Create a Tripname

we need new tripfags, there's been a lack of them so lets all become tripfags and start a new era on cancer ontop of this cancerous board.

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After giving it some real thought I have come to the conclusion that you are a huge faggot

Your mother sucked cock.

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No one?
also I have decided to change my name.

also please give me a call and tell me how much of a good idea this is
how to change the wording a bit but do call, I am extremely lonely.

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I'm lonely enough to crave the attention, for sure.

But I don't want the hate that comes with it. I'm dissatisfied enough with my life already.

the hate only happens if you do bad stuff.
but!!!! think of the tripfag as a mask, you put on the trip and you are a different person, so the hate is deflected off you like rain on a raincoat.

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You don't have the right motivation to dedicate yourself to being a tripnigger.

take that back mother fucker, TAKE IT BACK.

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Ok let's do this. Here's to cancer.

Attached: FUCK.webm (576x1024, 1.82M)

sounds nice count me in

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Meatwad make the money, see
Meatwad get the honies, G

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I love this woman, Bilinda is awesome

she is the best Shoegazer

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This isn't BBulletin ya know

Fun idea xd count me in!!!!

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I shall be be BigTittyInspector because of extensive collection of pictures of big titties.

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This feels like a bad idea. I think I will start tripfagging when posting shitty comics I make here, but I will post anonymously otherwise.

I have no idea what BBULLETIN is.

great! live your dreams ara ara chaser

ah, how unfortunate

get out of here tree anarchist.

>I have no idea what BBULLETIN is.

Attached: __osakabe_hime_fate_grand_order_and_etc_drawn_by_facominn__sample-93cab973c5967c1ae4b0a038ccadca5f.j (850x1115, 169K)

this wojak is for you then.

Attached: tits wojak.jpg (788x810, 95K)

hey what's up
I'm a retro games and CRT enthusiast that frequents /vr/

I like the little touches like the forearm hair.

I am a humongous faggot.
I am the cancer killing Jow Forums.
I am Jayfeather.

mock me all you want I know I am superior

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for you my liege!

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im not mocking you, i gave that Wojak to you cos i thought you would enjoy it. Fuck you user, is the last time i do something nice for someone in here.

nice I want a girl to put pizza slices on her tits upside down like a bikini that'd be cool
nice quads

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thats a nice wojak friend

thanks for making filtering all you fags even easier

I laugh at your insignificance ANonymous poster

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