This is how the races should be separated

- Blue = European Caucasians

- Cream = Non European Caucasians

- Yellow = Northeast Asians

- Green = Southeast Asians

- Pink = Eurasians/hapas

- Orange = Mestizos

- Red = Amerindians

- Purple = Africans, Black Americans, Black Brazilians & Australian Aboriginals

Attached: ethnostates map.png (1280x635, 196K)

why'd you color the baltic sea but not any other body of water?

and who the fuck gets hainan and ostprussen?

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I did this on my phone so I made some mistakes, hainan is for the chinks and ostprussen for whitoids

>Giving Nigeria and half of sub sahara to sandnigs for whatever reason
>Giving half the planet to chinks
>Giving the middle east and north africa and other climates crackers can't deal with to whites

What a shitty map

>>Giving Nigeria and half of sub sahara to sandnigs for whatever reason
I pushed them down to make more territory for whites
>>Giving half the planet to chinks
I gave it to hapas not chinks
>>Giving the middle east and north africa and other climates crackers can't deal with to whites
White people can handle the heat, it wont be that bad for them

>What a shitty map
Try to make a better one then

why should southern states be given to whites? They're basically subtropical/tropical climates. That's why most 19th century/early 20th century immigrants headed north.

Your map makes no sense why the fuck would eurasians be in America and south asians in australia lmao, and abororiginals aren't even the same as Africans. Again, dumb map

Abos are basically niggers

i would separate parts of the middle east from the european caucasians. I would stop where kuwait is

Uzbeks and Turkmens look more mongol than iranid. Whole Central Asia is hapa land.

They're closer related to caucasoids than congoids, they have completely different skull, hair texture and genetics.

Idc, both are ugly and low IQ

>Making most of the planet for one mixed race combination in a theoretical ethno-stated world where race mixing would rarely even happen

If you're a hapa fag you aren't in place to talk

Why the fuck do hapas get all of North America plus half of Russia, you could probably fit all of them inside of Mexico or something

They are the master race, the future is hapa

Almost as bad as "we wuz kangs" or "medditerianeans aren't white"

But hapas/eurasians already exist and need a place to live

Abos dont deserve an ethnostate for themselves, itd be a waste of land to give them one

they already have scatters of land, they can eat shit and drink piss there, their not even asking for land

>european caucasians
fuck off europe should be sealed off at constantinople, the caucasian mountains and the ural mountains

So does basically every combonation of race you might as well make the united states mutt land

They need to be moved so that southeast asians can have all Australia for themselves

Not all mutts are created equal.
Hapas, mestizos and mutts with mostly nigger admixture shouldnt live in the same place

give them that island under australia they wont give a fuck

All right, thats okay I guess

together we solve problems. for a greater australia

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Australia belongs to seasians chang, I already gave your people lots of land

i aint even from there im just a man in black solving problems

hapas dont need that much land. hapas hate Whites like any old nigger.

Thats not just for western hapas, its for eurasian hapas too and since there is plenty of guys with yellow fever the amount of hapas will increase

>no jews

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the jews never had homogeneous land in the first place

hapas hate Whites just like niggers do. hapas are shit until proven otherwise.

Its just a few western hapas who hate whites, also asian men and east european women also have hapa children and they dont hate whites

All the blue parts on that map are scientifically Caucasoids. Facts dont care about your feelings.

No, the whites get to keep Ohio

why should be arabs grouped with us, when they are mostly the ones fucking up our country ?

What country are you from?nn

Because its a cultural not a genetic problem. Arabs used to cause no issues until the refugee crisis. I live in a country with a lot of integrated Arabs and you wouldn't be able to tell them apart from whites if you only went by behaviour. Give them a generation or two, and they'll sort themselves out.

Thank, Benny boy

france, some of them are nice but go around paris and soon you're stripped off of your belongings

it's quite the opposite, lots of arabs from the elders are quite nice but a lot of their children acts like barbarians

>iceland = eurasians/hapas

Kek, they are germanic you idiot

thats what im saying. they take greenland and all of NA too. watch out for hapas, they hate Whites like niggers do.

You have no idea what you're talking about mate. Iceland has very low ethnic diversity, and there are definitely no asians taking over

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im aware. im saying watch out for scheming hapas, look at how op laid claim to huge areas of land just for hapas.

russia i could understand but not all of NA and greenland/iceland.

I will have lots of hapa children and many other whites will too, so hapas need more land

>filipino and thai .4%

it has begun. fucking iceland

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Yeah obviously the elders are gonna act nice. I'm talking about the youth that grew up in the Middle East then moved here, and i assume you are too.

this is what im saying. hapas are not pro white. hapa girls routinely attack White women and coax White men to breed with asian women.

I respect the white race but id rather have hapa children with the asian woman I fell in love with

nah, mostly talking about children of immigrants who feels that they belong to their country of origin but still stay in France while trashtalking the country

t. hapa larpist

this is the shit im warning yall about, hapas are conniving.

I didnt put arabs in france tho, I moved them to north africa

I wouldn't worry about the thai, we willingly import thai women to scandinavian countries rural areas because all the women here move to cities and leave sad lonely men behind in the deep swedish forests.

idiot. it has begun. hapas will have iceland soon enough.

I mean those guys just act like your typical chad, white or otherwise. Not a race issue.

Forgot the pic


This is how the races should really be separated.

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fucking balls. Whites are selfish for race mixing. and leaving less beautiful Whites on this earth for shitskins to be envious of.

honestly wouldn't compare them to chads, it's far more fucked up because they spend their time shitting on the country while knowing that they won't ever go back to theur ancesters country because they would just have a shitty life there

that would be beautiful. whats even the point of non whites?

The chinese and hapas wont allow that

told ya. these hapas are just chinks at the core. hapas have no love for Whites.

>Nigerians non white caucasoids
Meanwhile Ethiopoans are not

Ok retard

user, is this really going to help? idk but even in caucasian masterrace there are libfags and left cucks

You can kill the libfags if you dont like them

>Indians are North East Indians


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I was referring to the part where you said they "act like savages". Thats basically chad behaviour, low inhib. High inhib is incel/beta. As for shitting on the country, its all memes man. Same way how we make jokes about niggers but 90% of people who do so are not actually racist in real life. They like the country and they like living there, they just feel guilt out of "betraying" their own people by being a westerner. Because make no mistake, these kids are as western as you and me. They grew up and lived here their entire lives, you cant really call em "Middle Eastern" or whatever.

>green south east asians
>green doesnt include south east asia
what did he mean by this?

Arent you happy that I gave all of india to your race?

Lmao, what a slip.
I meant North East Asians.

Thats where I want them to move

If yall wanna see something as retarded as this shit, here ya go

>OP doesnt mean this is where he separates the races but this is where he wants them to move
Oh shit you are delusional, my bad.

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I thought it was obvious that I meant that

hahahahahaha youre fucking retarded hahahahahaha holy fuck why arent the south east asians in fucking south east asia you retarded person?
why did you put mezitos in fucking south america when there are far more of them in central america? did you get hit on the head as a child why did you make this?

I want to move them to make room for the hapa master race

hapas are basically niggers.

well go on then move them

>t. Seething white roastie

Fuck off New Zealand isn't gooktopia, gtfo my country chang!

nope, its your old buddy, Storm Chad