Is there a more meme food than sushi? It's just fucking rice. Why does it cost so much?

Is there a more meme food than sushi? It's just fucking rice. Why does it cost so much?

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It is overpriced but I still like it. I just go to places that ask for a flat rate and offer a wide selection so I just get whatever I want and leave, idk if that's how it's done normally in Japan or not.

>It's just fucking rice.
And deliciously expensive pieces of overfished fish.

But the biggest meme food is Italian.
>Red sauce and pasta
>What sauce and pasta
>Adda da meataballs!

Fuck Italy.

I like Italy but pasta is definitely the biggest memefood.

It's overpriced because westerners are stupid and will overpay for "fancy" "exotic" food.

sushi is the only asian food i can tolerate. asian food in general is absolutely disgusting.

The fish itself is expensive for the restaurants to buy in the first place. They can't turn a profit without charging those prices. Murricans just don't eat it as much as Japanese people.

I fucking love rice t b h. It's cheap, it's tasty, it's supereasy to cook, there are tons of flavors.

>not enjoying some authentic, non-panda express or PF Chang garlic chicken
>not enjoying Thai curry, pho or miso soup
>not enjoying those shitty wasabi rice crackers

lmao french and italian food are pretty much the best food in the world, nothing comes close to them. go back to mongolia and eat some rotted horse carcass.

yea let me go to mainland china and eat fucking cow esophagus fried in gutter oil. repulsive

You think spaghetti, ricotta cheese or entire pats of butter drizzled with wine on tiny plates are culinary wonders?

The place I go to uses chili oil approved by the FDA since it would be illegal to sell sewage to customers, but keep reaching, asian food is goat

Can we all collectively agree that chicken nuggies is the culinary peak of mankind?

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no, it's not great, you're just some idiot weeb or you're an actual asian. it's all mediocre trash food that i wouldn't feed to a dog.

Because sushi fish expires quickly, maybe.
It's pretty easy to make.

I think I'll just go to Kotipizza and eat Pizza Berlusconi which is delicious smoked reindeer.

>TFW Finns make better Italian food than Italians.

>With Pizza Berlusconi, Kotipizza won the America's Plate International pizza contest in New York City in March 2008, beating the Italian-Americans, who came in second place, and the Australians in third.

Panag curry and pho are top-tier

yep thats all italian food is. have even been to italy?

>Why does it cost so much?
You need to look into Tuna prices.

I will grant though, that the prices are inflated in the West. I wasn't paying as much for sushi while I was actually in Japan, but over there beef is overpriced so...choose your poison, I guess. Shipping would also reflect prices. I'd imagine you'd be paying more for blue fin tuna in Montana then you would on the coast of North Carolina.

thats all i need to know about you

this too

I work in a restaurant. We have a token asian dude at the sushi stand handing over the dishes, but the actual prepping process is done by a bunch of smelly pajeets.

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no I haven't been to Italy but for all the ranting and raving people get into about the food that comes from there, all we get in the US is cheese, pasta, tomato sauce and meat, if you want Cioppino you can have a shitty bowl at Olive Garden, there is maybe one or two "real" Italian restaurants within 10 miles of where I live yet people act like frozen food tier lasagna is something so special you serve it to your family on fucking Christmas.

enjoy your mashed potatoes and rump roast

>all we get in the US is cheese, pasta, tomato sauce and meat

lol no, you just live in the middle of nowhere

I live where there are more Italians in the country than any other area and I guarantee you all they eat are fucking meatball subs and pepperoni pizza

Why do italians always give their food retarded long faggot names?
Every wine or pasta is some Pino Nino Mama Mia El Bambino El Cantina Esperante Delissima.
Fuck off. At least chinks have the decency to call their pasta soba and udon.

There is no bigger meme than cooking as an art.
You take one thing, put it in some heat, take another thing, toss it around or something, maybe drizzle some other thing on top, then put it adjacent to thing A. That's it. That's what all cooking is. All of you are just retards that want to feel cool about totally knowing so much about some stupid shit when it's all just food.

that's funny, because i also live in that area and what you're describing is just shit food at some corner pizza shop. try again

Asian people don't have an entire Bible written on how and when to use certain types of pasta.

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Christ you're the type of person I hate cooking for, don't put me in charge of your food now that I know I can just pile some uncooked flesh onto some lettuce, add salt and pepper and serve it to you in a frisbee.

>Adda da meataballs!
Something an italian would never, ever do.
This is purely american bullshit.

I wish it was that easy.

t. user who only knows how to make cold cereal and maybe toast

watch out we got a gastrobro here

Yeah if you lived in the same area you'd know most people can't get a seat at Rao's or Ralph's.

Where i live its 80 cents nzd per piece which is around 40cents usd id say its probbaly the cheapest food you can get besides buying rice or potatoes to cook yourself.

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I know how to feed myself at least, again if you don't appreciate cooking that's fine but there's nothing impressive about having broken taste buds, it's a disability. Just spare the chef the trouble next time you go out to eat and order your shit all mashed into a bowl and microwaved since it's just turning into poop anyway.

so we should only judge food on how it is in shit heap corner dumps? are you mentally retarded

I'm judging Italian food in the US by what Italian people eat on a regular basis, which isn't "real Italian food"

Sure a bunch of butthurt Mario brothers ITT

If you're not Asian you're welcome for your culture

Italo-americans aren't italians

yes faggot. Cooking isn't some hard or super complex art, it';s why pretty much every man woman and child that don't have to put foam on counter corners and doorknobs can do it. That's all it takes. Anything beyond that is just 100% certified faggot shit.

So, we like Finnish culture, then?

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Realistically, there's only like 3 or 4 meaningful variations, besides that they're all the fucking same, you might as well write a book on when to use Flintstones macaroni or when to use Spongebob macaroni.

Well then it shouldn't surprise you since I said I've never been to Italy, that none of the "good" recipes made it to America, so not many people know about them.

It's weird how Italians are not hesitant to point this out yet never offer suggestions of their own, probably because they in fact are also stuffing their faces full of diabetes and processed meat and cheese.

k ill play this game. shit italian food is 100x better than shit chinese food. italians regularly eat pizzas and meatballs, chinks regularly eat rice and chicken in some greasy brown sauce that comes from a rat infested shit house dump

>This is your brain on americlap

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Just because you can open a box of frozen food with your stumpy fingers and throw it into a microwave doesn't mean cooking is obsolete. What a stupid nigger holy shit

im pretty sure the only italian food you have ever eaten is at olive garden HAHHAH

>shit italian food is 100x better than shit chinese food.
Then why do people never order pasta delivered to their homes? It costs less than $5 to throw dry wheat sticks into boiling water and drench them in some shitty canned sauce, there is a reason they give it out for FREE at churches.

>yet never offer suggestions of their own
Porcini, buffalo mozzarella, parmesan, prosciutto crudo, acquapazza and the other hundreds of seafood recipes we have, lasagna, sopressata, cannelloni, pecorino, basil pesto, polenta...
This is all stuff we eat on a daily basis.

>Then why do people never order pasta delivered to their homes
...what? i can order some type of pasta dish and get it delivered to my house in 30 minutes

>t. pissed someone had the audacity to insult his favorite arrangement of carbs, tomato and cheese

It's just the Mexican food of Europe, go home

Because italian pasta has to be served when it's still hot and steamy.

Yeah but you'd be pretty fucking retarded if you did that since you can buy a box of shitty pasta for less than a dollar and not have to pay for delivery. What kind of fucking moron pays extra for someone to boil wheat in water for them?

youre right everyone should stop going to all restaurants immediately

t. mad ching chong that eats sheep penis dumplings

>fish with tomato (wow)
>carbs with tomato
>cheese and carbs

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It takes a special kind of stupid and/or poor to not be able to boil water.

Are you looking for vegan recipes?

>tfw when I made Ramen and the fire department had to be called.

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Pasta is vegan, how do you think so many vegans get fat?

yea, the sauce is what takes the time to make sweetie

By stuffing their face with candy, potato chips and coca cola

i dont know whats worse, chinese food or british food

>not Asian
also checked

Because the purist wops can't do anything but argue over whether or not carrots and onions are traditional ingredients or not.

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but carrots taste like shit

Chinese and Japanese food:

Thai food:

Indian food:

North european food:
>salted fish
>fish oil

American food:
>chicken wings
>DNA altering chemical experiments

Every cuisine in the world confirmed shit

Who cares about the price. Eat food because it's tasty not because it's cheap

russian food
>tree bark
>moldy bread

No, this is your brain on reality. Sorry faggot, but not even france is full of master chefs that care oh so much about every little detail, and carefully set the temperature at precisely whatever degrees for precisely however long. People just do it for however feels right and then add whatever they like, they don't consult big ass books to determine what goes with what they just do whatever. Why? Because you're going to eat it, and it'll taste good and all but it's by no means some spiritual revelation or anything, it's just food. You eat it, that's it. That's all it needs to be.
>doesn't mean cooking is obsolete
Except I never said that you retarded nigger faggot. Can you even read?

>this is a tube shaped piece of pasta
>this one is a slightly wider tube shaped piece of pasta

don't you dare use the second one instead of the first one in this [extremely specific application] though

You're talking to two different people pietro

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that and tendies unironically. poltry is an old but gold favorite of mankind across the world. Tendies are literally a huge improvement on poultry that blends the old world with the new world.

you missed vodka

Russian food is mostly
>buckwheat porridge
>some retarded soup
t. slav

Yes, thanks for noticing you cocksucker.

>Chinese and Japanese food:

whats wrong with that?

I love sushi. And manga!

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Nothing, these ingredients are good enough to make a rich and healthy traditional cuisine, but the same is true for


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Must be low quality if it's that cheap

pretty sure most of the stuff in that other post is pure colon cancer though

fucking hell kek.

>when you are outcasted from your own culture so you try to vicariously live through another, much stricter culture through their consumer products thinking you are cultured when in reality you look like a cringy fat fuck.

Mercians literally eat vastly more ((sushi)) then Japs. I lived there for 20+ years sushi pieces (not fucking rolls) is like a twice a year thing if that. The kind of food japs eat daily isnt very common in the west.