Do the maleanons here genuinely hate women, or do they just shitpost about it? It seems to be a mix

Do the maleanons here genuinely hate women, or do they just shitpost about it? It seems to be a mix.

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I don't hate women, I hate contemporary "female culture" of hookups, narcissism and insane consumerism.

>of hookups, narcissism and insane consumerism
So you hate women then. These are all female traits.

Used to hate women. Now i just do my best to ignore them.
If youre going to push this you missed the oppottunity to call them manons

this is the crux of the problem. it's hard to say what women are or could be, aside from what they behave like right now. and what they behave like right now (or at least throughout the 20th century up until now) is abhorrent. it's hard to sympathize with them when you're not related to them, and even that is sometimes not enough.

Women are 100% take and 0% give and when they do decide to give then it's shit because they're retarded

I used to like them alot more, before I became desirable.

Pussy is ON TAP. Once you reach a certain social/ attractiveness level. It's a little sad, because I'm the same person inside that I always was, more or less.

But now all of a sudden I'm just fucking awesome?

And who is responsible for that? Women who rarely create anything worthwhile? No, men who let them go this cancerous way. Women are reflection of men, fren.

I remember my grand-grandma who was raised in truly patriarchal society of strong, good men. She lived through two world wars, raised seven children and took care of an alcoholic husband who rarely worked and still never even thought about a divorce. And she was average of her time.

We need to fix it, no one else.

Thats not how this works

I completely agree with you user. Women are detestable creatures, all of their behaviour is reprehensible and loathsome. Not to mention how fucking primitive they are.
Men advance, while women's minds are stuck in hunter gatherer times.
The root of the female's instincts is to show off her assets and body to as many potential suitors (aka Chads) as possible. It's to slut around until they find the chaddest of chads to mate with. It's to vy for social attention & validation.
Humans aren't social animals, women are. Everything a woman does revolves around status, attention, and material possessions/money.
Women are simply not human beings.

w0mEn hAvE nO aGeNcy

Your great grandma was still a stupid roastie, and always will be.
Every woman should be overwhelmed with shame upon knowing she is a woman.

No. Since I've isolated myself for the majority of my life, no woman (or anyone really) has wronged me. I don't blame them for not finding me attractive because I share the sentiment for ugly women. I don't care about this either as it doesn't impact me in any way.

I don't hate women.
I don't understand them. And what I don't understand, I fear.
It also frustrates me and enrages me

I get the feeling life is a lot easier to fall back in for girls because they have a huge safety net of friends and family who give a shit and will jump at their call.

I don't have any friends though so im probably a skewed view.

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biologically they kinda still are human,it's more fitting to call inhumane. while what you said isn't wrong, i think it would be fair to say that there are women who aren't like that.

They really don't beyond their hormones dictating their sexuality. That sexuality was always controlled by men. Nowadays it is not without keeping it in check, but also hypergamy is glorified.

Again, women always conform to men. Their attricious state of now is literally result of us throwing away the leash. Until we take it back in our hands, nothing will change, only to worse.

This mindset is exactly the reason why they suck.

I don't hate women. I hate myself.
I don't know how to talk to women. I'm incompetent as far as socialization goes.

Really, I just wish one would give me a chance. I wish I could make one happy. Loneliness is really all I feel. All my friends moved away.

they're boring and have boring little lives and tiny brains

I hate women and won't even hide it as there are plenty of reasons to justify it. I also hate men as well for justifiable reasons.

>This mindset is exactly the reason why they suck.
I think people that actively encourage the culture you are referring contribute far more than me not interacting with women at all.

Jesus christ user, you sound like a fucking roastie.

I was getting really sad reading this thread, but this post made me smile a little.

i never did before or posted woman hate but i'm starting to resent them

>made me smile a little
Get the fuck off my board forever and git raped and murdered you worthless roastie.

>Jesus christ user, you sound like a fucking roastie.
no i've just been fortunate enough to meet a few females who aren't self-absorbent whores. and women who actually do say that about themselves usually do end up being the same either way. the chances of meeting that kind of a person is still slim to none

Well, I'm glad I made you smile.
At least, I think I should feel glad. Honestly, I'm not too sure about it...

>not whores
That's statistically less than 0.0126% of the US population

Aaaaaand perfect example of women instantly getting attention & orbiters everywhere they go.
Women fucking ruin *everything*. Didn't
think it was possible to despise them even more than I already do now.

i'm talking globally, not everyone is from the US. but i imagine it would be a similar number if you do include europe in that calculation

I most certainly don't hate women, and it upsets me that virgin is now pretty much a synonym for incel. I'm not particularly ugly, I've had people tell me I range from anywhere between a 5 to a 7, and the 5's said I wasn't ugly, I just need to lose weight. I've pretty much become a hikikimorri, but if a woman genuinely wanted a relationship with me I'd probably do anything for her.

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I'm scared of women. When women see fear or insecurity in a guy, they tend to get more abusive than they were before. I'm pretty much forced to pretend i hate them.

So basically every country that isn't Islamic? Even then the inbred rate is so high and they fuck them while they're not even 10.

>women are so monumentally privileged that even a woman-hate thread will automatically turn into a whiteknighting and orbiting thread

You roastie enablers make me fucking sick to my stomach.

Just logically, if your goal is to get laid sometime in this lifetime, hating the group that you want to fuck doesn't seem useful. If you have given up on getting laid, the anger might feel good now but the high will eventually wear off and you'll be even more miserable than before. Just don't see the point of it from a practical perspective.


is this what it comes to now?

>makes everything about sex right from the start
Thanks for proving that women have nothing to offer but their holes.

I don't hate women in general. But plently (not all) are complete cunts.

Not my intention, but the same sentiment applies to a relationship.

This is mental retardation: the post.

Any attractive, cocky, & outgoing male can bang any slut he wants. Women have no standards aside from "be tall, semi-good looking, and outwardly confident to the point of arrogance."
Women's primitive lizard brains get off on being treated like shit and they view an assertive & confident guy as breeding material. Women like misogyny (despite how much they outwardly claim to hate it) because it comes off as "alpha" and gets their cunts wet.

If women weren't degenerate attention craving whores, maybe I wouldn't hate them.

Don't you dare call me an orbiter.
I honestly thought this user was mocking me so I expressed my doubts about the content of his post

If you are equating a prototypical asshole chad to the way people feel/talk on this board then you are the retarded one dude. The way women perceive the two could not be further apart.
What do you gain from that?

Not really. Why hate them when they haven't changed my life for the worse in any way?

>hating women
I don't hate them, that is just pathetic, I do however find it annoying how easy mode their lives can be sometimes.

I don't hate anyone, but sometimes I shit post on discord servers that I hate blacks and liberals. Other times I shitpost that I'm a liberal, it's all very entertaining to me. I just don't have strong feelings towards anything to hate it.

Everyone gains from that. Women wait until marriage, which makes a strong marriage, which means the divorce rate plummets. Kids grow up in stable homes, which means less crime and drug use. Not craving attention means they're modest and have to get a personality instead of flashing their bodies everywhere. They're now interesting and loyal.

That's not what I asked. Obviously all of that is true. I asked what you gain from feeling hatred towards them from a practical perspective.

no man hates women, it's physically impossible. anyone who says they do is lying to themselves

This is a male only website roastie. Keep walking. 4channels that way.

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>Their attricious state of now is literally result of us throwing away the leash
Who's 'we' Mr. Baby Boomer?

I feel hatred towards things that deserve to be hated. Women deserve to be hated.

how am i enabling any roasties here exactly? why would i defend shallow pieces of shit with basically no personality?

Alright man, you do you. From my perspective it's not worth engaging in things that do not provide some sort of benefit to you.

How many Ben Shapiro videos have you watched that you can recite his spiel like that?

Wise words, user. Wise words.
Women are such despicable creatures, I often wonder why they were created at all. Women used to be good for procreation & doing chores, now; not even that.

>Do the maleanons here genuinely hate women, or do they just shitpost about it? It seems to be a mix.
I hate women

Typical. You have no actual response so you drop normie bullshit.

>watching a kike

Reponse to what? If you'd given an argument I'd have responded. "I hate them because they deserve to be hated" isn't an argument.

It's a perfect argument as it's short and sweet. Why state every reason why they should be hated? It's pretty much known to all why women are horrible people.

Super Iper Original Test

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i dont hate women per se, im actually just browsing this board out of boredom today, but this guy is pretty accurate. people talk about how men are taught not to cry, especially in front of each other, but ive cried in front of all my male friends and all they do is hold me and comfort me. cry in front of a woman after your father dies and she'll still leave you saying its not this its some other stupid problem from 3 years ago.

they are taught to take. never give.

Reasons to hate something =/= benefit gained from hating something


what made you desirable? cuz if its an increase in appearance are you really surprised that attractive people want to sleep with attractive people? you don't fuck a personality.

Fine with regular women. Hate gossipy bitches. But fembots are the worst of all. They are genuinely bad people. They make robos and Jow Forumstards look like saints.

I hate women are much as I hate men.

Here's a reason gained from hating women, I'm not some normie whiteknight pussy slave that does everything to try and get a used up hole.

I'm not that either and yet I don't hate them. You really do seem stupid, irrespective of your views on this topic.

It's only reasonable to loathe women more than any group.
Sure, each collective has their own faults & flaws, but women have it considerably & noticeably more than anyone else on earth.
I'd go as far as to say that women are a blight on humanity.

>hurr durr what do you gain
What do you gain for nearly anything you do? What do you personally gain from hating the things you do? What does anyone gain from hating pedophiles? Nothing. Keep spouting word salad normie bullshit though. Always fun to see how retarded and delusional you vagina slaves are.

I unironically hate women and want to enslave them.

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I don't hate anyone precisely because it doesn't benefit me. I don't do anything unless I gain something from it. Enjoyment, money etc is all stuff you gain from things worth doing.

Me too, user. I feel that my contempt for women matches no one else's.
All roasties deserve the same fate.

My own assessment is that it's ultimately men who have enabled the bad qualities that women have.

That's correct in a sense, but that's basically saying that women aren't responsible for their own actions. They make choices to be horrible attention craving sluts.

As if women have no agency over their own actions.
You're correct to an extent that men today are cucks and have abandoned their roles as patriarchs. Men no longer keep women in line, but even when they do, women take any opportunity to show themselves and whore around. It's their nature.

>women ruin *everything*
I know that feeling user

I dont hate females in fact I rarely think about them in my boring never go no where life. I do wish we could keep more of them in panties collars and leash but thats just my male fantasy. past that girls are mostly irrelevant to me since I live in the middle of nowhere and go nowhere.

I do enjoy shit posting on here on occasion with over the top bs but hate nah life's to short to hate them for their brain wiring

men here are all misogynists

Wish that were true. Jow Forums is dead and most of the dudes here are turbo whiteknights and stupid orbiters.

woman are children never responsible for anything and thus men once again have to fix it. yeah you sound that stupid.Like it's mens responsible to fix females bad behavior. bad troll got me to reply... and being this much of a cuck white knight you blame all men and excuse female behavior. either you're female or a eternal virgin bitchboy

I like women because they are cute.
I hate women because they have wills of their own that im forced to respect.

I just like to say I do. I hate myself more, and I am having trouble spending my life completely on self-loathing. Might as well continue onwards.

>stupid enough to think they aren't misogynists
there is way more bashing women than defending on this board

>keeping women in line
fucking yikes
not being a subservient orbiter scum =/= putting women in line
let me guess, you're single and a virgin

That's blatantly incorrect.
There is way more orbiting and female worship & e-whore orbiting threads than misogyny/woman-hate.
Perhaps the old Jow Forums had slightly more misogyny.

I genuinely hate women because of the pain they've caused me.
but I'm still tentatively holding on to the hope that one day one will give me a chance

Yes. I hate anyone who wants the benefits of equality but none of the responsibility.

Lol you really think women care if you hate them when deciding to fuck you?

>he says, in a thread brimming with steaming hate for women and their threads on this very board

lol I guess we are just ignoring the fact that every day every hour every minute the board is filled with women hate threads

Ore ore ore gain el

I legit hate them desu.
In my eyes their only use is being jiggly pieces of meat for fucking and eye candy. Men should just overpower and make them slaves like livestock

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I have about as low of opinion of women in general as I do of men in general. In general most people are irrational and selfish while easily swayed by incentives and nudges. In particular good men and women exist.

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>That sexuality was always controlled by men.
>Again, women always conform to men.

If that was the case, then why do the least-desirable 80% of men end up competing for the least-desirable 20% of women?

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>In particular good men
Good men exist. A good woman is an oxymoron.

I'm probably one of the few maleanons that don't hate women.

and any day now it's surely going to pay off that you keep telling yourself and others this lie.

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Why wouldn't I hate women? They're the downfall of civilization.

I don't hate women and don't even write anything bad about them, but I'm not going to white knight when other anons are hating them either.

I don't indiscriminately hate "women" and I try to respect people as individuals, but I am also sincerely disappointed and disgusted by how women in western society have allowed themselves to be fully exploited and brainwashed by the liberal media. It is honestly completely fucking pathetic, and it is honestly the sole phenomenon making me question whether the genders are truly intellectually equal.