I know we shit on them a lot, but at the end of the day most basedboys will actually pass on their genes...

I know we shit on them a lot, but at the end of the day most basedboys will actually pass on their genes. Meanwhile most of Jow Forums and Jow Forums wont.

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like id want to bring children into this fucked up world , im not an asshole.

>I know *we* shit on *them* a lot
Hmmm I wonder who made this thread...

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not worth living if youre a onions fuck normie.

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I pass on my genes every day into a napkin

That's why they lose, baseboys will breed more basedboys and the genetic dumpster of Jow Forums will die out

That's why the human race is fucked and constantly de evolution.
I'm fine with it though, humans are shit and terrible at serving their purpose.

>white son
Eh, genuinely good for them.

This is the most potent sort of rebuttal. Anyone who reproduces is a fucking monster, trying to hand off their own misery and karmic debt to a new being. The truly noble, transcendant thing to do is to tell your innate stupid animal instincts demanding that you reproduce to go fuck themselves, and die alone.

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White liberals very rarely have kids, and if they do, they only have one. You know it. Get the fuck out

why does that roastie look older than him?

except they won't because feminists think motherhood is degrading and environmentalists think it's bad for the environment. Only immigrants and religious types have kids.

Yeah but they're basedboys, they can't raise a kid properly. Their sons will end up like us except bluepilled on top of that.

Basedboys will fall victim to paternity fraud and be stuck paying for a child that isnt theres

Liberal women are having sex with so many guys who knows who the father is. Plus you know he's wagecucking hard and paying her a pretty penny to keep even that fat old tranny looking roastie from leaving his ass

>listen to a basedboy podcast because I have an overlapping interest with them
>they start mentioning their girlfriends, fiances, and/or wives

They even make racist bants about their Mexican cohost. "If you go to Arizona they'll deport you." I didn't think they had it in them.

when was the last time you went outside? how do you lose grip on reality to this extent?

literally today faggot and what I say is true. Liberals don't reproduce because liberal women wait until 40 to think about having a family and destroy their bodies with alcohol/drugs/STIs. Liberal men are so pathetic they end up being kicked out of the gene pool.

This is what happens when you let memes infect your mind

>This is what happens when you let memes infect your mind
no its literally true bitch. liberals have low birth rates. Nonwhites don't count because they're not really leftists so much as their opportunists.

lmao, r9k still larping as masc trads
shit never fucking gets old

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