No Nut November - Day 25

How are you guys doing so far?

My penis is very erect whenever I am going to sleep or waking up. The Jow Forums porn ads are tempting my nut.

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that guy in the coat must be a penis lol

Nutted in a tight cooch yesterday.

no nut november failures are weak.
it's been no struggle for me.
It's disgusting how easily you give into your baser desires.

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is that proper trigger discipline ? is she holding the firearm properly?

>tfw penis leaking like a faucet
Soon enough

I failed day 3. It's not like I can't, but I just received so much shit for doing it in the first place that I figured why bother.

December's gonna be different, since I'm under no obligation.

I've had two consecutive wet dreams after 2 weeks and then anither anone after another 10 days. Otherwise I have not ejaculated using my hand.
Give it to me straight bros, did I "fail"?

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Kindly elaborate in the green text format, good sir.

same brother.

i was talking to somebody about cum and i looked down... (pre)cum

failure only occurs when your awake and did it yourself, you good

Nice and slippery. Just how it should be

I gave up on the 24th. One day before I gave up last year. One day, I'll make it to all 30 days.

I've jacked off every single day. Fuck your gayass month.

Up until thanksgiving I was working to much to even think of fapping. Now that I have more free time it is challenging. I spent half of today on /b/ and managed to not even touch Bilbo, Frodo, and sting. I'm kinda worried on what it is going to be like when I do fap again.

Do you not get morning wood OP? I jerk off 3-4 times a day and still get raging erections every morning. I'm 24.

lmao im one of those dudeswho failed day 3

Why dont you like morning wood
I jack off every morning

I failed day one but kept trying. My longest streak this month was about five days and I've done ten in total but idk if that counts.

this desu
NNN wasn't even close to a challenge after the first 2 days or so. Maybe I'm just low test.

im going out in public around females today and i dont want my dick to get hard so i fapped this morning.

Why isn't there any video games like OP pic?

it was really tempting today because we went to go see family and we took my dad's truck and the ride was really long and its backroads the whole way and I felt horny for some reason
turns out i was aroused by the seat vibrating from all of the bumps in the road
Am I a sissy now?

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I think day 2 is when I fapped out mate. Is it lonely at the top?

I have weird sexual dreams.
I'm day 25 too.
I don't see any real positive benefits.
Good on you OP. I will last the whole month with you.

All the way baby. Only 6 more days

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i fail the moment i found out it was no nut november i was like well yeah fuck this and i jacked off 3 times straight

I lasted until day 18.
I was going strong, and then my dumbass sister sends me a link to a porn video.
I never had a chance.

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So far I've been able to do a lot with my newfound telepathic powers.

Why do you feel comfortable enough to share porn with your sister?

She sends random porn videos to me a few times a month.
We used to masturbate to porn in my room when we were teens, as I was the only one with a computer.
And yeah, I know it's fucked up. We haven't masturbated together in years, but we still send each other porn occasionally.

thats orginally cute