Do you really not have any female friends at all?

Do you really not have any female friends at all?

I understand that the vast majority of you are incels, but do you at least have girls in your life to flirt with or at least talk to?

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lol nope
what's the point? she only wants you around for reasons that don't benefit you

A female friend is an oxymoron.

My only friend is female but she's a friend of the family and I'm 99% sure she only talks to me as a favour for my mom. But most of the people on here don't have any friends at all, male or female.

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I've got a few. Never understood how to ask people on dates or really any step past friendship though.

What does this even mean? There is nothing malicious about having a friend

Never had one but I have plenty of male friends

Nope not one. Now fuck off this board normalfag

no i dont have any friends at all let alone female friends

i've had some female friends before. they don't add much to anything, they just yap more than guys about inane bullshit

no I'm not a normie buddy

I had a girl I orbited, until I realized it was sad and pathetic, and unfair to her. She never did anything to encourage me either and never mooched money or favors off me, she truly believed I was interested in friendship.
From that, and what I always saw around my social group, I think girl/guy friendships don't exist. One side always wants more, or ends up wanting it.

Jaco needs more screentime

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men and and women have different meanings of what "friends" are
women are only friends with people they can get something from (validation, attention, social status, etc) men make friends with people who share common interests and goals and are able to form some sort of loyalty to each other

There's this girl that likes sucking my dick because apparently sucking a big one is satisfying some how, she doesn't like when I fuck her because it hurts though. Can't take her seriously because she has a boyfriend though. She's a dumb bitch, I don't even hide that I don't respect her but she still calls me all the time

I don't even have any guy friends my dude

Based, oreginald oreeginy

I have a couple female friends but they are either dating or seem interested in another boy

Men and women can never be friends. If she isn't attracted to you she won't be your friend. And if you like her enough to be a friend that means you have feeling and care about her and you'll eventually get hurt by the many stupid and soulless decisons women make.

Not in the real world. I don't want any more female friends desu, I'm tired of doing for people that don't give a shit about me.

Nice quads but 99% of women aren't honest friends with men. They're "friends" with them just to leech and get free meals and free attention

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I have no desire for any friends, male or female.

>Do you really not have any female friends at all?
Does anyone have female friends? What does a female friend do exactly, in terms of friendship?

>what does a female friend do
Soak up attention and whine about her boyfriend.

Had nothing but female friends for years and it's one of my biggest regrets. 80% of onions boys can say the same thing. Once i found out how fun males can be i truly felt like i had friends

I have a female friend and she is basically just a normal friend except she let's me play with her tits

You're either a chad or a lying piece of shit. Robots don't have fuckbuddies.

I'm a Chad.

We don't have sex, so she's not really a fuckbudy

I hope you get erectile disfunction.

I have had erectile dysfunction before and I wouldn't recommend it

...and to have a long line of backups. Some to fuck, others to get shit from. Men really do need to stop thinking with their dick and stop giving these reptilian excuses for human beings the benefit of the doubt. Always assume the viper bitch will bite you in the back and then you can live with them. It's like having a snake for a pet and thinking one day picking the cunt up and cuddling it will be a good idea "cos I fed it lots and said nice things to it".

I don't have any friends irl and only one close friend online. I have a fair amount of acquaintances however, but only contact them when I need something. People are shitty, keep most all of them at arm's length.

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You are never just friends with a good looking girl.
You either strive for it to become more than that (fwb, relationship etc.), or you are in orbit.

yes and we get along just fine (and she has a crush on me) DABS

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he's already getting some in the next manga arc
>bulma having a sister is retarded af tho

>come in thread thinking to add someone
>This shit
I expect nothing less. Godspeed anons.

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Few and far inbetween. Kinda strict with who I allow myself to be friends with. Many fail due to poor character.

The two I have currently are decent people but have their own skeletons in their closets. Both are also rather QT by chance.

As a friend, I can do my best to be a decent person, but I wont allow myself to be continually exploited and I orbit no one. Not saying that this is happening now, but its something I consider.

Sauce on that art pls

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No all girls I talk to eventually get creeped out and stop talking to me

>he thinks I actually have friends

I don't have friends at all. I don't ever go outside. The only person I talk to is my literal faggot brother.

You sound extremely gay dude. I understand how you feel though, girls just think you're dumb or weird right?

I have had poor luck having male friends in the past. Weirdly good at developing friendships with girls. All I really want is one guy best friend, a real companion to go vs the world with.

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I don't believe in friendship between men and women. At least if they are straight.

something only a gay guy would say. almost everyone grows up with friendships with both boys and girls.

I never had one. Where would you even get one? What do you have in common with them?

Not from my experience, and I don't just mean my own friends but watching men in general and their relationships with other people. Most guys only really have male friends, they might have female acquaintances but not friends. I think a man who believes he has female friends that are equal to his male friends doesn't actually have any friend of either gender, just acquaintance that he mistakes for friends because he's never had real friends.

>. I think a man who believes he has female friends that are equal to his male friends doesn't actually have any friend of either gender, just acquaintance that he mistakes for friends because he's never had real friends.
Pretty much this.

My mom was abusive, and most of the girls throughout k-12 were catty towards me because I was fat and nerdy. The one that didn't treat me too badly scared me because she was a deeply, devoutly Jewish furry that wore a pair of animal ears and a tail to school literally every day.

I left my mom's house and never talked to her agian, and got my first IT job right out of high school because I dropped the right buzzwords on the interview panel. As a result of this, I've worked a string of different IT jobs with no women or even coworkers to speak of, because I was the single, solitary sysadmin. I've started to take care of myself and I have become fairly attractive (in my mind), but the only person that even sees me is my manager, who leaves me alone unless something is broken.

I have some male friends from my high school days who I still see often, but none of them are female or are really close to any women themselves. I'm completely insulated from the female sex, and I don't see a great reason for trying to fix that, as I fear and hate them for how the (admittedly few) I've known have treated me.

I also have a ton of hobbies and feel like dating would cut into them, but maybe that's just a rationalization.

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>do you at least have girls in your life to flirt with or at least talk to?
Yeah but those are not friends, those are girls I want to have sex with

shut up jaco
bulma isn't your friend
you're just handy

Nah we had plenty of good friends of both genders. Sorry that you live in Saudi Arabia tho

I have no irl friends and a few online friends, all male

I'm trying to conceptualize the idea of a female friend. So you basically do the same things you do with your male friend? Okay, say your female friend texts you and wants to grab lunch with you. You show up there with her. Isn't that basically going on a date? Or, say, for example, she wants to come over and play video games or something with you. Your parents are obviously going to assume something's going on. How is there no sexual tension? How do you (and her) not realize it's fucking strange to do this kind of shit with a member of the opposite sex if you're not dating them?

Somebody please clue me in, I have no idea how this thing works. It sounds like a total fucking farce, a kind of fake friendship where you have to lie to each other all the time that you're just friends.

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No sexual tension because you get enough sex with your gf usually. Also, it might be harder at your age but this becomes a lot simpler when youre an adult. There are some things I can really only do with guys but I play poker and board games and watch movies and go out with guys and girls and there is almost no reason to think about gender. I sometimes go shopping with my friends wife and its completely normal. In college I had girls come over all the time to drink and sleep on the couch and it didnt feel any different when guys did the same.

>I sometimes go shopping with my friends wife and its completely normal.

That's nice and all but I want to hear advice from straight guys, not faggots ok

gosh, i mean it's so hard to believe right? that there exists men who are simply not desired by women and/or just don't go and socialize with them.
What kind of question is that...

I haven't had a female friend in over 6 years. Although this woman was talking to me in work today, she wants me to help her film something since she knows I have nice equipment as well as experience.

>Do you really not have any female friends at all?
>flirt with or at least talk to?

you subconsciously conflating these two as both properties of a "female friend" is exactly why i don't have any female friends - when you know a girl, she falls under one of three fixed categories

>you will never fuck her: family members, impossible relationships, simply doesn't like you like that
>you have/are currently fucking her
>you will fuck her

category 1 is just an inevitability, some girls may not like me, i may not like some girls; category 2 is called a girlfriend or a FWB, not a "female friend"; category 3 just leads to category 2

this isn't some incel rhetoric either, it's basic unerring biology with only uncommon exceptions, most intersex friendships usually have unrequited feelings on one side, or are leading up to romantic interactions, or have already gotten there and have simmered back down to the ""friend"" region temporarily - unless there is an extenuating circumstance, a guy and a girl will not be "friends" for long before they either split off or somebody tries to make a move

with this basis, why would i bother? if i like a girl, i'm going to make more than a friend out of her, if i don't like a girl, once again, why bother? surprisingly enough, you tend to get along better with your own gender for many, many, many reasons

tl;dr: i don't have female friends because that is something that doesn't exist, and in the ephemeral moments it appears to, it doesn't last long and the awkward facade of trying to act like friends before we end up getting together is a waste of my time and just too much unnecessary hassle and stress

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>a kind of fake friendship where you have to lie to each other all the time that you're just friends.
It's exactly that, a girlfriend isn't called a "girl" "friend" for nothing.
Confusing friends with acquaintances again.

>Do you really not have any female friends at all?

I don't have a single friend

I only have friendly coworkers. Lots of girls at my hs are dumb :/