Quick reminder that the world's biggest recorded dick is white so fuck niggers

quick reminder that the world's biggest recorded dick is white so fuck niggers

Attached: btfo nigger.jpg (1280x2560, 436K)

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Quick reminder that your penis is still around a paltry 5.5 inches. Only a dicklet would be proud about the size of another man's penis.

It also does not belong to you and a white guy having a big dick does not make your lil pecker any bigger.

>Only a dicklet would be proud about the size of another man's penis

Only a dicklet calls other penises small, son.
If you're saying someone's dick is big
then that means your dick is also big
or that you're comfortable with it's size
therefore you're not insecure

Why the hell do you care about the size of another guy's dick?

why do you care that i care
honestly tho

quick reminder he was never officialy measured by anyone he just made a claim he was 13 inches and people are too stupid to do their own research.

Not him, but all these people are hinting that ur a gay weirdo whos probably insecure about his penis


nah i just hate niggers


...which is why ur obsessed with other dudes dicks? Bro ur gay AND racist not just the latter

Lol someone who was straight and had a nice dick would just let it go. Just let the thread die, go back to pol, and stop being such a fucking weirdo and a disgrace to ur race

"I'm not gay, I'm just appreciating the male body."

Yeah keep denying it you insecure faggot


He is severely, highly, dangerously mentally ill.

Just look at this thread he made desuarchive.org/r9k/thread/49482172

why are you guys so fixated on another man's dick? You really take pride in something that's not your own that much, sad and fucking pathetic dicklets

t. black dicklets

Attached: 1539379167490.png (642x2676, 242K)

he's 25% puerto rican which means he's a nigger per one drop rule. Also his record has already been surpassed by julio gomez caribbean latinigger.

explain the green eyes fag

He's half german, 1/4 italian, and 1/4 puerto rican. He's probably like 10-20% black.

Okay let's do the meth

So German and Italian are white

So he's 75% white from those

Puerto Rico and many of Northern Latin America are of a mixture of Southern First Nations (Which is kinda like Polynesian, so about we'll say 12.5% black) and and European. So still white. So by that logic, he's 6.25% black.

This motherfucker is 6.25 black.

Mandingo is probably 30% white. So what?

Blacks have bigger dicks in general, though the biggest in the world may be white.

>So by that logic, he's 6.25% black.
Puerto Ricans are 27% black so he's got more like 13%. Check the "variation covers population structure and history"
Mandingo is from Mississippi where almost no race mixing happens. Black DNA corrupts so just being 1% black makes you a nigger.

No one cares faggot


Whites BTFO


The people who post BBC porn aren't black half the time. They're Australians

And black people twitter is mostly whites pretending to be black. No nigga is going to spout male feminist crap like BPT memes do