Anyone else here attractive but still not a normie? I made it pretty good in the genetic lottery. I'm 5'11, white...

Anyone else here attractive but still not a normie? I made it pretty good in the genetic lottery. I'm 5'11, white, 7 inch dick, and have a really good face. I'm still socially retarded though, and that's why I can't get a GF.

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people tell me I'm attractive but I don't believe that I am, I hate myself I just want a bf that loves me.

>saved a qt like this as thumbnail
It isn't just social, user.

I'm you except for the white part
>regularly called cute and told that I have good features at random
>women attempt to flirt with me to no avail due to my thick layer of autism

Ca-can I be your BF?

Exactly this. Girls stare at me all the time at uni, and try to flirt. Normies mistake me for one of them. But I don't know how to talk to people

same like last year i transferred to a new high school and had tons of girls lining up to talk to me but the second we actually started having conversations they stopped talking to me because social retard

I'm pretty cute, but I'm an introverted hermit and get frustrated whenever I have to interact with whoever. I only talk to my parents, outside of work.
Have no friends, never had a boyfriend, rarely leave the house for anything that isn't chores or work.

>I'm still socially retarded though, and that's why I can't get a GF


I've been told often that I'm attractive. Girls will stare at me and try to flirt a lot. But it's completely fucking useless when you have crippling autism.

looks don't mean anything when you're retarded.

Yeah I'd say the only thing holding me back is my social retardation and lack of drive. I find it really difficult introducing myself to people but once I make friends I keep them for a long time.

LOL!!!!! Pure lolz

I find it weird because incels insist that women only care about looks. My experience is the exact opposite. I feel like I could look like James Chaddington Bond and still be a permavirgin.

I've posted my face on here before and people tell me I have chad features. I've been asked out on dates by women and I've rejected them because I didn't know it was a date, and I didn't like the setting (i.e. coffee shop)

>I'm pretty cute
that's a bold claim to make, considering the rest of what you wrote make you sound gf material

Im a good looking fella, but im autistic as fuck.
Reciently i started to talk every day with a girl who lives in another country, she laugh and enjoy my autistic shit, so that is nice. First time i do something like that.

women are emotional creatures. its about how you make them FEEL. looks only get your foot in the door

part of being attractive is being able to interact with other human beings.
I have a semi normal looking face and work out a lot, but can't hold a conversation to save my fucking life. I just gf that is like me.

Lol manlet and ok dick but your still a cuck people like you are meant to be sissy twink bottoms

say hi?

I'm not girlfriend material. I don't like people and you're not special.

I am pretty cute, I don't think there's anything majorly wrong with my physical appearance.

what i mean was most guys like introverted girls, never claimed to be special either.

>I'm an introverted hermit and get frustrated whenever I have to interact with whoever.
>talk to me
God fucking damn, I hate you all.

how about i talk to you, then? is that doable?

but I don't know you user



Most guys like anything warm enough down to fuck them. I still don't want to have anything to do with them.

>made it good in the genetic lottery

>genetic lottery

Ur a manlet m8 lmao

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>reeeeee women are so shallow
>literally the most shallow people on the Internet

I wish they never made that new sticky.

Not being able to post your face has given the narcissitic, humblebragging shitbags that make these threads an excuse to hold on to their crippling dellusions of being some sort of misunderstood anime protagonist that everyone is secretly lusting over.

I miss when retards like OP would get the Stanley treatment as soon as they posted their slack-jawed apefaces.

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>Not being able to post your face has given the narcissitic, humblebragging shitbags that make these threads an excuse to hold on to their crippling dellusions of being some sort of misunderstood anime protagonist that everyone is secretly lusting over.
>I miss when retards like OP would get the Stanley treatment as soon as they posted their slack-jawed apefaces.

LOL exactly, great post. That happened often and they were never more than 5/10.

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That's what I would think but my mother and grandmother were very adamant about me being attractive when I asked them.

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I'm 5'11, 8" dick, semi-athletic body and what I may call a modestly ugliness, like on some days I'm a 7 and others like a 3-4. Got only one gf (I'm 18) she was asian and pretty out of my league. We were totally different, I hate people and am a social retard, going to partys with her was hell to me

I'm attractive enough that girls have told me so, I get checked out by young girls pretty much every time I go out in public, and random girls will approach me and try to start conversations, but socially I am a fucking retard and I also am a NEET with the life experience of a 15-year old.

True that.
I too think I'm kind of attractive but hey, let's face it, the only 3 girls that were into me (weren't ugly at all) are now with unattractive bf. And not many girls other than them have tried to approach me, and being "autistic" or socially I pet is a shit cope, no one can tell that before approaching and have a talk with you, we need to understand we are not that attractive after all, sorry to break it to us guys, it really do be like that sometimes

I have "ugly duckling syndrome'
>always weird looking growing up
>grew into good looks at about 17 or so
>around the same time got a non autistic haircut and started working out
>Still have no confidence or self esteem from lack of practice and years of loneliness and being bullied

>decent dick
>been called hot by stacies and qt asian grills always crush on me
>crippling mental issues
>as soon as i open my mouth girls know somethings wrong with me
>ocassionally some sick fuck thot will come to me as "the other guy" but i refuse to play any part in helping someone cheat