This is a flesh ball I've been making the past couple of days by rubbing my body vigeruously to get all the dead skin...

This is a flesh ball I've been making the past couple of days by rubbing my body vigeruously to get all the dead skin off pasting them together

Attached: IMG_20181125_151227.jpg (1171x943, 323K)

Pic before some growth of it

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eat it orig

Make it grow into a flesh golem and destroy sentinel.

Woah this is like the old forchen.

Bite it faggot

Stick it in your nasty little boipussy

aka dust ball

Nice flesh ball, man.

weird looking kiwifruit

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How big is it compared to your testicles faggot

Wow OP thats so cool! I used to make those when I was younger but they were never as big.

Didn't feel like lunch anyway

What is sentinel?
t. Brainlet faggot

This one is far to small to eat right now, here is a picture of me eating my previous one

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Is that a mole or a flying dove above his bussy hole?

Good effort but get a job next time instead

oh god thats fuckin disgusting get a fuckin life user

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Very coool

what even motivates you to do this?

You're a fucking degenerate piece of shit. Kill yourself.

how does it taste, anonnie?

kek fuck off you underage newfag retard

It's very salty and sometimes sweet? It's actually kind of nice

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I knew exactly what this thread would be about but I clicked it anyways

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What's the method to produce these?

>check out Jow Forums for a change instead of my usual boards
>see this thread

Is this how it is usually like here?

same question i dont usually come here

I rub my hands together vigeruously along with my chest and feet, I do this for days pasting each piece together to make it bigger and smellier

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It's also like clay and you can rip it apart, sniff it, and make shapes

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this is shameful

cum in it to turn it into the cum homunculus slave you always wanted.

See you later on reddit

Put it in your butt if I get good digits

This is actually better than 99% of shit posted here. You were extremely lucky to witness such creative endeavour. It is truly inspiring i'm on the verge of tears.

That's extremely fucking fascinating
I've been thinking of doing the same.

all i see is a spicy meatball

Attached: misao_meatball.gif (373x212, 651K)

get a life faggot go play runescape


do you cook them first?

No that would be nasty lol

A+ our savior to thank you op
next time you shit don't wipe let your hole dry and get the scrapings from that and add to your skinball then masticate and post

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Normally this kind of shit doesnt get to me, even that user with the absolutely disgusting house didnt make me so much as dry heaven, but jesus christ this makes me feel sick

And i thought I seen everything there is to see

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If trips you eat it.

Same, I almost fucking threw up. I've seen some shit but goddamn I cannot look at this

Haha epic, based, and redpilled!

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launch it from a potato gun into a thot's ass.


Another glorious day on r9k.

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The hero this board needs, thanks OP.

>It gets stuck in the braces.

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as the image says

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holy fuck he ate the flesh ball

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>le dust is just skin meme

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i thought it was a fuckings timbit

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While y'all have been posting Ive cleaned it up a bit and smoothened it! Looking and smelling really fresh

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what the actual fucking fuck, OP

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Good god

I am disgusted, but at the same time I realize that we NEED people like op on this earth.

Those are some nice original digits.

kinda looks like the ilys bodyguard album art

Attached: The-ILYs-Bodyguard-1495548179-compressed.jpg (620x620, 41K)

Yessss OP PLEASE put sunglasses on it

Underrated digits.
49 49 49

Trips have been originalchecked

Fuck off, underaged cunt.

Ffs would you look at that user's digits
I feel blessed