Jynx Maze got married to a gook yesterday

Jynx Maze got married to a gook yesterday

Feels bad, man.

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Jynx is a pokemon

HAH. lucky gook

I don't know why asian guys are so obsessed with the acceptance of white and Asian women when they could just find a black or Hispanic woman. White girls are too close minded and Asian girls are trying too hard to be white.

Lolz. Weird that she's had a buffet of cocks her entire (adult) life, able to ascertain which cock size fits her best, only to end up settling for a tiny gook peepee.


niggers are ugly
so are most asians and a lot of hispanics
and Whites are too good for everyone except other Whites.

this gook is very rucky.

>Inb4 beta cuck provider

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i mean thats a given. regardless that is a RUCKY gook

Imagine unironically marrying a pornstar. Imagine knowing that your wife has hundreds of hours of her getting buttfucked by niggers and drowned in their cum. Imagine explaining that shit to your kids.

he probably doesnt care, too busy getting it in with that hot piece.

if someone were to remind him, maybe he will care

He got married wearing a jacket and some jeans? Lmao.

do you see that smile? that man is HAPPY

Bet a leg and my balls that the fucker has a cuck fetish or NTR as they like to call it and just likes to watch

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you would lose that leg and those balls. that man is happy

Shes a succubus. Shes stealing his energy to cuck him to go fuck other guys.

he got way above his looksmatch, because he dared to go wife shopping in the pornstar section.

that man knows he lucked look at his face.

Will she have kids? what will they think of her work?

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nigger dicks
chad dicks
mexican dicks

whatever, all dicks fucked his wife's pussy.

he dont care, he got a deal. now hes gonna make sure no dick other than his dick goes inside his wife's pussy.

look at him. look at him SMILE

takes a strong man, to do what he just did.
bless his heart for taking her off the market.

maybe. they will worry about it when they come to that bridge.

Will they be teased in school because of it?

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>"your mom sucks nigger dicks!"

you bet your ass they will.

>look down at your children
>see this face

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>hes strong

hes not strong for being lucky enough to meet/marry a pornstar. his face says he won the lottery.

yumyum nigger cum

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Wasn't she dating based mike adriano and making scat porn with him?

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And even more disgusting and pathetic are all the posters ITT, thinking that guy is somehow lucky.

no thats just one guy, me. he is rucky, i can see it in his smile. even his chinky eyes are smiling. its like bro, i know how you feel congratz u gook shit

I think you should seriously take your meds and not skip them.

You incoherent blabbering is really telling.
Or maybe just stop being a drunktard.

t. salty non-white female

hurts, dont it? westernized asian guys cant seem to give a shit about non-caucasoid women.

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How the fuck is he lucky?

His wife is a literal whore that got dicked on cam dozens of times.

Stupid guy, why are asian men so desperate for white whores

no female gives a shit about westernized asian guys unless hes loaded

and when hes loaded, he never ever goes for a non-white. ever.

stay salted

woah its like white genes are superior and sought after or something

and i realized... its non white men, non white women thats always choosing Whites over their own when they can help it. and you gotta admit that Aryans are recognized by everyone as the master race, but it is difficult for non-whites to admit it to themselves.

Pretty much. Deep down everyone knows.

absolutely. theres no "or something", dont be bashful over having White genes.

By today's time? Definitely yes.
But since it will take a long time for her to have kids and giving another 14-16 years for them to grow to discover porn, times will have changed, so we dont know.

good for her finding someone that doesn't care she got blacked regularly, but also fuck that asian guy for taking her off the market

except old Stormy, he admits it. he doesnt want to be burdened by lying to himself about the master race status of Whites like MANY of his kind continue to do.

non-white females mad. when loaded asian guys choose an ex pornstar over a non white female, makes non white females look bad. asian men are supposed to be their fan boys huehuehue

jynx maze isn't white

i know, i didnt even address that. shes "white" as in caucasoid admixture without negroid or gook admixture. shes like a castiza or part sand people.

literally who? i don't care about 3dpd whores

I guess another man's trash is other man's treasure, isn't it?

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>that man is happy
You mean that KEK is happy, because he just acquired a lifelong supply of kink fuel with which to gratify his NTR fetish.
I'm actually seething with jealousy, tfw no porn star waifu, etc.

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so the saying goes. you owe me a leg, keep the balls.

dude hes hideous, probably not a cuck.

why do you retards even care about a literal whore and cuck?

stormy is probably in here. some of these posts are similar to his writing style

youre probably responding to old Stormy himself. hes everywhere here