Why happened to society? Why did it feel so different 30 years ago?

Why happened to society? Why did it feel so different 30 years ago?


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Damn, the feels man. It's to heart warming.

I was in a sheetz and just bullshitting with random strangers and I thought of this video. It's not always gonna be in the same places but this type of thing still happens.

>Why happened to society?
we lived in it, now society lives in us

wow this is deep

I like finding videos with this feel been gathering some for a playlist

People existed on individual levels.
You could be the best.
Now you're a meaningless unskilled disposable nothing.

It's like what moving to Hollywood used to be but it's on a global scale now.

Men have no value.
Women can just flaunt their goods to the millions and get money for nothing.
They used to earn things.
Now you're just a reminder to everyone around you have useless and insignificant you are because someone is always better, except now someone isn't a single person anymore it's a million people a click away.

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Society in the West has changed drastically once fast internet was widely available and all that social media shit and smartphones have started to spread like a wild fire.

post playlist pls

abolutely nothing happened. these types of people exist today. you just don't want to pay any attention to them for some reason.

post link to playlist my man

Fucking mass media happened. There are no things that surprise anyone anymore. And every faggot knows wassup and has a say on everything.

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Paternalism and segregation along various niches politically, socioeconomically, culturally and digitally which fosters tribalism due to a lack of exposure beyond ones bubble.

>an 8:55 minute video of a gas station at 2 am near a popular tourist attraction is an accurate representation of the society i wasn't alive to experience 30 years ago

are you?
fucking stupid?
or something?

you're being idealistic for a time period you don't know anything about. it wasn't different, it wasn't better, you wouldn't be happier. you'd be the same bitch whining about how he doesn't live in the 50s.

grow up. the past is gone. get over it.




Your brain has just become retarded since then. If you want to experience good times, all you have to do is look for them.

There's no better past. There is only a present and a future.

nobody trusts each other anymore

They are all still on my watch later just need to make the playlist but ill post it in a feels thread or something when im done

Ethnic diversity destroyed social capital and cohesion.

People have become frigid and jaded

okay, now this is deep

a nigger president was elected.


its unsafe for Whites to be out and about, non-whites are always lurking in the shadows

finally someone who isn't a retard ITT

back when shitskins knew their place.
back when Whites ruled the streets
back when Whites could be themselves without a kike liberal rat breathing on their dick.
back when America was WHITE

society changes. its wasnt the same in the 40's from when it was the 80's. we cant stick to one era because one user likes the 80's. KEEP UP user

Whites didnt own the streets in the 90s lol

Well to put it shortly
>capitalism hadn't industrialized every faucet of employment to the dehumanizing extent that it is today. So people back then actually enjoyed their shitty jobs at a gas station. Corporate wasn't constantly breathing down your neck and monitoring you.
>Social media didn't exist, so people actually talked to each other, which meant they had to be overtly friendly if they wanted to engage in conversation.
>Crime wasn't as blatant, so people felt more comfortable talking to strangers
>Feminism hadn't completely turned every girl into a thott, so finding a decent girl wasn't the fucking witch hunt that it is today.
>Fashion was more accommodating to ugly people, and the standards of beauty wasn't as inclusive as it is today.
>Families weren't broken yet, not even in the black community
>Media didn't focus on negativity.
>Better Economy, everyone had more money in their pocket

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When I compare the recent years to the end of 90s and early 00s, it's worse.

Of course there is a better past, but also a worse past.
It differs from the point of view, whether you speak from your own environment, or the whole country or whatever.

You can shovel your empty phrases into your own ass.