What makes you keep coming back to Jow Forums, despite how much of a shithole it's become?

what makes you keep coming back to Jow Forums, despite how much of a shithole it's become?

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force of habit, nowhere else to go

hopefully to get someone else to see the light and work towards becoming better and leaving

>want to leave
>can't leave because it's too late
kill yourself desu

I don't have any friends, so other degenerates here are the only other people I can talk to, to fill the void of loneliness.

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same user. the internet feels so small in general now & there's very few places left to browse.

No-pressure social interaction is the main thing, I think.

i moved to a diferent country so i dont have friends almost. So here is pretty comfy for me.

this is the only place i can relate to people

the insights shared by fellow robots as well as the multi-layered shitposting.

those are the gems amoungst this normie pile of degeneracy.

Jow Forums is the only good site for talking I can attest to.
/b/ is mostly porn, Jow Forums is mostly just retards spinning everything to fit their unfunny meme based world philosophies, /v/ is /v/, I like /a/ and /co/ but they're specialized so I can't really talk about much there, the other boards are sometimes fun but can be slow.

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Boredom really
Also the wittiness of some posts are a bit humourous
Also good to get the thoughts from somewhat like minded people on topics you usually dont get in too many other places on the internet

Although I am trying to come here less and less these days. I really just wanna move on

This. Not just Jow Forums, but Jow Forums in general. Nowhere else can milk your brain for the feel good giggles like Jow Forums, even if it had stopped being what it was it's still all I know after 11 years.

cuz atleast its not Jow Forums

okay, thats it. What do you hate about Jow Forums?

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It's nice to be among people who understand how the world works and aren't afraid to discuss truth.

Except for the /lgbt/ posters. Those retards have no clue what's going on.

I love watching the racist incels roast.

It's a cool place to hear people's stories that I can partially relate to
/pol is tiring, /b is full of dicks, /a is too weeb for me

Please tell me this is a lesbian JAV

Toastie /polcel/ detected.

It's a convenient way to waste time and I relate to the misery of most here.

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Mostly its self importance and ego. Yes, I know Jow Forums isn't just some hivemind, but the general base for Jow Forums share a lot of annoying qualities with a dunning-kruger belief that their idea system, which boils down to "be a dick to people I personally don't like", doesn't need explanation further than personal antidotes and infographs.

I like this sub because it's a free speech zone for conservatives. I'm tired of the left wing censorship on sites like reddit and youtube. I come here because everyone loves Trump and real news from people like Tucker Carlson.

I really ike you fags, you may be broaken, depressed and wrong in general, but are the most fun guys someone can find in the net.

best board after a bad day
sometimes funny anons, mean anons, or helpful anons
love this fucking place

I don't see how being fake and pretending I respect and like something I don't is bad.

That isn't, but a lot of these people aren't faking it, and the ideology is just so empty and easy to manipulate that I kind feel sorry for a lot of them.

I tried leaving this place so many times and to try to adapt to the normie life, but the normie life didn't want me despite my efforts. Not even my discord friends.

I'm stuck here, I'm just not meant for society

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I get lonely, so I just make posts in lots of threads so maybe at least one person will reply. and if nobody will reply, at least one person probably read it.
it has to be anonymous like this. otherwise it's not safe.
a couple of times I tried making temporary accounts on reddit (one account for each post) but reddit sucks and that was hard to keep track of.

no other websites. i came here from gamespot.com before that i use to post on g4(video game channel) forums. i barely play video games i post on /v/ and /b/.

makes me feel better about myself
and i don't come here so often

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i want a mommie gf

I have nowhere else to go, and I'm too much of a pussy to kill myself.


This place was always a brownfield you nostalgic faggot.