The world, the stars and the heavens... Even the moon

The world, the stars and the heavens... Even the moon,

All of it... belongs to the Aryan race.

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i agree. but how did Whites let it get so bad?

Not anymore white boi, accept your place.

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>Aryan race
>Posts picture of Asian girl

It's our birth right

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by the way you type I can tell youre a spic

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define aryan

Why are self hating spics such disgusting little worms. Self hating asians want to destroy you, self hating spics want to be destroyed. Fuck.

i want to destroy you? possibly, if youre a shitskin or a non-white that wants to bring harm to Whites.

Go away Storm Cuck, nobody cares what you think

Why do I always see Homura associated with white supremacist rhetoric

Because its one mentally ill tranny who keeps spamming homura pics with deranged and out of touch bullshit about race. Once he tried to claim only white people pay tax

hello my stalker. you know so much about me yet i cannot say the same for you.


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Nigger suck white dick in every thread even tangentially related to race and you do it in a distinct and noticeable way and you do it under a name. Anyone can tell who you are

theres no name now. and its always you that recognizes me. is that what im doing, sucking White dick? sounds fun tell me how that goes.

White bois little dick gettin frustrated at the thought of tyrone taking his gf in front of him

Im not white, cant you read my name nigger?

I just told you you type in a very distinct and noticeable way. Im the only one who noticed you here because im the only person you replied to, tard.

>always you
Who is me? This is the first time i have replied to you pointing out you're stormcuck. You're making shit up and grasping at straws

>first time

oh come on, surely not. thats your nick name for me.

Fuck your name. Same thing applies

Nigga several people call you stormcuck, im not even the one who gave you that name it was another user in a thread a while ago. First time i have called you stormcuck actually lol

I know I am, and I might one day.
For now though I have made it my mission to make all white boi's know they are also trash^^

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Are you an anglo?

>For now though I have made it my mission to make all white boi's know they are also trash^^
Based and redpilled

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Yes I am, caucasian at least. why do you ask?
You know it's true honey

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>first time

uh huh right thats true. see ya around my stalker

I know you are caucasian, I just wanted to know what type.
>why do you ask?
Just curious

OP is completely correct.
Humanity's default hair colors will be light blond, one day. And all subhumans will be exterminated not only for a beautiful world, but for a beautiful universe.
All ugliness will fade away, and the Light of the supreme aryan race will spread through out the universe.
Heil the White Race.

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The moon belongs to all who have looked at it and that's what makes it so great

I see. Remember to go black

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>All ugliness will fade away, and the Light of the supreme aryan race will spread through out the universe.
>Heil the White Race.
So, how's Germany's score in the World War games?

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Blacked is mostly a fetish of western white men and im not a western white man

>not knowing the true Aryan homeland is UNDERGROUND


yikes, race mixers get glassed, fuck off. Miscegenation means genocide for every race and culture.

You are not white?, sorry to have wasted your time. In that case remember to breed white women.

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Isn't it great?. Black's and other races can still have kids of their own race. It's just whites that should go extinct^^

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that would be nice but we all know it'll never happen. the future is a race of hideous mutts and the earth will probably do it's best to kill them all.

>You are not white?
Nope, do you think only whites can dislike niggers?
>In that case remember to breed white women.
I prefer not to spread my bad genes for your fetish

I'm afraid that's not something you can achieve user. Just accept your place in the world and let white women enjoy bbc. You know you are one of us scum^^.
Hmm I guess anyone can. Then don't, but your none white kids will do it for you. So the only way to fight us would be to not have any kids at all.

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If whites die off chinks will get rid of niggers and mutts the futures isnt that bad

That's weird because my family is Jewish and own a fuck ton more than most people =^)

no dice
and I unironically own all of you jews as your faiths are all predicated on yours truly

Im a tranny im not having kids

p.s. you can take that 3rd temple and shove it up your ass

>someone mentions race
>blacked poster appears
How about you never do that again? Not only that, but over half the threads on this board are gay ERP shit yet you're so much if a brain dead cock slut that you can't stop your gay shit erp for 39 seconds.