People still believe in a mythical sky daddy in 2018

>people still believe in a mythical sky daddy in 2018

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people still care about what people believe in, in 2018

Imagine being so atheist to lose time in Jow Forums preaching it

bro how enlightened are you right now

Religous fags are meting right now, you can acept science has proved your fair tale is fake

>and then the snake talked, a man walked on water and two of every animal sailed around the flooded earth on a boat

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How? Science cannot explain the birth of the universe, only what came after

What does a religious fag know about science anyway? Church only now about persecuting thinkers for proving they wrong, like Galileu

>Church only now about persecuting thinkers for proving they wrong,


When Copernico discovered that earth orbit around the sun, church banned him

>le magic skydaddy zomg
Seek Christ user. If you are here, you are probably unhappy in some way, and spending time in a faith-based community can give you a strong sense of peace and fulfillment. I am praying for you!

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You are missing the point of religion user, it isn't whether or not god, or any of it is real but about community and being a good person. Some people really do need it, so stop tipping your fedora and accept some people may need this guidance in their lives and don't judge them for this. I'm of course talking about Christianity not jews or mudslimes.

If someone tells me they're religious. I don't bat an eye.
If a religious person asks me "What god I believe" and I say I don't believe in any. They act like I've got a mental illness, then spends the next 10 minutes trying to convince me that god must exist because we have no other explanation for the creation of everything.

Try talking to christians, not gospel wak believers

An atheist that spreads arguments like this are lacking peace entirely. It is so transparent. It is like how people who are super anti-gay a lot of the time are gay themselves.
OP, you do not have to put on the act anymore. I know you are in pain. I can feel it, brother. Seek god. Find god. Embody god. You can find everlasting peace, user.

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its unfortunate but its not only one way as you describe

Religion is philosophical suicide.

>people still giving money to mythical sky daddy minister

>people genuinely believe that Meyers Briggs personality tests are meaningful in 1 A.D. + 2017
That's gonna be a yikes from me dawg

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I've never had one exception to religious people being shocked and trying to convert me on the spot.
It got to the point where I just say I'm Christian so I don't have to be bothered with having to justify my beliefs

>I can't and won't counter the claim that we're full of shit but join us anyway because it'll give you good feelings and I'll pretend to be nice to you

I think many athiests know deep down they aren't living right. This is why they attack those with faith so fervently, and why they feel the need to "debate" all the time: they need more people "on their side" to convince themselves they're right.

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Yes, atheism managed to produce great thinkers like Sartre, Adorno, etc.
Christian "thinking" is limited and opressive, it only reproduce authoritarism. Only the lack of faith can creat a really free thinking

Ok user. I just want you to know that I love you, and I will be praying for you tonight. I hope you can find your peace. God is waiting.

>philosophical suicide
>who is Soren Kierkegaard, the greatest philosopher who ever lived

don't go to a nigger church, faggot

Can you name a single good philosopy that was atheist?
(please don't shame yourself saying nietchze)

i more meant that atheists often espouse their way of thinking when you say you are religious

I am sorry that you haven't yet become awakened to some sort of spirituality mister, but it does not upset me you are critical of religion. There exists a huge mass of people who's eyes have not yet truly seen, but still operate under the auspices of religion.

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I can feel the pain. It is ok user. God will be there for you regardless. We will have a good laugh about this on the other side. I love you, and I will pray for you tonight user. You can find peace in this life if you want to.

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>what are missionaries
>what is that one burger who died trying to spread his faith literally a week ago

We all know you won't.

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If the Devil is real the so is God. The Devil taught you to hate sky daddy.

>the argument is literally a news
The state of Jow Forums, this is some reddit like bullshit

>he thinks authoritarianism is bad
>he is a degenerate hedonist, and bases his entire worldview on what makes his dopamine receptors feel good
Seek Christ user

You can read off your script of nice feel good words but it's all an act to let you pretend you're a good and righteous person without actually putting in any effort. You couldn't say one thing about me besides vague statements that apply to all of us, so this isn't about me, it's about you, and even in your attempts to seem nice it's obvious it's all a lie.

You are jaded and that is ok. This was the mission god sent you on. This is the perspective you were cursed to have. I will be praying for you to find peace in this life, but if you don't, that is ok. We will have a good laugh about this on the other side.

>projecting in the current year of the Lord

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Will christ give me money, girls, pleasure? If not why I would believe in it?

>he doesn't recognize a direct quote from based Camus

Feminism for example set woman free, Now they can work, fuck who they want, dress how thy want, while christians just want to repeat the only slavery of marrige

>t.based internet evangelist
Peace be with you, brother

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Ok. I can tell that I am prodding some nerve here. I will leave you be. Don't believe it if you do not want to - but everything I have said has come from the heart. No script. No self righteousness. We are all one in the same. I have been you before, brother. I cannot wait to catch up on the other side.

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No one reconize Camus as a thinks, he is a good talker at best, but in 10 years will be forgoten.

>God-given free will
>six millennia of people still believing this is not a paradox

I don't know what's worse, an intelectual atheist that's a complete ignorant or a preacher that is a complete degenerated

Are you seriously arguing that feminism is a good thing? A Christian marriage is a partnership; men and women both have obligations to each other and roles to fill.

Words are cheap. I hope that you do some actual measurable good in the world when you aren't posting here.

It's like a prison, I a person want to have sex with other, a contract should keep then from being happy. How can people be fun without freedom to do what they want, when they want?

I like to think I do, user. I try to be the best person I can be every day.

>life's all about le fun! I'm an adult, that means I get to do whatever I want, when I want!
Hedonism isn't an ideal or a belief system, it is a state of spiritual sickness, and it only leads to emptiness later in life. Time to grow up kiddo; find a good, traditional, conservative, Christian woman and build a life together.

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Why you think girls want to be wifes, when they can get fuck, drink, use drugs, and be free to do as they please?

>implying non-christians can go to heaven

or are you one of those wishy-washy nu-christians who reject the one most basic and vital tenet of christianity, i.e. that belief in jesus is necessary for salvation?

>he DOESN'T thinks authoritarianism is bad
authoritarians are insincere in their beliefs and so require all to hold them to validate himself.

>How can people be fun without freedom to do what they want, when they want?
guy, people can CHOOSE to be in marriage. It is their freedom to submit to each other in a free relationship. If one falters there is always divorce. Then again why does it have to be so formal?

If one people got tied of the other, or tired of familiar live, they should have the right to leave and live as they want. There is nothing to gain by doing what you don't want to.

Life is emptiness. Life has no meaning. Religion is just humans' attempt to fill that emptiness.

If a woman doesn't want to be a wife, then she isn't a virtuous person and you should ignore her. All romantic relationships should have marriage as the end goal. Why would you want to spend time with women who want to do drugs and sleep around?

Wow, that deep, what cartoon teached you this?

what if someone were to say that if jesus exists they accept him but lack the required evidence to believe?

Then they are saying he doesn't exist

>Why you think girls want to be wifes
this is a good thing, then marriage can become a true and sincere expression of love between two persons. Without freedom of choice, marriage becomes a social tool to gain status and money, something both sexes are guilty of.

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Life through Jesus Christ is full of meaning, and a rich happiness in the company of your bretheren. You are wallowing in your misery, forming your worldview to justify your unhappiness. Seek Christ and find peace brother

When marrige is no enforced by society, people start to have fun, they do this because it's better.

Why are you so insistent that momentary fun is the end all be all of life? You do know that all stable civilizations had enforced monogamy as their bedrock, right?

> they should have the right to leave and live as they want.
I agree, but don't we have this already, divorce is but a formality.

> If a man doesn't want to be a husband, then he isn't a virtuous person and you should ignore him.
r9k conservatives btfo, inbf woman are not people

then ask them to pray for faith and then when they don't, you should.

>I agree, but don't we have this already, divorce is but a formality.
And now people have better relationships than ever before in history. Someone can marry when they want and leave marriage when tehy want.

why does god condemn gays to burn in hell?

Because dedicanting your live to mundane sexual pleasure don't allow you to get closer with God. It's not only gays, it's anyone that dedicate their live to sexual pleasure.

Religion is the ultimate cope.

>enforced monogamy
if society needs to enforce certain beliefs, then these beliefs are not sincerely held, but are surface-level tools for societal gain. There is no difference between this and enforced 'belief' in a religion.

>they do this because it's better.
>things the crowd does MUST be right

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Only gays who actively practice sodomy. A gay who lives a celibate life can go to heaven

They are more prone to do so than most people, but any form of sex for the pleasure of it without marriage is a sin. Not only gay sex.

but i asked why they are sent what about sodomy is deemed to be a sin on the same level as murder?

It's not, fornication, sodomy, and other sexual related sins are not in the same level as murder, who told you this bullshit?

>letting retards be retards
most dangerous idea in the book

Because they are perverting an act meant to create new life, they are soiling a miracle that God gave us the ability to perform

>people still believe there's good in people and group together to do good things.

Yeah what faggots user.

murderers are sent to hell, gays are sent to hell what is the honest difference?
what about gays that invovle themselves the act of a surrogate motherhood and have their own biological children?

You have to understand that Christfags get an intense masochistic pleasure at being insulted and spat at. It's a core part of their faith, it validates them. Suffering is extremely Christian.

we let you live, so why not

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>unrepentant murderers are sent to hell, unrepentant gays are sent to hell
fixed 4 u

>murderers are sent to hell, gays are sent to hell what is the honest difference?
Hell literally mean far from God forever, any act that make you far from God may lead to hell.
>what about gays that invovle themselves the act of a surrogate motherhood and have their own biological children?
You know this is fiction don't you?

I really hope you just wanted to take that insult opportunity and you don't actually entertain that idea.

So then saying having a certain sexual orientation is on the same moral level as murder is correct as far as hell goes?

>living away from the lords light in 2k18

>A gay who lives a celibate life can go to heaven

Not gonna happen. Gays are easter-island rabbits with no peak capacity. They are biologically sex-crazed.

Liking man by itself isn't a sin, but having sexual acts only for pleasure, make you away from God.
Some acts make you more far than others, only a person that don't understand Christ and want to criticize it would think such a bullshit like "murder is the same as gay to God)

You dumbass. Christian religion kept western civilization in harmony.
Do you really think there would be so many thots and generally bad people around if Christianity kept its hold?

without retards, we wouldn't have janitors

>some acts makes you farther than others
yet they are both punished with hell are they not?

Cringe, but redpilled actually

Being an atheist is just retarded lmao.

The Paranormal already proves the existence of Heaven and Hell. I'm not even a hardcore Christian. The only reason I have a religion is because I believe in the Paranormal.

When you die and get raped by s8n in hell don't be a pussy and cry, okay.

Why are you talking about this like the church is a Discord server baka.

People who decide to clean restrooms are not retarded.
People who incite violence and intolerance for the sake of something not even real are retarded.

proofs friend?

Any unrepented sin can lead to hell, but some sins are worse than others. I'm start to think you are an idiot to think that stelling a can when you're a kid is the same as robbing for living.

The amount of newfags still astonishes me.
Lurk more, faggot.

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they are met with the same punishment stop dancing around that fact

The decrease in church attendance correlates directly with the moral decline of society

Sins make you away from God, this is a punishment in live, with suffering, and if someone is far from God in the time of their death, they go to hell.
You can try to reduce things in your favor as much you want, they don't work as you would like.

Why yes, there are plenty of videos and pictures that you can find on the internet. It's quite simply really. Technology continues to debunk Skeptic's disbelief for the Paranormal. Do a little research on the internet and you might find some videos.