Tell me some of your goals anons

Tell me some of your goals anons.

Tell me what you did over the long weekend to meet any of them.

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To be emotionally independent, my mood always depends on if I have someone very close to me in whom I can trust or not, and how is the relationship with this person at that moment.

When things start going bad I end up exhausting this person and the relationship (I say relationship but the times this happened was "just" a friendship) falls, leaving me feeling like shit for a lor of time.

What did I do this weekend? I havent talked to the important person with who my relationship is currently falling apart. I dont even know if she tried to talk to me (we used to talk everyday) and, to my surprise, this mini isolation is relaxing, since the interctions with her lately were pretty stressful and anxiety provoking

Sorry for the long, boring text

That's a good one, mostly because you realize moderation is important. Being isolated is just as bad as being dependent in most cases and worse in some.

I want to write an interesting book and become famous, living off the royalties I would get. And I did nothing this weekend and will not do anything on any other because I cannot write about natural conversations between people, I am just useless and akward, my life has been a waste since I was born, every try was useless and it will continue to be so, I cannot do it, pleaselet this end.

>Tell me what you did over the long weekend to meet any of them.
went over some human physiology, and spent some quality time with some cadavers over the weekend. Professor I used work with called me up to help her with the cadaver lab we are having tomorrow, I been in touch with her ever since I graduated, and I'm glad she still holds me in good regard, as I will need a good letter of recommendation from here in a few months.

little bits here and there, all part of the bigger picture.

Do you want to be famous, have your literary skill recognized, or just have financial security? Those are all different things that you can approach from many angles after you decide which is most important to you. Every journey begins with a single step and all that.

I want all of that, but perhaps more than that I want to make people happy with what I write, to make meaningfull things for others in my stories.

My only goal now really is to stamp on my ex gf's new bf's (who she cheated with) head until he can't remember what his parents look like. Really looking forward to it.

She deserves the punishment more than the guy does. I wish you luck any way

>She deserves the punishment more than the guy does.

Well they both do.

It will upset her more seeing him get fucked up than doing anything to her. She also won't want to fuck him anymore after watching him get the piss beat out of him so I'll ruin it for him like he did for me.

Thanks for asking

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First, get some peak aesthetics by working out often, I do usually find inspiration on Steve Reeves body. Then read as much books as I possibly can in order to attain great knowledge, third, control my emotions and practice some esoteric discipline with the main goal of being in a higher plane of existence.

To have a goal, I guess
Nothing, I had a fucking terrible busy week, I deserved some rest

I'm a musician and I'm making it my goal to start playing my bass more often. My main instrument is piano, but it's fun to do something else every once in a while. I spent a lot of time this weekend practicing

To get a boyfriend.
Dump someone online because of my mental issues :^).

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To survive past the Singularity and become a god.

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To get a girlfriend, stop being a virgin, find a way to be happy again, and finish my degree in 2 years.

I finally came to terms that i was gay so i met up with some random dude i met online and he drugged me and was trying to bring me to a hotel or bathroom, i think he dosed me wrong because my kidneys and liver arnt to great so i overdosed and had to ghost on him and get to the hospital .... it was a great first date

To be a better writer.

I planned my next book, and put some writing tips books on my wish list.

>cuz muh mental shit :^)

I maked this

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As stupid as it sounds, I kind of want to try and be a private investigator. I've priced out the training and licensing, so it's mostly just a matter of reading about the laws and some books on the matter before committing.
Didn't have a long weekend, but I've been looking into books while at work.

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You want to sit in a car for hours on end documenting the activities of suspected cheaters?

Yeah, that shit sounds funny. The anti-cuck squad.

>quit smoking
>get in shape again
>become a surgeon
>get a wife and kids

>smoked like 60 cigarettes and 5 bowls of pipe tobacco
>made a conscious decision to eat whole plant foods at least once daily
>made a conscious decision to eat more in general and to drink more water
>did some calisthenics and managed to do dips without hurting my shoulder this time
>researched med schools out of state and their admissions requirements
>didn't fap
>didn't smoke weed
>drank a whole bottle of wine in my backyard while eating stuffing from the tray with my bare hands

get signed by label
>what did
met with band manager and went over plan to keep momentum going so we look good when shopping us to labels early next year

mentally stable
>wut do
wrote bot
helped grandmother move furniture
jacked off to the thought of eating stuffing with bare hands, fully nude, gravy glistening

Goal: to have total creative freedom
Recent Action: I worked on a project which panders to a certain demographic that there's a slim chance that if I build a following from will allow me to create a career making future creative projects.

The problem as it stands is no matter how good the finished work is (I'd rate it a 7/10 for what it is), I lack the skills as a impressario, as a self-promoter to leverage it.

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I'm probably gonna showrun a high concept sci fi show or whatever but i'm a little nervous I might damon lindelof it and piss people off I dunno.

>but i'm a little nervous I might damon lindelof it and piss people off I dunno.
Dude there are so many things working against you when you run a tv show, so many elements that you need to synch up that you should almost take a pessimistic attitude where you assume it's going to piss people off or get cancelled prematurely. As Frank Tashlin said of the movies
>There's always been some moron-who usually went by the name of 'producer' - who would have to justify his existence, and interfere.
It won't be producers though, it'll be advertisers, network executives, commissioning editors... You just focus on doing the best fucking job you can, and don't worry about pissing off fans, because the chances are stacked against you of ever pleasing them.

Not in any specific order:
1. Finish my book. (Did some work on my planning documents)
2. Get a car, move out, get a job in new area. (Looked at shitty apartments)
3. Lose weight. (Ate less)
4. [s] Take more pictures. [/s]

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They aren't particularly interesting;
>fulfill a moral life
>be fluent in at least 5 languages
>attain strong general knowledge and especially strong scientific knowledge
>get degree in engineering
>be highly productive at work

Over the weekend I closed on an extremely busy shift, being a trainee still I'm getting used to things and feel guilty for having not performed better given my experience elsewhere. After closing immediately drove 3 hours south to see my family, went to sleep then spent the day driving around so I could see my aunt and sister. Spent the night driving back.

In the least I do feel slightly more energized, going to throw oneself back into 3/4 hours sleep if possible, need some eye drops or something so it doesn't feel like my retinas are on fire half the time.

That does sound harsh, in the least you aren't like that user on /lit/ who posted pic related. Please do not cut yourself so short though, if it brings you to death hard work can secure prosperity however hard-fought it may be. You are not useless though universally useful, its not like you need an extra mechanical arm to write a book though like anything extremely high knowledge of the classics, philosophy, literature etc. that takes extraordinary will-power and even if you cannot translate it into text yet there is always the chance to learn.

I-is writing a big secret passion on here?

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To be in a loving relationship. I'm writing a book too but that's peanuts in comparison.

to become a god. that's my goal

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We only have one life so I decided I'd make my longterm goal world domination. First battle is mastering time management and keeping up with classes while I swim at the beach, gym, run everyday for this challenge I'm doing for money, and maintain updated with some scene, even anime if necessary. Going through all the clutter from years of escapism then plan on obtaining skills, cooking/guitar/programming/etc. I've finally mastered emotional independence since all my life I've been surrounded by narcissistic assholes, but I'm working on my fashion and hygiene before I try to advance my social skills (which are nonexistent). Planning a month trip to europe next summer.

i think i almost got a girlfriend?

great talk lets do it again sometime.