Why can't I stop thinking about being gang banged by racist white guys?

Why can't I stop thinking about being gang banged by racist white guys?

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Post nudes there's plenty of white guys here who'd love to see them.

im kinda racist.. and white...
i could bang you and call you nigger... if its ok..

sorry tanika, but gang bangs are for niggers. actual humans dont do such things.

You're not any of those things. You're just pathetic.

No gangbangs, we don't share slaves.

Why the fuck would anyone want to do that? You realize racists are literally disgusted by your kind, right? Doing sexual things with you is repulsive.

>tfw no Shaniqua gf to call me her massa

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Inferior pussy still pussy

Then why don't you fuck literal monkeys and donkeys and shit. STILL PUSSY, RIGHT user? fucking disgusting.

Pussies are for making children, and black pussies shit out nigger babies. I would sooner kill myself than make a halfnigger son.

where do you live you fucking nigger, i'll breed you just like your ancestors were

(awrite gents, successfully foiled your racism, go lose that virginity!)

Did you even understand the two posts you just replied to?

lol. I don't think he did, user. I don't even think he understood his own post.

do politicians fuck niggers? do the wealthy fuck niggers? how come they tell you to fuck niggers.

Allow me to reiterate more clearly: I have successfully served to emphasize just how racist that you are, in order that you may acquire contact information and fulfill this dirty princess' sexual desires and put an end to your long-suffering sexless existence.

I'm not a virgin and I don't want to do that. I just think the thread is stupid. What exactly did you foil?

goddamn brainlets can't even racist properly


That is a noun and not a verb, and it is unrelated, you were clearly using the verb albeit incorrectly.

Context Trump's everything if you're not a brainlet fuckwit, probably could've afforded to "foil'd" to distinguish since the noun was already an unrelated verb, but the fact that you felt the need to explain your lack of comprehension makes me smile

Oh and your second comma should be a semicolon

No it shouldn't as this is dialogue and I am typing this way to specifically convey my manner of speaking.

I think that you meant to say that you were a successful foil, not that you successfully foiled anything.

Are you a grammar Nazi, or aren't you? Make your fucking mind up. If so, you should probably get cracking on the rest of the board. There's fucking tons of mistakes to be pointed out all over the place. If not, quit trying to make an arbitrary practice (especially one you're not particularly adept in the utilization of) the marker by which you measure yourself anything but a brainlet fuckwit.

>tfw no decent black gf

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Yes, by any reasonable standard, my choice of words was decidedly incorrect, and deliberately so, assuming I could hide the meaning in such a way that the communication would be jarringly confusing at a glance but make sense if reread. I didn't assume anyone who read it would be so desperately in need to pat themselves on the back for e-points in a zero sum IQ game. My mistake.

Because you are a racist white guy making racebait for racist white guys to jerk off with

No just a regular nazi.

Haha, you lost to a Jew.

And the best part is that white "robots" get away with it each time. 24/7 it's just BLACKED and BLEACHED, like seriously get a hobby white "robots". At least take it to /b/ normalfags.

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Huh. Good point. Maybe I'll look for an average black woman.

>haha, user, your racism stuff is hilarious! So you be sayin, Hitler was right to exterminate dem jew niggas?

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You're a Jew? I actually kind of suspected that.
I didn't lose and I will not lose.

He didn't exterminate anyone but he should have.

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Yes leave and don't come back, soon Jow Forums will be free of the low quality racebait formed by the white "robot"

He's right, Hitler even made a habit early on of showing mercy in battle.
You started it. I have higher literal IQ, too, judging by the same propaganda you use to elevate yourself above blacks.

You don't. You have more insecurity to hide, a frailer ego to protect, and more time to waste. You're a weaselly little kike and that is all you ever will be, you will never create anything of value and the best you can hope for in life is to successfully parasitize a little money off of a real and proud man. And you know what? You're going in the oven.

Don't worry, kiddo, it's by race, not religion. We're not supposed to go anywhere near Israel til Messiah brings us. Zionism is awful. We're actually philisophically aligned. I pay my taxes. Even served in the US military. Enlisted.





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Don't you get it you retard? Even if I was a sexually frustrated incel I still wouldn't settle for some one who was
1: black
2: a hoe
3: a gangbang

They're 0 for 3 and need to start playing basketball because they're in the wrong sport.

It really doesn't matter what you say. All Jews need to die. No exceptions. Because, if you suddenly wake up one day to find that every single goy has been finally fully enslaved, and you're entitled to 4400 of them of your own, I have a feeling you wouldn't really protest. And with that in the back of your subconscious kike rat mind, you engage in your nepotism and take thousands of miniscule tiny little actions towards that end. Just in case.

You're going in the oven.

It's a good thing you lack the ability follow through. Besides, I'm just a white guy with a German name for pidegon handler who was adopted by my stepdad with an Eastern European name. I'm not going along with the synagogue of Satan no matter how many people I'm offered. I'll take the chop. And hey, if my God affords you the authority to throw me in the fire, well, amen.

It was a mild joke about you being a virgin. Really shouldn't have been so racy here of all places.


Cute. Like I told you, I'm a US vet. I'm pro nationalism. I'm an American, just Jewish by blood. If I had been in Germany, I'd have been one of the Jews dying in a German uniform, friendo. I'm glad Soros is getting beat back in Hungary. I'm glad Republicans are calling dudes like Ben Shapiro for his dual interests in American politics. I hate how the nuclear family has been utterly demolished by in a multifaceted cultural assault. I strongly disagree with Talmudic Judaism. It's Talmudic Judaism that's your enemy, not racial Jews. Hitler believed enough in his people to speak clearly about the complexities of FDR's failings, so think for yourself now. Is what I'm saying slick kikespeak?

Yeah, I also wish the world were black and white. Sorry. Oh, and it's dove handler, not pidgeon. Shows how much heritage actually matters, I just like trolling Nazis. The idea of believing yourself superior to anybody is just hilarious, especially when your own stats put your enemies above you.