No one genuinely surprises me anymore...

No one genuinely surprises me anymore. I feel like everyone has the same 8 or 9 different personality types with small variations

Attached: 372852.jpg (2560x1600, 1.79M)

What's yours?
And you should list them

This seems truer the older I get

nice gookshit, weeb lord

>being such a fucking brainlet you can only come up with 9 words to describe people

Wait until you notice those fuckers interactions even cause exactly the same drama in a socialcircle every time.
Once you saw it, any social life is hell like you are stuck in a soap opera rerun forever.

it freaks me out when i can predict what someone will say or do. i find i can do it more and more

>being so tumblr that your personality is a single word

>two guys you known for like 4-5 h tops
>somewhat okay guys on their own
>just know those idiots will come to blows when they met
>both visit the same location and come over to say hi to you
>everything goes right as predicted
>just sit there and sigh while hoping to not get involved
Social life is boring af, if only girls were not so fucking interested in wasting time with it, I would never bother unless unavoidable for work connections.

people surprise me all the time.
I'm lucky if I met 8 or 9 people in a year outside of work, so they don't get old to me.

list them you faggot

At work, people certainly don't surprise me. The only personality is the hard working Mexican who wants to get things done ASAP, the slow moving, funny, cool white redneck who looks like he has a thin film of dirt all over him and the loud but helpful old black guy who has his own word he calls everyone like "chief" or "jack".

cause everyone is interchangeable npcs unironically

And you are one of those too you fucking sheep.

>say something about your environment
>"you are too!!!!!!!"

gay faggy underaged retards.

Well go ahead and post the types and their descriptions, user

then after they are listed (someone in the thread already listed 3, dunno how you need more than that) you're gonna start reducto ad aburdem, carefully denying every single thing.

why bother? just admit you're a gay fag now and that you'll deny everything cuz a cock is up your ass!

exactly everyone you see is a npc, you are the only person that exists and you're dreaming, im seeing this thread because its trying to remind me im dreaming in npc world and i need to wake up.

gay thread nigger kike

that's where you are gravely mistaken

Well I was mostly just curious, but I guess I got the wrong tone across in my post to warrant that response. Yeah, someone will probably pick it apart, but you did post something interesting so you have to follow up.

Attached: spiky boi.jpg (850x456, 104K)

Damn, people get really fucking mad when you imply not everyone is a unique special snowflake. I wonder why that is.

I think that pic is from The Sword of Doom (1966)

great film