I'm tired of being fat

I'm tired of being fat

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why? self conscious?

So stop being fat, yoko.

I'm tied of you making endless threads about being fat.

Eat less bro.

Eat less and exercise. Genetics can make it a slower process but ultimately it comes down to that.

It's a daily struggle bro. I recommend the keto diet.

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I'm not NA fat (ie: 100kg overweight). I'm EU fat, 20kg overweight.

Ive been lifting for years and gained a a lot of muscle, so cutting down 20kg of fat would make a big difference to my appearance since I have muscular body under the fat now.

Problem is I'm a shut-incel, so I dont see the point in the end. Getting abs isn't going to suddenly make me non-autistic.

it won't make you less autistic but it will give you more self confidence / self esteem when you see yourself looking better and better. + it feels good to be healthy, then you get to look down upon everyone else who is fat sack of shit.

Don't be fat then.

>fat sack of shit.
you see I used to be fat now I'm at 19.7 bmi, I have some muscle, and I still see fat guys with gf's so it does make you more confident doesn't solve all problems

Just spin really fast, enough that the fat flies off and you're thin. It's every skinny guy's secret, the chads all spin in secret to remove the fat and look like beautiful boys.
Take the spinpill.

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Go on Grindr and find a sissy twink, you can fuck their boiholes they could cum in your ass and sex helps lose weight they could also motivate you and be a good friend

Would a trap or twink be able to suck you off or is your boiclit gone?

Go here

Stop eating so much retard

Take the story of Angus Barbieri - for 382 days, ending 11 July 1966, the 27-year-old Scotsman ate nothing. Pic related. He went from 450 pounds to 180 pounds by consuming nothing but tea, coffee, and water for an entire year, with occasional vitamin supplements.

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I can still use my dick just fine but I feel like not even cutebois wanna deal with a fatty

They will OP go on Grindr there are lots out there

>tfw losing weight without trying
on one hand I'm happy but on the other it could be a sign of a bunch of diseases

Maybe you need a different approach; here's a weight loss plan that treats it as a business management problem rather than a medical issue: fourmilab.ch/hackdiet/

>tfw so fat the government gave me my own little car

pretty sweet desu

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Is your boipucci clean? You could always get laid