
Hello and welcome to another /creativegeneral/

Blarod here. Post whatever it is you've made and I'll try and give feedback.

I made a new song, it's very ambient and creepy. It's going along with a story I'm writing, about a guy who makes music for snuff films.
Feedback of any kind is appreciated.


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Other urls found in this thread:



Gonna go play league and hopefully there will be some stuff to review when I get back.

Do you guys like these threads? Should I keep doing them?

My first ever render in blender, made a few months back

i like it, looks very cozy.

Appreciate it, robot

bump bymp bymp

really, really close to finishing this album, would love to know what you guys think

Attached: unnamed (2).jpg (534x512, 23K)

I made a youtube channel. New video later tonight. First vid here:

Attached: Boomer News.jpg (852x480, 190K)

Not sure, maybe when someones being stalked and recorded.

I like it a lot newtie. You have a nice voice. When is your album coming out?

ty, i'm hoping for the album to be out in early december, i still have to record one more song before it's done

Attached: pony1.png (496x496, 482K)

Whats it going to be called?
I'm working on an album too


maybe ill fully finish an album someday, but for now all I've got is basically a filler track because I have no drums or space to record vox.

im probably gonna call it "Pony!" the album art is in my post above. what type of music are you doing for your album?

I like it, it's cute.

I'm doing ambient/post-rock stuff. I want all the songs to blend into each other.

OP here, I call my stuff "post-ambient..."

I don't know if anyones done that before

my soundcloud
i also take photos of shit around my area

Attached: 20171212_103937.jpg (2016x1512, 689K)

I like your music user.

That photo looks really cozy, I like it. I love the snow.

thank you, i dont show my music to many people im happy you liked it!
i have loads of photos but Jow Forums wont let me upload more then a few mb :(

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You're doing it it fruity loop, aren't you.

i use magix music maker, igot with a humble bundle sometime ago

Use Propellerhead's Reason. Anything else is amateur or a plugin. Fruity is good for mastering, magix.. for kids. Reason has a massive soundbank repository which allows for professional use. I'm not going to lie - those songs are lowest tier, and shouldn't be used for a movie.

i have no plans of really using the songs for anything, i started making music to stop cutting, magix works for me even if its just samples, still thank you!

Cutting what?

myself... im not a girl btw so its a bigger red flag!

In this case you should really try Reason. Since you'll be able to do much more than just copy/paste samples, you'll soon get immersed into composing.

i don't see what its all about tho, i make like 40 sec songs that distract me from cutting, it works for me, i understand it and i feel ok using it
now if i were to change what i used i would have to learn how to use it, stress about not understanding what im doing then got back to step one, im weak minded and i know ill fail before i even try...still, thank you!

Sorry if this is too personal of a question user, but why do you cut? I never saw the appeal. Is it to deal with depersonalization?

if im going to be real here, i hate myself and think i should be in pain, also a few mental problems that never have been dealt with (early childhood trauma is amazing) so now i cut make myself in pain, hopes that ill die even tho i know it will almost never kill me

I see. I'm sorry you feel like that user. Normie question but have you tried medication.

If music helps keep doing it.

ive been on ssris for years nothing helps i dont trust people enough for any therapy, music more or less stops me for a bit. i dont mean to bum you out sorry about that

It's okay user. I hope you end up doing okay.

OP, which software do you use?

I posted my art here last time, now it's time for writing. I'm working on pieces of it at a time. No real flow yet, just little non-linear parts so far. My writing is nothing special, and I have a heavy focus on dialogue. Never written anything before.

My story is heavily based on the shitshow that is Channel Awesome, and their downfall. Most of the key people are the same except I have a PR manager in my story who is based on Malcolm Tucker from The Thick of It. The story is about him, and the tard wrangling that goes on behind the scenes to keep the website up. In this scene, Louis is dealing with the aftermath of trolls finding his old accounts on sex forums where he typed smut about sucking black cock.

Attached: Screen Shot 2018-11-26 at 12.10.13 AM.png (1012x1182, 214K)

Reason 10 intro.

For this song though I used my guitar and my reverb pedals.

That's pretty funny. I'd probably read more.

why not ableton

I wanted something obscure, yet better than FL. A lot of people use ableton and I didn't like the preset patches on them compared to reason. I really like Reason now.

I'm going to try and do something where Pete starts off as an unassuming pushover, and gradually have the others push his buttons until he snaps and understands that berating these people is the only way to get them to behave.

This scene is a comparison. For background, Pete has immediate friction with Noah, who hates the idea of having his content moderated. Later he steals Pete's journal, which has details about failed creative aspirations and shitty drawings. Pete wanted to be a creative at one time, but decided to work for creatives instead because he has no talent. Just like in real life, Noah has shit going on with an unfulfilled promise to make a movie.

Attached: Pete V Noah.png (730x1157, 266K)

i know nothing about DAWs OP. Which one should i use?


track I just cooked up

I have a lot of ideas for simple acoustic songs should i even bother making them

reposting old

Attached: 551.jpg (1280x1654, 724K)

hows it feel to draw things more attractive than yourself

This was made by piecing together multiple robotic vids.


my shitty covers for my never-releasing album
because im a lazy piece of shit :)

trying to get into making music. played around with some DAWs and started writing lyrics. cant sing to save my life though so i might be fucked.

Which DAW are you using at the moement?

Norf FC! Come on lads, let's 'ave it you fookin suvvan ape

Attached: norf.jpg (523x800, 134K)

audacity and lmms

I posted a few weeks ago in one of these threads a book series I wrote for TES that I was working on making a quest out of. An early part of the quest has the player encounter a secluded Forsworn village, hidden high in the Druadach Mountains. There's a bard there, and he has a ballad he sings of his people and their struggle. Here it is.
>There is a land, so fair it stands,
>The Emerald of the North
>From the mossy peat and rocky wold
>Came the Reachmen boldly forth
>Though many have claimed to be our Lord,
>We are our own to rule
>To us alone, these hills belong
>not to Cyrod, Mer nor Nord

>Foul Olaf, he did take our land,
>with Atmoran hordes so cruel
>And Hestra of Alessia,
>took it from him in turn
>Though good King Faolan drove them back,
>Though they felt his mighty burn
>Not long to for, we were slaves again
>under a foreign lord
>From Reman-Drear, to Akavir
>It mattered not to us
>We yearned instead for that distant year
>When the Reach was ours to roam

>But then came trickster Durcorach,
>Cunning as a fox
>In Interregnum, with his marching drum,
>Conquered all from docks to docks
>Though his arrogance and appetence
>Saw death by foreign hand,
>Even under Leovic
>The Reachmen ruled their land

>Yet after many centuries,
>Twas stolen from us in shame
>By infernal Tyrant Septim,
>then the one called Stormcloak same
>But even now, in our hearts,
>Burns fair Faolan's flame
>And yet again, come our stand,
>will the Reachmen rule their land
>And yet again, come their blood
>will the Reachmen rule our land
I imagine it as sounding something like this: youtube.com/watch?v=rDzvphtF9YI

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>start writing new story
>lose steam after one page
>read it
>fucking delete it

anyone know the name of this disorder


I write poems and make beats
What else is new

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Just keep writing. Doesn't matter how trash you think it is. Don't be afraid to go back and edit things, but don't get caught up doing that either. You might be surprised by how good it turns out.

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I think a big problem is that you make these threads right as americans are going to bed, and when western europas are still asleep / just waking up. Big american presence here. I think some people don't like shilling as often as these threads pop up, so they don't post their stuff every thread so you see a varying userbase in these threads.

Aye bois I'm very productive still I didn't use it all up saturday I got like 6 tracks in the works (one of which I made the beat for!) Whatever

Newest shit:

My recent EP:

+1 for lmms and audacity.
Recently switched to ableton though as I got a great discount during black friday. liking it a lot more but it is a bit more difficult to learn

Like other dude said just keep writing and keep your bad shit around. Whenever you feel writer's block go back to the bad shit and try to fix it up. I used to throw away everything I did whether it was poetry, stories, songs, beats. All got trashed. It doesn't help you much if you don't learn from it.

And if writing ability isn't your problem then just stop writing for a bit and come back. Figure out a routine that keeps you writing for as long as possible.

Interesting. Are you going to keep it as text or eventually find someone to record it?

You have a good comedic style. Just make sure it doesn't rely too much on absurdity for its comedy or it will get old quick. Your second post is a little less humorous, but it definitely has a great feel to the dialogue. Good mix of tv-speak and realism.

very comfy.

Just posted a new song 5 minutes ago.


>Are you going to keep it as text or eventually find someone to record it?
Hopefully I'll actually see the project through and all the characters (3 major, 7 minor) will be voiced. There are amateur actors in the skyrim mod community who lend their voices to projects for free, and I've already reached out to a few of them with sample lines. So the bard would probably be voiced by one of those if I can find one who's decent at singing. Doesn't have to be amazing or anything.
I recorded my own version a little while ago but I'm shit at singing, have terrible recording equipment and also had a cold, so it came out pretty bad. vocaroo.com/i/basedfoOH65u7u

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>tfw tried to do standup once
>I am a fat guy
>came up with an act where I carried a scale out on stage then would speak about how stand up burns calories and run around the stage like one of those 'high energy observational comedians' and would weight myself every few minutes and talk about how I was losing weight live on stage
>went to an open mic to do the routine
>walked out on stage with my scales
>makes me really nervous
>try to do the act
>start running on the stage
>slip and fall over, hurt my ankle
>have to leave because it hurts

its hard to do stand up

Attached: wmu.jpg (180x204, 8K)

what made you even want to do standup? Never got the appeal. Either going to shows or doing them.
Then again I don't find most "jokes" funny anyway.

Interesting. The genre (i guess?) is a bit different from most creators in these threads, but I bet there would be someone here that could do it if you could catch their eye or something.

Definitely try to get it voiced.

Any of you fags have any recommendations for shit to do while seated at the piano? Being a beginner without direction, all I know how to do is practice scales and arpeggios or practice a piece of music that I like. Doesn't seem like it's very good for getting gud.

not him but i use simpleimageresizer.com/upload#
for large images

The VO will be pretty much the last thing I finish. I'm still writing the script and working on building the environments right now, so the end isn't even in sight right now. But I'll certainly put out a call in one of these threads if they're still around when I'm ready.

Attached: talbjorn.jpg (551x717, 138K)

People love self-deprecating comedy, user. I don't watch amateur standup myself, but I'm willing to bet that a significant portion of your audience are there to make them feel better about themselves. If you can embrace that, I'm sure you can do well. But I can't imagine genuinely not letting it get under your skin.

Find a piece that's harder than what you can currently do and master it. That's the best way to get better.

>hurt my ankle
>hard to do stand up
Consider relying on crutches then.

Right. Should I force myself to look at the sheet music while playing? Currently I just use it as a reference, looking at it while learning a part and then relying on memory to play it then on. I'm not sure if that's how I should go about it.

This is really impressive, do you have any more recent renders?

Buffalo Fritz Brandenburg approves of this thread.

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i like it my man, very calm.
you remind me of Jack Stauber, but only off of his album Viator.
take a listen and you'll see what i mean:

Attached: comforble.jpg (640x559, 32K)

Doing these trap-ish songs is kinda fun it turns out. I also enjoy how vocaroo fucks up the quality of recordings.

I think it would sound good if you got a drum machine on it, kinda like big black did.

it's 4channel for you. Cool video.

The song hypes you up but never delivers. I know I'm supposed to focus on the singing but it's hard when the song sounds like there's about to be a drop. That's just my take. "Playedthefooldemo" is really good though.

I think I will just lurk most of these threads. I cannot produce new works fast enough to post anything new.
Does anybody here share my sentiments?

>Does anybody here share my sentiments?
Yeah. Usually I just post something I haven't finished or shared under a name yet.

>that bass
It won't make me do a poo will it? Neat piano.

I share this feel. It's fun to experience robots' new work but everyone seems so much more efficient at producing stuff.

I just made a camouflage pattern. Think Jow Forums would like this?

Attached: KentuckyForestCamo4.png (1600x1600, 1.7M)

I probably wont even post anything new for a few weeks, but I now have a job.

>It won't make me do a poo will it?

>everyone seems so much more efficient at producing stuff.
can relate. i try to tell myself everyone's at least a bit insecure about their music and post it anyway.

I made a wallpaper last weekend.

Attached: 1512119102002.jpg (3840x2160, 1.72M)

Sorry for the day late reply user. I would recomend starting with FL studio, as it is very easy to use, and then moving up to ableton or reason.


Just bought a bass guitar from a pawn shop, hoping to make some nice ambient bass lines for the album that I'm working on.

Also very surprised that this thread hasn't died yet

Attached: ss+(2016-10-15+at+02.23.56).jpg (589x585, 121K)

I like it a lot.

Very well made user, I love the blue and pink.

Is that Chicago?

Portland, Oregon.

The thread pic is also Portland, took these pics two years ago.


I just want to thank everybody who's listened to my music, it means a ton to me :)

I'll probably work on it tomorrow. Thank you for the critique.

The city I live in has only six numbered streets. I thought that I might as well guess yours.

I'll post this one again since you guys really seemed to like it last time


Latest piece: youtube.com/watch?v=iKf_w7CX3PI
I'll probably make a breakdown playlist for _W H A T at some point.