Ah fuck! Why is it always us who end up miserable? Whyyyyyy?

Ah fuck! Why is it always us who end up miserable? Whyyyyyy?

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our big brain is the cause, we see the world as it is: not worth living in

>our big brain
Go suck a dick, you fucking idiot.

I understand how shallow and stupid this world is but i can still enjoy life, this world is my playground.

OP uses a chart to prove his point.
And is the stereotypical INTP. Why are INTPs so predictable? Probably because they think rationally

>smug pepe.jpg

food kite

Living in this word requires a suspension of disbelief that it all somehow matters. If you cant muster that up, then you have no hope. Try volunteer work.

Living is a physical experience. If you live in your head all day you will be miserable.

>Tfw tried going down the religious zealot route and realized it still doesnt matter because God decides literally everything.
Oddly though, Im rather comfortable with this. It makes my mistakes seem less meaningful and doing random meaningless shit I enjoy more meaningful. The big issue is the depression and anxiety which isnt even psychological. Its a physical psychiatric issue. Also going down the path of larping as extremely superstitious might have given me psychosis. Oops.

it's harder to trick us

Basically extrovertness and happiness are directly proportional, ENTPs are a separate case

But I want to live in my head all day and be happy.

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ESFPs are lucky faggots.

because INTP is literally the dumbest group of all time.

Which INTP hurt you, user?

We're the least happy because we waste all our time pondering everything and don't do shit with our lives

>Also going down the path of larping as extremely superstitious might have given me psychosis

>braging about being smart
>says life is not worth living
dont even want to start to explain why this is retared desu

I went through a phase where I was bored and feeling open minded, so I started researching conspiracy theories, occultism, and spiritual stuff. Now I'm seeing and hearing things that tell me the future accurately including Trump's election and also tell me they turned me into a werewolf. I may have broken my brain which was already riddled with depression and anxiety. Now I'm trapped in hell seeing, hearing, and feeling things I don't understand. On the bright side I just watched a video of an exorcist saying those most tortured by demons in this life have the highest positions in the next life. So yaaaaaay. Sadly, my sorry state is interfering with my ability to study and to hold a job. I'm over a year behind in college hoping I graduate at all, and got fired from two jobs this year because I wasn't high functioning enough. I'm scared af of my future and obsessing over all the blackpills from Jow Forums like white genocide are just making my condition worse.

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intp here
can confirm
too aware to function like a good sheep

Hey at least us ISTP's can join the military if all goes to shit, I've no idea what the last plan of an INTP would be

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You do realize that personality type shit is fake right?

You do realize that personality type stuff is bullshit right??

>Why is it always us who end up miserable?
INTP here. For me, it's my continual disappointment in the generally low intelligence of other people that keeps me in a persistent state of melancholy.

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The chart is pretty good news though, if you look at it rationally, the overwhelming majority of people are happy. For whatever reason. I mean, we know why they are just stupid, deluded, drugged up fools. But still.

I just took the test. I've been seeing this gay shit all over the place recently. Apparently I'm an INTJ. What does this faggotry mean?

it means you have a smart. ur special.

>not one single person asking for a source
no wonder you people believe retarded shit

>big brain
>Believing personality tests actually tell you anything
Take a look at this goy.

same the saddest thing is that you cant do nothing about it

Tfw ESTP tfw accurate lmao

You are not smart. You are merely logical. Logic=/=intelligence. Logic is linear thinking. Linear thinking is associated with low iq. Intuition/creativity on the other hand, (which involves "feels") is associated with high IQ. Infact, IQ is measured as pattern recognition. Intuition=patterns. Intuition=intelligence.

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I'm an INTP and have a 135 IQ.

>happy ESTP
Why are you here bro. ESTPs are either succesful Chads Living the Dream or they're failed, broken, miserable men drinking/smoking/snorting away their problems. May also be criminal.

If you're the former, why are you even here

Online iq tests are not valid. That said, if you are that intelligent, know that your intelligence comes from the intuitive part of the brain, not the logical

>ISTP is the second lowest

Fuck life

It was a real IQ test I had to take in class. The N in INTP means intuitive btw.

I know, but a lot of INTPs take pride in being logical and seem to have developed that part of the brain to great extent but they undervalue intuition and creativity, which is really the only thing that matters. Anyone can do logic really, its not that hard. But there is a reason why intuitives make up 30% of the population.

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ISTP is the type most likely to have PTSD in men

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ISTP, ENFJ, INFP and ESTJ are the "vulnerable to stress" types

ENFP, ISTJ, ESTP and INFJ "endure, and then bounce back" from stress

INTJ, ESFP, ENTP and ISFJ are "frozen/paralyzed" by stress

ENTJ, ISFP, ESFJ and INTP are "toughened/trained" by stress

Pic related was disproven in an older thread user, why are you still posting it?

So we should be listening more to the actors and singers in the world, since they're the real intelligent people? The guys who studied STEM are not intelligent they're just logical. Does this mean East Asians are now retards and Sub-saharan Africans are Earth's greatest minds?

There is no last plan

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>INTP are "toughened/trained"
Lol no

ESTP master race. Suck my dick you incels.

Where in acting and singing is intuition involved? Since when are niggers highly contemplative and intuitive people? An example of an intuitive person is Tesla or even Hitler. Your average nigger is a sensory thrill seeker.

Also, to further drive the point home. Since when did STEM graduates make good leaders and decision makers? STEM graduates are good at solving problems, you make the decision for them and when you encounter a little problem you order the STEMfag to solve it for you. Even in problemsolving, the intuitive aspect of the mind is used to brainsto through ideas and find the best solution. STEMlets are all intuitive nerds. Intuition=nerd, Sensing=Chad. Logic is linear thinking, if all you are is logical than you are not intelligent.

>also tell me they turned me into a werewolf

That is oddly specific user, Werewolves represent the inner beast in man overcoming his rational nature, and you have a typing that favours introverted thinking, the man in this case would literally be your conscious mind keep your sub conscious (Extroverted Intuition) down. The fact you are so depressed and anxious might mean you're in the Ti-Si loop, you're over thinking things and you're trying to find your own way out but as you haven't overcome this obstacle before you canot figure out how to do so this time, but your Ne is literally manifesting itself as the wolf, screaming for you to recognise he has the answer to your problems.

Embrace that Werewolf user, recognise you do not have the answer in you and it most certainly is not something your logical mind can piece together. Embrace the Beast by letting your Ne run wild. Do something creative, artistic, wild or even go to the gym and feel physical exhilaration.

What does Ne mean?

If there was a pill that made me not INTP but kill me instantly, I would take it.


Search for "Ti-Si loop" on the page

Just get rat poison. If you're dead you can't have any personality.

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This happened to me too kek
It's utterly trashed my personality and perspective and I spend most of my time thinking about how I used to think about things
Also the demonic torture has done nothing for my resolve and I'm pretty sure it's just turning me into more of a degenerate (I hate using that word but it fits)

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Akashic bump

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>extroverts are almost unanimously happier than introverts
Big doubt

>Big doubt
Are you kidding me, that seems par for course, extroverts don't have to do any introspection in order to be themselves, they just do whatever they feel like and leave self-awareness behind, meaning they almost never focus on their flaws like introverts do.

>have assigment/summary of an article due tomorrow
>haven't even read the article yet
I don't want to do anything, I just want to stay in bed. I don't even think I'm le smart but lazy but I unironically do way better when i actually muster up the motivation to do anything. I don't even have to try that hard, but I don't do anything at all

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>he fell for the MBTI normie cult

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MBTI is roughly correlated to Big 5 test results so it's not too out there.