Do traps like being beaten and choked?

Do traps like being beaten and choked?

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Nah, actually. They like cuddles and gentle shit. Even the really really submissive types into that weird cocktrap thing. I tried facefucking one and she said stop please and couldn't take it. Got really pissed at me. Even though before she literally texted me she wanted me to do that.

I don't know what it is about traps. They really really don't like rough shit. I've fucked 7 so far and they all say the same thing. And holy FUCK do they get mad if you pull their hair. Is it cus they're high maintenance or something?

Only if you're gonna finish the job by filling their anal cavity to the brim with semen. Slapping them around just gets them hot and bothered, it'd be cruel to leave something so pathetic lost and alone, begging for cum.

How passable is the average trap? What's it like to fuck one?

In reality they really are high maintenance and still have a male drive to be respected unlike the female sex drive that is stiumlated via submission. You really have to obliterate their egos through prolonged abuse, drugging, gaslighting, etc to get them to the point where they are willing to actually be your sextoy instead of just talking about it.

You might get lucky and find one who has already been broken down/in by someone else like a parent or ex though. Then you just have to lure them in with a basic promise that things will be different with you, but once you turn them into fuckmeat they'll already be too weak to leave

Most traps don't like it.

But there are some that will do that kind of things and also you can train one to do that things with time but it easier to find one.

I feel like most males wouldn't..

at the end of the day, a males biological purpose is to fight and kill. Tough to completely bury that, even as a fag.

I've noticed that weird overprotectiveness about their hair too. Its like its one of the few things they can use as a source of pride or accomplishment in their lives. I talked to one who got really mad just at the suggestion of cumming in their hair

They ain't gonna look like anime girls. That's for damn sure. It's pretty neat to fuck them though. Tight hole, smooth skin, they smell nice too.

I'm trans and I want someone to beat and choke me.

Would you want to be cuddled afterwards?

Either someone already broke you in or you just like fantasizing about the act, but would throw a bitchfit if I fucked your little throat 3 times a day. Hopefully it's the first one. Also


If the person beating me wanted to cuddle me after that would be fine if that's what they wanted to do.

It's neither. I've always been into pain for as long as I can remember. I'm just defective.

Being defective works for now I guess, but I'd always have to worry about you one day getting a wild hair up your ass and thinking something crazy- like that your life is worth more than being a couple holes to be plugged with cock. Then I'm shit out of luck. Its a much safer bet for me to find someone who truly believes they would die if I didn't keep them around for dicking

I have this weird desire to be sadistic and then kind. I have no idea what my brain means by this.

I'm trans and all I want is for someone to baby me. Give me headpats, tickle my tummy, play video games with me and put me in diapers and lovingly cuddle with me uwu

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In my experience they're the opposite, they're so desperate to be seen as female that embrace anything seen as traditionally female, e.g. sexual submissiveness

Sorry to disappoint you but I'm a person, not a living fetish. I just need to experience pain to orgasm because I'm not wired correctly.

Don't soil the name of good girls (with penises) by lumping yourself and your own brand of sickness in with them. I couldn't even properly dick down someone who wore diapers, I'd just skip to beating you within an inch of your life.

See, this is what I mean, you still have some pride left. You're not nearly as damaged as you like to think, you're just a kinky fuck like most people are. But if you have any cute friends interested in long term complete and total submission, pass em my way

I want a TRAP to beat and choke and bully me please!

God people like you are the most pathetic of all. You probably think its okay for a trap to have a clit bigger than 4 inches too, damn homo

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Domination and submission is all just roleplaying, usually the sub is the one who has all the power. I just like pain.

Traps should have girl cocks bigger than 6 inches, correct

I like the idea of traps having hung dicks because it makes it more humiliating when they get fucked

For people in those sorts of circles its all roleplay and rules are established, but I don't want to have anything to do with all that. I am the sort of person who deeply desires to sexually use and abuse a person with reckless abandon, without giving them the option for relief or changing roles. It empowers me outside of my sexual life because in my regular life I have no power or release of any kind to call my own, just nonstop misery or at best boredom. That said, I couldn't bring myself to behave this way to any random person, both because I'd go to prison and because I don't find it morally correct; if I was going to have this relationship with someone it would have to be completely with their consent. Most people have too strong of egos to submit permanently, they just want to get their kink off and go back to regular life, which is natural. I need someone unnaturally broken, a true fuckdoll.

I also desire a loving relationship with a more normal sexual side to it, but obviously the type of person who would let me indulge my sexual monster isn't the same type of person who I could have a healthy romantic relationship with, not someone I could be seen with in public or introduce to my family

Fucking degenerates, why don't you just go on and become the traps yourselves. A good sissyfaggot trap has a microclit that never leaves its cage, and they are extremely thin and weak so that their boipussi's can remain hygienic easier and so that they can be really roughed up and thrown around helplessly. If you see a trap and think about anything but dominating them until they shatter, you don't deserve to call yourself a straight man.

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Another faggot with Autogynephilia attempting a psyop thread. Go home to faggot, you're infected with AIDS.

(banned by google for violating TOS)

But no. To answer your own question mr.tranny, you'd rather cut yourselves.

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Loosen the tinfoil from around your head, chucklefuck. We're just a bunch of degens ITT discussing degen shit, there's no conspiracy here

Traps are for taming boys. Women will never be dominant enough so you need girly boys to keep men in check.

Where would you hit your trap? Would you choke them unconscious?

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>Where would you hit your trap?
I wouldnt hit him, but probably slap his cock hard while fucking him, maybe knee his testicles while hes cumming
>Would you choke them unconscious?
Why not? Fucking unconscious boipussy is hot

In the face and stomach then just shove my cock in her ass.

Nutting and pissing in her mouth would be a bonus too.

I want to punch them in the tummy really hard until they curl up in a ball and cry and then choke them until they comply and lay flat again for more tummy punches. Wonder how many times someone could take that before breaking

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You've got it so backwards I don't even feel like engaging you on this. You're lost in the sauce

I'd really like to punch them hard in the back of the head while fucking their ass inside out. I've got some brass knuckles that would be great for this. They have to maintain a girly yelp in their voice though, if they drop character from the pain I'll lose my boner. As for choking, I'd start by using my hands around their throat while fucking their ass missionary position, and maintain my grip while I pull out of their boipussi and throw my cock down their throat with all my might. I'd keep that up until they lost consciousness if possible. Their body would probably instinctively try to push me back but there's no way any faggot sissy can match my strength, I'd just slap them around but not hard enough to leave marks on that pretty fag face. No bruises on the face, just loads. If I did manage to facefuck them unconscious and I hadn't already nutted down their throat or up their nose, I'd probably pull out and go back to town on that ass so that when they come to they're brought right back into the reality of being my fuckpuppet cumclown. It'd be really hot if they started crying at that point, I'd be diamonds at that point. I abuse a lot of opiates, so I won't cum for quite a long time, my little fag doll would have to endure daddy's desire for hours at a time potentially.

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Fuck that's hot. I'd give them about four or five rounds of that, then tell them to stop crying and suck my cock.

Mmm that sounds great, I really love the idea of driving it home mentally for her that she'll never amount to more than a discarded used condom for as long as she lives thanks to the choice she made of becoming a sissy. blog source on your pic?


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Hmm not finding anything by searching that or using do you have the exact url? Thanks, that little clit is precious

Would you let them cum? How big would you want the boiclit to be?

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Must have been among the blogs that got nuked recently in the campaign against lewds. Google "mayasleeps tumblr" and you can find some stuff in other people's reblogs

Traps are for hugs, not for fugs.

doesn't matter what size her girl penis is, she's not gonna be using it anyway

They can cum but they better be careful about cumming too soon, because I'm gonna keep throttling them until I'm satisfied whether they're staying turned on or not. It's also a strictly enforced rule that they must eat anything that comes out of their clit. My house isn't their faggot litter box, they clean up after themselves or I box their pretty little head in.

And like I mentioned previously, my preference is that a boiclit is as small as possible. They definitely won't be bigger than me, that's gay. Of course, I'll buy them the prettiest cages that their faggot heart desires, they can even dress it up in a little bow if they want. The important thing is that remain loyal and value my cum like liquid gold.

good call, thanks again and do post more of her if you have any!

Close but no cigar. Traps are for raping and gaping, but certainly not hating.

Anyone else so far down the dom rabbit hole that they'd like to not only be called daddy but also father? I'd be up for father/son roleplay for sure: after becoming a she'd have to try to earn my love back by satisfying me sexually, especially since that's all she's good for now at this point. Likewise, I'd take out my anger and disdain as the father of a faggot by reaming her ass with vengeance. Of course, that love would never fully come back, in the back of her mind she knows that she's now not my child but rather my cumdump, and she made the decision to go down that road.

Fuck, if this roleplay actually mirrored her relationship with her actual parents that'd be even hotter. If I had a trap of my own she'd have very limited contact with her family either way, and I'd go out of my way to humiliate her by loudly fucking her whenever she tried to phone them, or sending her to see them in person with a load or two still on her face or in her hair. That's her problem to explain- play sissy games, win sissy prizes.

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Peep my dubs you queers. But anyways just wanted to add that forcing my trap to always smell overwhelmingly like my seed sounds so perfect. That would be the ultimate mark of ownership. I'd love to send her out to fetch my snacks and give her some extra money for whatever faggot makeup kit she wanted, all the while just reeking of my cum, making people turn their heads so much that she's blushing 24/7. All the attention would probably make her leak constantly too, the poor horny thing, by the time she got back home her panties would be sticky like a cup of glue had been poured in.

>It's also a strictly enforced rule that they must eat anything that comes out of their clit. My house isn't their faggot litter box, they clean up after themselves or I box their pretty little head in.

What about poo poo from ass

That's disgusting. I'm not a sick fuck who isn't gonna let her use the toilet, as long as its followed up with a thorough enema. Her consumption of food products will be extremely limited for this purpose obviously. Use your head, freak

How far do you want it to go?
To death?

Yes. I fantasize about being killed every day. I hate it, I feel like I'll never be able to experience my desires.

I would happily bring you as close to the edge as possible, but in return you have to be cute and look great in a skirt. I'd argue that you'd be happier walking the line between life and death than you would be falling into the permanent sleep before it was truly your time. At the very least, you would be satisfying me and my cock and serving a purpose, since I'm not about to fuck a corpse anytime soon.

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>serving a purpose
Why can't I be into pain without wanting my purpose in life to be sex?

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You can be. I was just using my the example of serving my sexual desire as a more productive alternative to outright death. And I think we can agree that serving my sexual desire is a fine payment for me aiding in the desire to be brought as close to death as possible. Not many people realistically have it in them to do such a thing

>Not many people realistically have it in them to do such a thing
That is actually very true. Too many people have told me they were sadistic or wanted to hurt me but when they get to know me suddenly those feelings evaporate because they care about me.

Indeed. Whats more, out of the few people who could do it without it weighing heavily on their conscience, even fewer could be trusted to do it safely and with enough control to not permanently end your life. And whether or not you want it or think you want it, the obvious fact is that ending a life comes with a lot of stress inducing trouble afterwards

Bump for making my dick hard again

I just need someone to suck my dick with their ass.

traps prefer cuddles not sex, heck most would say cuddles is more enjoyable than sex because sex hurts their buttholes

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If anal is hurting your BP then you're just not taking the whole process slow enough. There's a lot of preparation that goes into taking a buttvirgin and giving them pleasant buttfucking, I'm talking prep that can last for over a month if they can't let go of any previously held mental blocks against it.

>"dominant" homosexual subhuman thinks he has the right to criticize anyone else
You "people" are literally the lowest rank of male. You are completely and utterly worthless as a man in every aspect of life, so you take out your frustrations at your inferiority out on men who are physically weaker than you, but still higher in the male hierarchy then yourself

Or you just find one that wants it, you know

>tfw no cute (secretly switch) trap friend to be close friends with and cuddle with eachother
I don't really i want to fuck guys, but i do want this for some reason. I like the idea of being intimate with cute guys

>masculine man who follows traditional man behavior like weightlifting, target shooting, etc is lower on the hierarchy than a male to female transitioner who wears womens clothing and makeup, etc
>this is because the masculine male is down to stick his cock in the feminized male

Calling bullshit, captain homophobe, but do keep beating your drum for the entertainment of the rest of us with IQ's higher than the average ape's.

I just explained to you why. Not my fault your tiny brain can't comprehend it

Yes aswell as burning in hell

Come now, user, this is r9k. We're all degenerates here.

Ishak fucking stop h

>In reality they really are high maintenance and still have a male drive to be respected unlike the female

This is actually true.

>no gentle dom trap