
Tahlia is kill. Good job, a couple of people from eggy's stream bullied her then she deleted her shit. One more lying female down.
Check for yourself

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Good riddance, her crying videos literally every other day were getting fucking annoying. Also why does she so desperately want to fit in the male incel community? Rhetorical question.

On one hand you are a massive faggot for spamming f5 on her channel every minute like the pathetic nigger you are, but on the other hand I do enjoy the honorable role of regularly hearing updates about thots on suicide watch.


women are stupid validation whores

tahlia is a literal melodramatic big crybaby anyway, glad she's gone

I did not do that senpai. In fact i enjoyed her drama. Just got a notfi that some one liked my comment. clicked on it, and boom no video. So search up her channel, AND BOOM all vids gone

>her last vid is titled "In a way, this was all just
natural selection at work"

thanks for the update I guess...

did anyone download her streams?

dude her streams was just her haveing fun. Then posting a sad shitty video about how she'll never do it agian. You did not miss much

I have one yes. And the video titled Why me?

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Can someone please give me an explanation of what the fuck's going on who is this girl.

Also could someone please tell me where exactly Eggy lives I have a disturbing feeling I live near him.

link to the last vid?

It wasn't anything special and she made it like 8 hours ago anyway. Last thing I saw her do on the account was post a comment insinuating suicide and some people replied to that before the vids got deleted

oh shit
she could actually be kill

God I wanna put my penis in her vagina so bad

He lives within the sphere of Kwik Trip's influence. I think either in MN or IA.

Eggy lives disturbingly close to me as well.

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why couldn't she have just posted in the incel community without giving away that she was a woman? I'm sure there's a few women that do that or have done that before considering the size of it.

She is kinda cute...

Are there nudes

shes not kill, she just deleted her shit and is being dramatic. Once she gets over her stupid moody period and realizes what a fucking idiot she is crying yo youtube and expecting attention, she will go on to college to fugg chads and major in some stupid degree like psychology or womyns studies and live on.

also, who fucking cares if she is kill? you all have grown soft and weak.

after seeing the video there, correction on woman, rather: girl

that was the most brainless thing I've read all day thank you

Some kid in one of her streams was threatening to upload nudes to his channel, might've been BS as he also gave some phony doxes but it was apparently someone she knew

Are you new here? That's how chan whores normally behave

If she has her nudes out there, then she is a useless roastie anyway.

whether or not I'm new here doesn't make your post any less brainless

I know it's Minnesota I'm just wondering where

Whats his channel name if she isnt underage?

He said he's not in Minnesota now (he's from Red Wing originally though). I think he said he lives in his aunt's basement.

stupid spoilt rich cunt gets views for crying

negative attention is better than no attention.

Tahlia always shits on Ciara and has brought her up a million times but I have never seen Ciara post about her, at least under her name.

Tahlias videos: crying while saying she is ugly and unlovable
Ciara videos: youtu.be/-flgTOG1WRQ doing random shit and having fun

Tahlia can tell herself that yeah im an annoying cunt but a-at least im not Ciara... r-right? While Ciara is having fun and not making breakdown videos everyday

In conclusion you are a loser if you orbit either

>that spacing
Oh ok, you're really new then and you don't even know what you're talking about

>I have never seen Ciara post about her
She did post under one of her recent mental breakdown videos and told her to watch some Australian comedy or something.

post link it senpai

>that spacing

She was probably just trying to get more popular by mentioning ciara


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she's being a dumb typical bpd whore and crying for attention
after she has her 2948293829392 """"mental breakdown""""" she's gonna come back & make a video about how she's sorry and that she was just being dum & that she feels better now

DUDE, Virgin Messiah is GOING IN. But yeah this is her 3rd YouTube channel where she dose this shit. People give her praise like dogs. And all she dose is focus on people calling her names.
She should man up and stop being a bitch. All she is doing is fishing for complements

You guys give all your attention to these types of girls and not cool or interesting girls, because you know in your subconscious this is the only type of girl that would give your type the time of day.

Pathetically humorous

>lives life on easy mode and has literal hundreds of online orbiters
>still can't handle it and kills self
What did she mean by this?

This, by endless streams of commenting people feed and fuel her problem. At least based virgin messiah is providing a harsh truth and reality check.

I cant believe people haven't learned their lesson after all the BPD fucked up girls on here who amass thousands of orbiters. Giving it any attention is making the problem worse.

>You guys give all your attention to these types of girls and not cool or interesting girls
Link cool and interesting girls on YouTube. I just found that girl on /mu/ who just quit YouTube, kek.

>normal looking attractive girl that has a community of people that like watching her videos and friends online
>chooses to focus on a few online trolls and ruin herself emotionally

patrolled by the messiah

Yeah, sunny already did that same stunt multiple times


Yeah, Ciara will post giving her advice, Tahlia Will call her evil and say that at least shes better than her

>Kwik Trip's
Thats primarily Wisconsin.

I honestly think eggman still lives in or around red wing minnesota.
He said he is around 30 minutes away from White Castle which is in southern suburbs of the twin cities.

i wish tahlia would actually kill herself. not even saying this to be edgy, but she's just so fucking weak and such a validation whore and she's desperate to worm her way into male spaces & then she acts surprised and like a victimized little girl when she receives justified backlash

Ciara showed up to one of her streams and she used to comment on her videos before Tahlia blocked her.

nah he worked at one.

note the drab blue polo and standard KT bathroom. I have vomited drunk in many such a bathroom.

Its a kwik trip. They got them all over MN, WI, and IA.

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>All she is doing is fishing for complements
She doesnt even fish for comments, all she cares about is people who put her down and treat her like shit.
She is the type of girl who will have a chad bf who cheats on her and beats her but everytime he beats her she breaks up with him for a day then goes crawling back to him.

Ciara is slightly less retarded now and knows not to publicly comment about other girls to the extent that Tahlia does. Ciara comments decent advice though people think its just bs


hope shes ok tho because she does strike me as a wee bit unstable

There are several kwik trips in St Cloud which is where he used to live on his own. Where he was with his whore exGF.

He is originally from Red Wing or his grandpa or whatever is.

>Ciara is slightly less retarded now
Only reason she no longer posts is because she is 18 and can stay over at her bfs and is getting fucked on the daily.
She still is a cunt on discord and instagram.

I just got here but i'm interested. someone pls give me a tl;dr about this whole thing

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Yeah desu if a girl is looking for any kind of validation among incels shes probs seriously fucked in the head

tldr, another BPD girl is threatened in soduku for the 1000000000th time and lapping up the orbit attention

no one ever learns to not feed these trolls.

He's some where in Michigan, possibly in this area north east of Chicago. He's been very careful not to reveal much this time round as he doesn't want to his Aunt to be doxxed. The only outdoor videos I remember him doing were in some woods miles away.

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Oh yes, those only discord logs leaked make her seem like such a cunt

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I don't know who this cunt is but I genuinely hope she kills herself, hopefully she already has. Stop worshiping cunts that give you even the slightest bit of attention.

It's actually fucking sad how easily she is manipulated by a few edgy anons samefagging to the point that she actually became the person they said she was. Her father is a WOW addict and her mother gives her no feminine guidance. Fucking sad.

yo ciara seems hot and not a dumb cringy whore. Someone send me her insta and discord senpai

lol no he isn't
this is just one of his followers that doesn't want his information out

Why do you losers care about this literal who? It's not something that you should even worry yourself over.

Monster#1407 was her discord last time I checked and I think she has a public insta called Ciara.horan

I guess there's a different fanbase for each ewhore. Aggy, ciara and sunny share more or less the same one because they were active during the same period

Whatevet happened to crispy?

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thanks boss man.

Ciara isnt actually better, and people think we think shes better, shes just been around longest consistently and can be sort of entertaining. She just grew on me. Sunny basically wanted to be Ciara 2.0

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Doesn't she delete her shit every few months then come back again? Lmao

Yes. This will be her 3rd time

Off somewhere being a spic faggot.

Why doesn't she get on some bpd medication?

You tranny loving retards actually got the one decent female to have a mental breakdown.

Go jerk your boiclits to ciara, she might show you new nudes for brigading against this 17 year old.

Can i hab that "pic for mei" plz?
It's rly cute

fucking love this girl. man I'd give my dog just to such her fart

Lol is he really

>decent female

and this worthless bpd whore has a meltdown every month or so, deletes all her shit, then comes back. she's a clown

Yeah kind of sad. Tahlia never scammed guys or took money. She just wanted friends but her mental illness prevented it.

She had some guy in chat on a stream of hers that was calling her a whore and dropping her docs and she said he was jer friend and they private message each other.
Like how crazy are you to have and keep a friend like that.

Then what that makes you, you chucklefuck? Leave the kid make her videos. The fact that you are so buttfrustrated over a random chick to the point of autistically making and samefagging in threads about her, is embarrassing as fuck.
How devoid of meaning does you life have to be and how sheltered a life you must lead in order to expend so much energy into trolling a random mentally ill underageb& kid?

Ciara is actually better desu, she's a better entertainer
I think all sunny wanted was just the kind of attention that ciara was receiving and not to be like her, i think she saw ciara as a senpai, sort of

you're either tahlia or some stupid roastie enabling orbiter. gtfo my Jow Forums you dumb cunt.

Plz gib pic for mei, I'm not in any sv server anymore T_T

Yeah, people wont admit that Ciara can be entertaining (for a girl at least), but sunny had a bland tryhard sense of humor. Ciara has a dry sarcastic sense of humor thats pretty unique. Shes said that her coworkers find her hilarious and she gets away with acting weird, and I can see that. Idk if Ciara even takes this shit seriously anymore. Looking at her YouTube and the comments shes just having fun. Plus she is out doing stuff more in her videos now, they used to all be in her house on her webcam

Why are you trying to find Eggy so badly?

Ciara is a shit entertainer. Erica streaming league is better than Ciara garbage content.

Are you the israeli ex or rage?
There are no other people autistic enough to incessantly beat on a dead horse.

Fellate a shotgun.

I wasn't the one asking. I already know he's in Minnesota. He only does that "I live in the eastern timezone" shit because people have fucked with him in the past and he doesn't want to be swatted.
He was streaming in Walmart once and someone called to it and had him paged over the intercom and peggy freaked out.

Fuck off khaz

Do you browse /mu/ to get mumblerap song recommendations

desu i kind of hope she pulls back eventually because a lot of these people she calls freinds are reinforcing her issues
for example she said she left discord because it was unhealthy then hre 'freind' comes in chat repeatedly asking her to join some discord and then acting like a clingy girlfriend in the middle of a stream saying that if she was really his freind she would answer his pm even though she is mid stream

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>He was streaming in Walmart once and someone called to it and had him paged over the intercom and peggy freaked out.
Top fucking kek if true.

>sunny had a bland tryhard sense of humor
Mate, sunny just has the same sense of humour of an average kid of her age, memes and memes

You do all realize this is what happened to Sunny right? This is no different. In due course youll all be calling Tahlia a whore and will have moved onto a different suposedly pure girl not to mention that anybody who kills themselves doesnt post a bunch of shit about how theyre going to do it. Shes not depressed, she just thinks she is and she wants attention. So dont reinforce her behavior by giving her the reaction she desperately wants. Give her space to decide what she really needs because Jow Forums is not what she needs at all and shell eventually realize it anyway.

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I honestly dont get why people so desperately hate ssunny. she did some shit because of peer pressure and manipulative efriends and people want to BELIEVE shes a whore so they can move on I guess

Yeah those "friends" are pretty shit. Sad part is she never really respond to any of my comments when she did they were just generic answers but then one of her "friends" would show up and she would write him a paragraph. It's why I stopped commenting.

Yeah the "respond to my dms" guy in her stream was a bitch

Sunny had a PayPal and took guys money, tahlia never took money from guys....