not even a great bartender. I feel like the customers only tips me well because they know I'm bad with talking to people and they just feel sorry for me. I've thought about getting into IT or web dev. I hope I can stick with it and land a good job. I don't really know what else I can do. I don't want to end up like the other old people that work here.

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>What happens now?
time going 2x as fast

good to hear some of us are doing well out there. I'm proud of you, user

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Congratulations man! What do you do and how did you make it?

32 beers deep

Hakf a 5th in and its 3 23, I have a sissy twink coming over and I'm going to destroy his boipucci if I can get hard

You fucked up user, whores are horrible...
> visit brothel
> all of them ugly, luckily one 9/10
> she acts unnatural and forces conversation
> social anxiety kicks in
> air in the room is heavy and scented of hundred's old men's cum and sweat
> girl is beautiful but all I see is a failed human wageslave just flippping dicks instead of burgers
> tell her to do just a handjob
> cum on her face
> almost ran away.
Fuck this shit, never again.

>Fuck this shit, never again.
Yeah, man. I blame all of this on no fap november. I usually control my libido by fapping daily, but this time I got so horny that I decided to try the real thing.
In a way, no fap challenges do force you to get real pussy. I guess I did it the wrong way.
3D truly is pig disgusting.

Why is r9k so obsessed with aging? As women get older, their happiness declines because they get less attention and have more responsibility. Most men are actually happier in their 30s and 40s because they have money and power. If you'r get older and you aren't happy, you either are a failure to launch or you have a very feminine personality.

>Most men are actually happier in their 30s and 40s because they have money and power.
Keep telling yourself that. Most people get depressed as they get older.

>Most men are actually happier in their 30s and 40s because they have money and power.

I have neither. Been a NEET ever since graduating high school. I'm nearly 30 years old. I am eternally fucked. Game over for me.

Men's happiness increases continuously with age while women's declines

and that means you are probably feminine if you find yourself hating life as you get older
NEETs are basically men doing what women used to do. Women used to stay at home while their husbands worked. Now men do that.

>and that means you are probably feminine if you find yourself hating life as you get older
Well, that would explain why we have so many depressed faggots on R9K. Make no mistake, I ain't no faggot but your claim kind of makes sense.

lol times have changed grandpa
This new generation of women have everything they want.

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Gay men would be depressed about getting older because being older means being ugly and taking the blame when things go bad.(just look at the hate boomers get). A man is willing to accept he won't get treated with kindness because he's self reliant.

sex is a seasonal pleasure. After 30 nobody has sex anymore because aging bodies are ugly and dysfunctional. All the things women value disappear when you age. Friends grow apart, sex drive drops, face looks like shit, etc.

Those women were unhappier because they were forced to settle with beta males. This new generation of women won't have to so they'll be happier.

4 years away from 40 year old virgin status B)

>4 years away from 40 year old virgin status B)
Jesus christ.
This post terrifies me because I used to feel shocked when I was 21 and read a post saying "Im turning 31 and still a virgin."
Now I'm 31 and it feels like I read that post a year ago. The thought of me turning into a 40 year-old virgin is too much for me. I will definitely off myself when that time comes.

i'm 20 and reading this thread is scaring me.

>that picture
Uhm user, hate to tell you but Finland isn't real

About to hit 30's.
Life is getting unbearable if I have nothing to occupy my mind with. Cannot sleep because of feels, memories and regret. Didn't felt like going outside today so I have no booze whitch usually helps a bit.
Gotta go wageslaving in 3 hours.
I'm lonely, cold and hungry. Tired, but not enough to fall asleep.

How do you guys deal with your thoughts? They're a torture and I cannot stop them.

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I still have 7 years before I'm as miserable as you lot

>This new generation of women won't have to so they'll be happier.
Women won't be happy when Chad's dick stops working, nobody treats them with kindness, and they have to be self reliant. Life for women after 30 sucks

They'll still be happier than when they had to marry betas. Marriage makes women unhappy.

>6 years in school and only now figuring out you suck at it
>working in the same fucking bar for 10 years

sounds like you need to do some o' dat dere critical thinking buddy

you wont drink that much unless something is up. Whats up user?

I'm about one month away from turning 28 and tomorrow I start my new job with the town and I'm a little nervous but excited too its my first big boy job things are looking up a little bit in my life. Ive finally gotten out of the cycle of shit wageslave jobs the last one which I quit the week before Thanksgiving wasted 4 years of my life hating every second of it, I watched so many people come and go at that place wishing I could be them and leave and now I made it hopefully. The new job doesn't pay much about 40k a year but It comes with a shit ton of benefits and Its enough for me to live off of. I still live with my parents and will most likely continue until I'm 30, that's when they said I have to get out which is a reasonable time.

I just have to make it through the 6 month probation period at this place and I'm golden only thing I worry about is when they are gunna drug test me since there was no pre-employment one. I quit smoking about a month ago when I found out I got the job but I was an everyday smoker for years so I don't know if my piss is clean yet, doubt it, or how much longer I have to wait. I'm gunna have to probe the guys I work with a little bit to see when they got tested without throwing up any red flags which might be hard, but I guess there isn't much I can do really other then to just wait it out. As soon as I get tested though I'm calling my guy to smoke, life is boring as all hell without smoking I don't know how neets do it.

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Hiro should delete this board already or merge it with /b/.

thanks for caring friend.

I lost that glimmer of hope that once drove me to try to accomplish things in my life. I don't think there is a woman out there for me. It doesn't matter how hard you work: my idealization of what a partner should be is unrealistic and unattainable.

I've drifted apart from nearly all my friends. I once was respected in my industry as a rising talent with so much potential, but that all stopped half a decade ago. I can still make a comfy living and live on my own, but in a dying industry there is nothing left to strive for.

I can't relate to any of my family. We can only communicate in meaningless small talk.

I have a few hobbies but they all feel pointless. I'm just passing the time, waiting to die.

I try to get to the gym, eat right, and I occasionally get out to chit chat with old friends, but its all a chore to me. Nothing is natural or fun. Aside from booze, so yeah, thats where I am.

good for you user. you seem to be starting to build up. dont fuck up and when the time is right get married... Soon

i can say i had similar events happening in my life with the family small talk and the alcohol. What do you do now if you dont mind me asking.

women should be the last thing to care about. It wont happen if you make it a priority, when you get your shit together you will find that everything that you were prioritizing got simply easier to accomplish. do what you like if you dont like the gym dont go to the gym, Just know what you do will eventually make you happy.

I play online poker professionally. I sometimes play live poker and have final tabled a few major TV events. That was all years ago and I'm washed up now

>My wife is fat

Was she always fat? Did she gain because she doesn't care about your opinion? Is she trying to lose weight?

i mean what do you do now, was the poker thing the thing you aimed to make a profession out of in the past?

I still play poker and I make a living doing that. However, poker has been dying for years and there is always less money to be made out there, for a variety of reasons.

im not sure how that industry goes. Though have you ever thought about doing something else other than poker. i always thought poker is a hobby job. something that a person would make money on the side of

Mid 30's. Life is a nightmare. I am fat, brainlet, dicklet, cannot drive, shit resume with big gaps and no references, no skills, low libido, low T in general, lifelong depression/schizophrenia both of which get worse each year, dwindling friends, no family, no money, barely have a place to stay, alcoholic, worsening memory, cannot focus on anything, no longer have any interests, no longer get any joy out of anything, worsening anxiety, childhood trauma won't leave me alone (invasive thoughts, nightmares about every other night), endless guilt and regret over things I've done, autistic but was foolish enough to try and work and live in states thus cannot get neetbux, stuck in teen mindset/fixated on the brief period of time in which I was happy almost 20 years ago. Oh and increasingly dark thoughts and fantasies about murdering people and what not. To the point where it's actually freaking me out.

I wish I could be distracted by bullshit like politics and all that but I'm also a conspiracy theorist who believes it's just "them" pitting us plebs against each other endlessly. And when we die it's either nothing or punishment or "reward" that actually sucks or just something that completely whipes out the illusion of "free will".

I need a drink.

Lots of people do that and many people who were once full-time has transitioned to other things (day trading, small businesses.) If I were to try to find another line of work, I would make significantly less money than I do now, as I don't have a university degree and I'm not really qualified for anything that is higher than a mcdonalds burger flipper. I could try to contact old friends who are now successful in the other professions that I noted before, but as I said I've drifted away from all of them. I also don't really have an interest in day trading or starting a small business.

Pretty sure I'm stuck riding out poker until its completely dead.

Sorry for going on about myself. How'd you find yourself on r9k today? Hope the 25+ grandpa life is treating you well

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"It could always be worse user" and they proceed to list off things like 3rd world countries, some bitch who was imprisoned in her own fathers rape dungeon for 30 years, and all sorts of horrible shit as though any of this will somehow brighten my worldview.

>How are you all holding up?
Pretty good, got a raise to $130k a year so pay is great but work is very busy.

Struggling to find a gf. It will always be a struggle if you're not an 8/10.

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28 married with a kid

Im a robot at the core.. You can litterally fake it until you make it.

mom&dad are okey with you sleeping with your gay brother in same bed?

i see your struggle i would still go for hitting up old people that i drifted away. I see that your saying poker isnt taking you anywhere and sometimes you just have to change things up. i cant say i know exactly what to do. At least you could be thankful for your current position and not in some shithole street in the cold. I wish you the best my friend.

Im doing fine just moved out to the city and all my coworkers left for thanks giving and im just chilling here because i dont have family to go to. got a shitload of work to do and thought would open Jow Forums to pass time. Thanks for asking

I don't want a wife nor children. I just want to make enough money to survive and maybe even kinda sorta...ya know....enjoy myself. However I'm too retarded. I'm starting over again at 35. I'm fucked. Soon as I can't afford booze/am homeless it's an hero time for real.

>setting yourself for divorce rape
Why would you do something so stupid user. You can have a kid without bringing the state into things.

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Thanks user but I don't think I'm getting married anytime soon Ive never even had a gf, wishful thinking though. I hooked up with one girl in my life and that was at some party in high school when I was like 16 and only because my friends basically set it up and she kind of forced herself on to me.

i mean give it a shot. If you have your shit together in life why not? it is the purpose of life after all. but if its not your thing i totally understand

thanks for talking over my shit with me. I'll let you get back to your work. godspeed user

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Actually NEETs just play video games and shit post. In the past there was a lot more work to be done by women such as sewing clothes, mending holes or buttons on clothing, budgeting, shopping, milking cows, gardening, churning butter, washing clothes and dishes by hand, childcare and teaching children, canning and pickling, making preserves...

Both genders do a lot less than they did in the past. Women today and lots of men who work spend the day socializing and wasting time in an office or serving people enough fast food to create super obesity. You had to work a lot whether outside the home or inside the home if you wanted to survive 19th century America.

25 here. My life has been completely a waste up to this point, everything I've ever did was for nothing in the end, which got me stuck in a completely miserable life.

But now I'm betting it all on a final project. The result should be unveiled by february or march next year. If it works out, I can go from there to fixing every problem in my life. If it doesn't, it's all over because I ran out of hope.

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women in the 1950s didn't do any of that. In fact I don't think women had to do much work at all after the 1920s.