How do you guys feel about /pol taking credit for /r9k's actions?

how do you guys feel about /pol taking credit for /r9k's actions?

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r9k is always on the news but pol takes the hate. I'm good with that

> we do the happenings
> pol gets the blame
I feel /devilish/

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It's all according to keikaku

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what happened to "the news"

it used to understand that such stories were bullshit but now its like they have no idea

Has Jow Forums ever produced anything of note that wasn't just stolen or repurposed from somewhere else. Literally the niggers of the Internet.

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Why is this a bad thing? We can make our moves from behind the scenes while Jow Forums makes themselves useful and take the heat. All the normies can flood there while we remain OK

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Every person and their mother repurposed this pdf that I produced. Its a prototype to a book i'm writing on a new set of quantum mechanics

>what happened to "the news"
People realized that you can hear about happenings from twitter and other social media platforms faster than waiting for the mid day news. Now since the news is ultimately still a TV show subject to ratings and shit, decided that instead of keeping the positive trait of fact checking, it should dispense it for the same level of speedy reporting, regardless of how many details you get wrong, make up, or miss. That and this, it's easier to blow things out of proportion for views and for agenda pushing.

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people here are also right wing trolls though

>online sex workers

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It's okay to be white

I was there when they brainstormed the thing

Omitting the second slash is a new meme?

Who is this alt-right incel hacker nigger known as Jow Forums?

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>Bonnie (((Ruberg)))
Every time

Jow Forums has a mega thread full of hackers on steroids getting shit done. Jow Forums hasn't done shit.

Here's the hard truth, bucko. They don't actually care about it, they just want your clicks

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>Jow Forums
>Pretty much anywhere on the internet.

Men are pissed everywhere.

Pissed at who? E-whores or the based and redpilled anons who report them to the IRS?

it is kinda hard to get pissed when you are getting paid for fighting thots

Proof that Jow Forums is full of homosexuals. They only report females, not trannies or gays.

i dont get this do they really think that making the MC a white male is political in any fashion and not the devs trying to sell copies of a game? Why should developers not indulge in their main audience

taxes are literally the reason for the creation of the United States. fuck these roasties for being anti american

How many tranny and gay e-whores are there?

Why is it ironically always white people trying to push this kind of shit?

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Every tranny and gay in the world is an e-whore.

Why are all incel cucks who can't get laid right wing? It's almost like fascism is for losers

Jow Forumsfags and normans stay mad
heh heh heh, all is going to keikaku

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Because leftism is what enables hypergamy.

This reminds me of the time I reported my oneitis's mother to the IRS for avoiding taxes on her side jobs. Man did that feel good. After all the penalties they had to move out of my nice neighborhood into a shitty apartment lol. If anyone you hate is avoiding taxes I highly recommend this method.

I dont care as long as thots are hurt.
>doesnt even occur to her to get a job other than stuffing things in her holes

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Devilish af tbqh

Good. Fuck Jow Forums honestly.

This shouldn't make me mad (cause I'm black) but it does.