
Do nice maleanons exist? idk seems to me that every other post is either about sabotaging women or about pretending to be nice in order to manipulate and use em. Jus an emo thot who once felt >tfw no qt nonnormie bf, but hey if you really feel the need to insult and control me whatever do your thing and I'll do mine

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No, we don't exist.

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You're a male. Stop it

If he a cute 1, Id hit it.

Do nice females even exist? I don't think women have the capacity for true kindness or love, it seems every single post made by a roastie is just them projecting and whining and talking about how they exploit men.

Nice bait, but I'll take it. I'm a genuinely kind male cyborg and no I'm not kind with the intention of getting something out of it. I just feel inside that's the right way to behave, even if people are shitty to me most of the time I still try to be nice. I exist. Is that all?

Insult nope. control yes, if you are willing to trust me with it.
I enjoy it, I found a lot of girls come to enjoy it, and you are not in your life situation because you are doing so damn well at keeping your life under control anyway, are you?

We just 2 cute, niBBa. 2 cute 4 dese hose

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>Do nice maleanons exist?


Anything else you would like to ask?

No that goes against human nature. Even selfless acts are done for selfish reasons. Selfless people just value respect/social currency more than physical currency.

NiBBa dun hate ppl, y u doin such a thang, bruv

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to answer both of you, yes, both of these exist, you probably just don't notice them in sea of angry robots, and in the latter case almost every single one of them get called a larper, tho some probably are larpers, and there's really nothing you can do about that

Im a bully here because girls like it

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Girls ? You mean like thin-air, non-existent, empty space, illusions, right?

I have no reason to be nice to women. They've done nothing to deserve it and everything to discourage it.

This edit doesn't even resemble wojak anymore...

>socialised to feel
As a radical feminist, I chortled.

Anyway, there are nice anons, but most are overtaken by dudes who screech about how they only want women as cumdumpsters and how meaningful connection with them is futile...and then go into the next thread crying about how alone they are.

The nice ones are real sweet and I wish them the best. They tend to be oldfags.

>Anyway, there are nice anons, but most are overtaken by dudes who screech about how they only want women as cumdumpsters and how meaningful connection with them is futile...and then go into the next thread crying about how alone they are.

I'm inclined to agree with this. It's the strange duality of being user I suppose.

It doesn't matter what I say because most women here and on various other shitholes have robots pegged as terrible creatures.

In reality, I just don't white knight. It's pointless to argue with anons with a chip on their shoulder. Therefore, I stay out of those conversations.

But in a greater context, I'm afraid of you. I don't have any friends. I don't know how to talk to people. I don't have a girlfriend. It's constantly alluded to that I'm a terrible person because I'm a man. Anything I say is scanned and judged and can be used against me in the future for any percieved slight.

As far as women, I wish I could find one who would give me a chance. I just want to make one happy. I don't even know where to begin there, though.

So I can understand where some of the anons are coming from here, as a counter-reaction. Their own space to vent. I wouldn't take any of it personally.

But no, I'm not a nice guy. I'm a socially incompetent, friendless guy.

Ugh yeah most likely but idk man never had a relationship b4 with a guy and from how they write I'm afraid to

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Yes we do exist were good at hiding

you really need to stop caring what NEETs think of the idea of you. 99.9% of the people who browse this shithole would dookie themselves if they saw you irl

I would assume so. I added a fembot on discord several months ago and she frequently described me as nice, sweet, kind, etc. Most people I know have the same opinion.

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Just make fun of them. That's what Jow Forums is for. You larp as an user making poppies and getting big boy points, which can be used for nuggies. Dusu. XD. Pic unrelated. I love this image.

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get the fuck outa here roastie

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